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Re: VioIet

Postby Serbia on Sat Apr 30, 2011 1:50 pm

I don't think we should be going back 4 months in the past for violations, unless it's part of evidence for a new, recent transgression. I think this should be marked as "noted" and dropped without a warning.

Had this been brought up when it happened, I think it should have deserved a warning, but I think it's ridiculous to give punishment in this instance for something that happened so long ago.

I do know one thing - I'm definitely not giving her MY password anytime soon!
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Re: VioIet

Postby Master Chief on Sat Apr 30, 2011 1:53 pm

Serbia wrote:I don't think we should be going back 4 months in the past for violations, unless it's part of evidence for a new, recent transgression. I think this should be marked as "noted" and dropped without a warning.

Had this been brought up when it happened, I think it should have deserved a warning, but I think it's ridiculous to give punishment in this instance for something that happened so long ago.

I do know one thing - I'm definitely not giving her MY password anytime soon!

I am fine with that. I understand that I took a while to do anything with this information, and as long as SOMETHING is done, I'm fine with it just being "Noted".
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Re: VioIet

Postby BoganGod on Sat Apr 30, 2011 2:05 pm

I've a wee bit of contact with young violet. Her christian loopy views aside(I hate blind faith....) she has always seemed to be an honest straight up young kid. I don't think she would sabotage someone like your saying. Me thinks your late posting, and crying smells just a little bit......
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Re: VioIet

Postby Nola_Lifer on Sat Apr 30, 2011 3:18 pm

This seems similar to the chase where Victor_Sullivan joined the wrong team and made sure the other team one but in this case it was a sitter.
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Re: VioIet

Postby Commander9 on Sat Apr 30, 2011 3:51 pm

pascalleke wrote:1. what has that thing with Innya to do with this ?? Nothing? to use our own words , sometimes u just have to let go ...i can understand ur trying this but does it not prove ur feelings towards me after something for me was already closed and let go indeed yet again .... :roll:
2 . i received indeed many pms in those days ,pros and cons , sorry for that , but i did not save it , did not know this would come up , was only hoping that specific guy would stand up if he read my post here , nothing wrong with that ?
3. u claim that i have bad feelings towards Violet? :lol: Nope believe it or not , i dont have any feelings towards Violet , bad or good , but i dont like sitters making such moves , thats all so i can only hope we can stay on topic ?
4. more ontopic : is there any timelimit on cases like this ? I believe MC waited this long because he really tought good on it and seems he talked to people on this , who helped him to make a choice on posting this.

thank u

1. I just brought up an example of you doing pretty much the same here and there. If I would not have let it go, I'd have posted my C&A, but I didn't.
2. Somewhat disagree - it seems more so like an attempt to hurt someone's reputation. If it was this bad, you should have brought it up then, but not wait for ages and just find an excuse to bring it up. If you can't provide evidence, accusations are usually just baseless slander.
3. It seems like you done out of bad blood - if not, apologies.
4. No, there's no limit - but waiting for 4 months really doesn't make much sense either.

support81ghent wrote:ok, first of all, I know VioIet and am a friend of her. but that doesnt change my opinion in this thing.

I wanted to post the convo between VioIet and me, but she didnt want to because it was a convo between her and me.
I asked her if she played her best in this game, she said she didnt. she deployed and ended turn. if she didnt already pressed "begin turn", she wouldnt have taken the tun because there was a conflict of intrest. she handled this correctly.

I think masterchief recieves a "sorry for not playing my best in that 1game" . but thats all.
I would also like to ask VioIet to overlook the game before pressing "begin turn" in the future.
and in my eyes this report recieves a cleared if apologised. and a noted if there isnt an apology.


To be fair, saying that she handled this correctly is a stretch at least. There was nothing malicious in this and this really was nothing much, but you do not have to twist facts to prove that.

