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NikolaMakendonski/Maikrr multi/SD [cleared]KRK

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NikolaMakendonski/Maikrr multi/SD [cleared]KRK

Postby aelgefu on Thu Apr 28, 2011 4:11 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis/Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 8824814

Until the very end of the game, neither at any point attacked each others' core territories. This didn't get suspicious until it became clear that maikrr was developing a strong lead in the game; but NikolaMakedonski, who was significantly weaker than either of the other two players, continued attacking only us. I pointed out several times in chat that maikrr's advantage was becoming unbeatable, but blue continued to suicide me until yellow swept the board. I'm extremely doubtful that this could have been simply a case of terrible strategic decision-making, because 1) NikolaMakedonski made no effort whatsoever to win the game himself, preferring instead to weaken the players who could have prevented maikrr from doing so; and 2) I find it completely implausible that NikolaMakedonski could have obtained his current rank of Captain if that is an example of his level of gameplay. It therefore seems clear either that they were working together to enable maikrr to win the game.

The other player in the game (Teacher) concurred in gamechat that this looked like a case to report.
Lieutenant aelgefu
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Re: NikolaMakendonski/Maikrr multi/SD [pending]KRK

Postby Qwert on Sun May 01, 2011 3:27 pm

NikolaMakedonski BIH 102 games

maikrr germany 78 games
well i dont know how they investigate multis, but one are from BIH and second are from Germany, two not so close countries.
They play 102 and 78 games in CC, and these whas first game to play together, hardly to be game partner for secret diplomacy, expecialy when Hikola talk english much worst then me.
only small opservation.
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Re: NikolaMakendonski/Maikrr multi/SD [pending]KRK

Postby Karl_R_Kroenen on Sun May 08, 2011 9:37 pm

Multis? = CLEARED

Secret Diplomacy? = CLEARED

Maikrr asked publicly for help in the game chat.
Both were consistently attacking each other and then maikrr eliminated Nikolamakendonski at the end with the accuser...
Sergeant 1st Class Karl_R_Kroenen
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Location: right behind you ready to test my sickle....

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