This tournament is loosely based on this season of Survivor, ..., Survivor - Redemption Island. I say loosely because there won't be any voting off players or voting for the winner at the end or hidden immunity idols and "tribes" will not remain constant. Reward and immunity will be awarded each game, but the big part that will be used in this tournament is Redemption Island (in this case, Redemption Conquerland (I will abbreviate this as RCL).
Settings: Map - varies Game Type - Terminator (main games, except finals), Standard (RCL games and finals) Initial Troops - varies Play Order - Sequential Spoils - Escalating Reinforcements - varies Fog of War - varies Round Length - Casual
Entry Requirements:
100+ games played
97%+ turns taken
Freemiums allowed (1 game at a time, except finals is 3 games)
The Basics (detailed rules and round structure below): In each round we will have 1 or 2 main games going and from those games, the following will occur:
The first player(s) out of each game will go to RCL.
The winner(s) will receive immunity, meaning they will not be sent to RCL in the next round even if they are the first player out.
The player(s) who eliminates the first player(s) of the game(s) will receive reward, meaning they will get to choose the map and settings for their game in the next round (only settings labeled as "varies" shown at the top of the post - others will remain fixed as shown)
Redemption Conquerland: The players on RCL will play a standard game (random map, sequential, automatic, escalating, chained, sunny) and the loser(s) will be eliminated from the tournament. The winner will stay on RCL and await the next set of players to try to stay in the game.
Finals: Eventually, the main games will play down to 3 players. Those 3 players plus the 1 player who makes it through RCL will compete in the finals which will consist of 3 games. If a single player wins at least 2 of the 3 games, they will be declared the winner. If 3 different players win the 3 games, 1 last game will be played with the 3 winners for all the marbles (random map, standard, sequential, automatic, escalating, chained, foggy).
smegal69 eliminated first player, wins reward...... hehe Game 9039000 i see in the future a super-max game, that's foggy and adj forts......wahoo and now, back to the game to take the rest out.