Master Chief wrote:@Commander9: I consider you a friend as well. I appreciate you giving me your opinion on the case. As you stated, I gave her my trust because I saw her as a capable player. If I had realized that she didn't know how to play on the maps or that by playing against her clan mates that she would purposefully not help out my team, I would never have given her my password. I think skipping the turn would have been just as bad, if not worse. Fortunately, she only took 1 or 2 turns in any of my games, but even that ruined the games I was playing in. Again, if I had known, I would have never given my password away. As for your take on me, I did let it go. Obviously, I have buried this away for, what was it that people are saying... 4 months? I didn't realize that what she did could be considered a horribly bad thing on this site. I still considered her a friend, but then realized that I couldn't trust her at all and I didn't agree with her anymore. Even so, I never thought to bring this up. It wasn't until I talked to a few people on here that I was told that I should be bold enough to bring this to the attention of whoever needed to see it. Even when they told me, I said no, I wouldn't want to publicly crucify someone that used to be my friend. They told me that it was inappropriate what she did, and at the very least I should make it known. That was my intent. I apologize if this has gotten out of hand, I'm kind of new to this C&A thread accusing people, because I normally have no problem with most of the people on this site. I don't believe I ever cussed her out in this thread, rather I feel I've been somewhat diplomatic about the whole thing if possible. I have stated numerous times why I took so long to post. Maybe I should have posted sooner? Not at all? Who knows, but it doesn't matter anymore. I did post. Nothing malicious? Perhaps, but still she helped out her clan mates instead of her sitter and teammates. Isn't that bad? You're right, I think we BOTH learned a valuable lesson, that we both don't agree with each other and can't get along anymore. I'm not sure what else she learned, but I learned never to trust ANYONE ever again with my account. Apparently I'm a bad judge of character and who is and isn't trustworthy. :lol:

Well, if you've played enough games with her and knew her well enough, you probably should have known how she plays (that's just my opinion, though), I do understand where you're coming from though. To be fair, 4-5 months is a rather long time and I don't think any action should be taken her as that sets a precedent and I have a feeling there would be a huge amount of people who'd bring up old issues. As far cussing her out, I meant back then, not now. As far as your conclusions go - well, I can't argue those

Evil Semp wrote:OK. I haven't read everything in here but I do have one question for everyone.

Do we really want to start going back five months for infractions? If the answer is yes I do know at least one of you will be receiving a short forum vacation.

I am at work right now so I will take some time tonight to read through this whole thing when i get home.

Personally, I don't think that should be the case, but that's just my opinion.

pancakemix wrote:So you got an apology, moved on, and then brought it back up?

She may not have done the right thing, but this is extremely silly.

Whole heartedly agreed - some people in this thread look to be just happy with spreading accusations and seeing drama.
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Re: VioIet

Postby Master Chief on Sat Apr 30, 2011 4:49 pm

I just got done having a long conversation with VioIet. I wanted to make sure that we were on the same page. I made sure that she knew that I didn't hate her, and she agreed that I have been very diplomatic about the whole thing. When we started talking about the actual incident, I think I understand now what happened.

1st: COI: Conflict of Interest. This was the main issue, and apparently most people on CC follow this rule. If you sit in for someone's account, and have friends on the opposing team, the COI rule allows you to skip over this game, and let the person you are sitting in for miss a turn. This makes absolutely no sense to me. You trust someone to take your turns, it should be ALL turns, not just the ones on the maps you like, with the settings you are used to, or with opponents that you don't know. If you agree to sit in for someone, you should be willing to take all turns without prejudice. That's the way I see it, and I know a bunch of people that would agree with me.

2nd: She and I still disagree, which means that if this doesn't get dealt with here and now, either way, this might still happen in the future to someone else. She admitted that after starting the turn, she should have actually done something instead of being neutral, so I'll give her credit for that, even though she didn't do it. But she said what she should have done is just not take the turn. As I said above with #1, this makes no sense to me. They are both equally bad. You either help your friends win by messing up the turn, or you help your friends by not taking the turn at all. Both hurt the person that trusted you to take their turns.

3rd: I take responsibility for choosing an unreliable sitter. I was under the impression that she was smart and trustworthy, and she tells me that she is. She brought up the "loyalty" issue. She was more loyal to her clan mates than the person whose account she was sitting in for. I think that this policy should be looked at and dealt with. Since most people have at least 3 sitters, like her, she says that the whole COI issue would sort itself out. If one sitter can't take a turn due to COI, then another one will. Personally, if that is going to be the case, I don't think I'll ever trust anyone with my password again, because that is messed up. The whole point of this site is to have fun. You play against people. You lose points, you win points. It is a game. You should play against anyone and everyone, and try your best to win no matter what. I have sat in for people multiple times, and many times the opponent was someone that I knew. Some times I wanted to let them win the game more than the person I was sitting in for. Did I still try my best to win? Of course, because it is the right thing to do. I'm not going to just stop helping sit in for a friend just because I like their opponents more than them. I feel like THAT would be disloyal. You should be more loyal to the person you're taking turns for than anyone else. If you have a problem with that, then don't agree to be their sitter.

I am willing to drop the issue against HER, if this policy (being more loyal to clan mates than the one that trusted you to take their turns) can be looked at more closely. I have no problems with her as a person, I don't hate her, I just really really really really strongly disagree with what she did, and what she would have done if she didn't accidentally hit "begin turn".

Thank you for your consideration.

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Re: VioIet

Postby Orange-Idaho-Dog on Sat Apr 30, 2011 7:25 pm

WOW, almost 4 pages of stuff being said and not one comment from violet.
while i disagree with her screwing MC on the turns when she said she'd cover for him, shame on him for picking a bad sitter. live and learn, move on.
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Re: VioIet

Postby pancakemix on Sat Apr 30, 2011 8:03 pm

Master Chief wrote:
pancakemix wrote:
Master Chief wrote:Hope this helps:

[12/5/2010 7:07:59 PM] Master Chief: I'm getting flak for you taking a turn in one of my games
[12/5/2010 7:08:51 PM] VioIet: oh yeah
[12/5/2010 7:08:54 PM] VioIet: i'm sorry about that

So you got an apology, moved on, and then brought it back up?

She may not have done the right thing, but this is extremely silly.

As I've said countless times, I brought this back up at the advice of other CC members. I simply wanted it to be known. I'm not looking for an apology or anything of the sort. I was told this was the place to post, so I did.

I think what triggered it was the whole Commander62890 incident. I was talking to friends about that and we got on the subject of account abuse, and I mentioned what happened to me, and they suggested that I bring it to the attention of the mods, and that this was the place to post. I was unsure, but they seemed like it would be better if it was on record, so I did it.

Also, as I stated before, I am not trying to openly condemn her. I just wanted it to be known that there was account privilege abuse, since that was what I was told is bad.

I'm confused as to why so many people feel I need an apology. :-s

If you simply wanted it on record, a PM to a mod would have been sufficient. That is, if it had been sent in December. That's the other real issue is that now it's basically not worth bringing up. Now if a similar case were brought up here and THEN you brought it up, that's different. The Commander62890 case is very different though:

Commander Case (and I'm being as objective as possible in my descriptions here):
Purported unauthorized access
Mass amounts of games started
100% system abuse of one sort (account abuse) or another (point dumping)

This case (again, objectivity):
Authorized access
Standard sitter procedure followed
Bad deploy in one game (and I will grant you, I don't think this is ok) and loss due to apparent lack of map familiarity in another

You can't really draw comparisons here. As for not condemning her publicly, once again a PM to a mod would have been enough. If you didn't want to make it public, I'm not sure why you posted it in a public forum that anyone can see and post in, which has solved nothing and as Commander pointed out caused massive amounts of drama. As far as the apology is concerned, it's an acknowledgement of wrongdoing. She knew she shouldn't have done what she did, and said so. You bringing it up here is just a refusal to accept that apology.
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Re: VioIet

Postby Evil Semp on Sat Apr 30, 2011 8:12 pm

Master Chief wrote:She and I still disagree, which means that if this doesn't get dealt with here and now, either way, this might still happen in the future to someone else.

This game happened nearly 5 months ago. I can't see how it is so important an issue now but when it happened it wasn't an issue.

Master Chief wrote:She was more loyal to her clan mates than the person whose account she was sitting in for. I think that this policy should be looked at and dealt with.

Just to make things clear the policy that you mention is not CC policy.

Master Chief wrote:I am willing to drop the issue against HER, if this policy (being more loyal to clan mates than the one that trusted you to take their turns) can be looked at more closely.

You can drop the issue with violet if you wish. As far as the policy you are talking about that is something violet will have to deal with.

This game happened nearly 5 months ago, I am not going to issue any warnings or even note this report. I suggest that next time you do a report in a timely manner. I know some of the posters supporting you in this thread would be receiving warnings and or vacations for past transgressions that haven't been reported. I don't want that can of worms opened. I am going to CLOSE this report.
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Re: VioIet

Postby jefjef on Sat Apr 30, 2011 9:45 pm

Victor Sullivan wrote:
Calidrmr wrote:
jefjef wrote:29/04/2011 23:26:03 ā€¹VioIetā€ŗ i should have played it my best

who gave you this jefjef? just curious

I'm curious, too, especially considering he wasn't in the chat room (that I'm aware of).

I am many places and see many things... :-$

This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: VioIet

Postby Commander9 on Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:13 pm

jefjef wrote:
Victor Sullivan wrote:I'm curious, too, especially considering he wasn't in the chat room (that I'm aware of).

I am many places and see many things... :-$


Oh comon, you can tell us it's Sully ;) Spying is nothing to be ashamed of. :)
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Re: VioIet

Postby jefjef on Sun May 01, 2011 1:28 am

Commander9 wrote:
jefjef wrote:
Victor Sullivan wrote:I'm curious, too, especially considering he wasn't in the chat room (that I'm aware of).

I am many places and see many things... :-$

Oh comon, you can tell us it's Sully ;) Spying is nothing to be ashamed of. :)

Now don't be giving Sully a bad rep. He isn't a spy. Not for me anyway.

This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: VioIet[closed]es

Postby eddie2 on Sun May 01, 2011 5:19 am

awwwww case closed i was going to add into this that this was a spurious report. due to the fact violet is a member of risk attackers who deals with challenges and have just reicently refused a challenge from a said clan. that said clan has had members post on master chiefs wall (screen shot if needed) and by the looks of it have been the said players telling mc to post this just to get back at the refusal to face them at a challenge. these said players were involved in the blitz case screaming and shouting that this kind of thing is not abuse because sitters are not required to play.

so why mc to post this unless it was just a attempt to run violets name through the muck.
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Re: VioIet[closed]es

Postby sdh on Sun May 01, 2011 5:36 am

eddie2 wrote:awwwww case closed i was going to add into this that this was a spurious report. due to the fact violet is a member of risk attackers who deals with challenges and have just reicently refused a challenge from a said clan. that said clan has had members post on master chiefs wall (screen shot if needed) and by the looks of it have been the said players telling mc to post this just to get back at the refusal to face them at a challenge. these said players were involved in the blitz case screaming and shouting that this kind of thing is not abuse because sitters are not required to play.

so why mc to post this unless it was just a attempt to run violets name through the muck.

The reason why Risk Attackers will not face them is because of their reaction to this whole thing 4 months ago when it actually happened.
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Re: VioIet[closed]es

Postby eddie2 on Sun May 01, 2011 8:03 am

sdh wrote:
eddie2 wrote:awwwww case closed i was going to add into this that this was a spurious report. due to the fact violet is a member of risk attackers who deals with challenges and have just reicently refused a challenge from a said clan. that said clan has had members post on master chiefs wall (screen shot if needed) and by the looks of it have been the said players telling mc to post this just to get back at the refusal to face them at a challenge. these said players were involved in the blitz case screaming and shouting that this kind of thing is not abuse because sitters are not required to play.

so why mc to post this unless it was just a attempt to run violets name through the muck.

The reason why Risk Attackers will not face them is because of their reaction to this whole thing 4 months ago when it actually happened.

lol my point exactly so what was it face that clan or we will report you for something you did 4 months ago even though we dont think it was cheating
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Re: VioIet[closed]es

Postby MegasWoman on Sun May 01, 2011 10:17 am

And here we go again.

1.) MC and KOA parted ways in December after this whole sitter fiasco-which was one of the main reasons for the parting. We wanted him to provide his PW for sitting purposes to someone inside of the clan-he didn't want to provide one-then when he did-it was to someone outside of the clan that resulted in a couple of games being lost with clan members. Games lost, MC gone-situation over.
2.) JJ approached Violet for a clan war over two months ago-it was declined due to the sitting situation. No other angry pm's exchanged-no baiting, no flaming, no reports filed-situation over.
3.) This complaint filed by MC-WITH NO INVOLVEMENT FROM KOA-however-we were involved when the situation happened so some of us remembering it and commenting on it obviously makes us involved in the filing of it? I think not. JJ is very active in the C&A and Multi threads. His secret desire is to be a spy mod in these forums. He provides proof/help to a lot of people that file these complaints-so you might want to go take a look at ALLLLL of his posts in those two forums and find his ulterior motive for each and every one-cuz there is one Eddie-you just need to find it.

Enough already. Get over your personal vendetta Eddie and move on. Your false accusations and innuendos are pathetic and getting old.
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Re: VioIet[closed]es

Postby jefjef on Sun May 01, 2011 10:37 am

awwwww. I and KOA had nothing to do with the filing of this complaint. This complaint has nothing to do with Risk Attackers. MC does not do my bidding nor did he consult with me. In fact he had me foed until this weekend. :roll:

As for Violet she did abuse her sitting duties. She intentionally did not make moves that benefited team MC. As for RA declining war I didn't and still don't care. KOA has no problem getting opponents.

My only part in this was I saw the complaint many HOURS after it was filed and posted pertinent facts in re of it. :-^
Last edited by jefjef on Sun May 01, 2011 11:02 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: VioIet

Postby Commander9 on Sun May 01, 2011 10:42 am

jefjef wrote:
Commander9 wrote:
jefjef wrote:
Victor Sullivan wrote:I'm curious, too, especially considering he wasn't in the chat room (that I'm aware of).

I am many places and see many things... :-$

Oh comon, you can tell us it's Sully ;) Spying is nothing to be ashamed of. :)

Now don't be giving Sully a bad rep. He isn't a spy. Not for me anyway.

Pinky promise?

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Re: VioIet[closed]es

Postby Master Chief on Sun May 01, 2011 1:30 pm

I have no ties to KOA. I don't appreciate you stirring up trouble eddie. This thread no longer has any purpose. Just let it go.
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Re: VioIet

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sun May 01, 2011 1:44 pm

jefjef wrote:
Commander9 wrote:
jefjef wrote:
Victor Sullivan wrote:I'm curious, too, especially considering he wasn't in the chat room (that I'm aware of).

I am many places and see many things... :-$

Oh comon, you can tell us it's Sully ;) Spying is nothing to be ashamed of. :)

Now don't be giving Sully a bad rep. He isn't a spy. Not for me anyway.

[-X This thread isn't about me, and I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't talk about me in such a manner.

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Re: VioIet[closed]es

Postby eddie2 on Sun May 01, 2011 1:53 pm

i am only going by facts am not causing any personal vendeta. it was mc's own words that said someone else told him to make the report. was just pointing out the fact of who it was.

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Re: VioIet[closed]es

Postby pascalleke on Sun May 01, 2011 2:06 pm

eddie2 wrote:i am only going by facts am not causing any personal vendeta. it was mc's own words that said someone else told him to make the report. was just pointing out the fact of who it was.


eddie2 :lol: get a life man , he is just tellling to put a gamenumber in the original post , that so already has started

curiousity killed the cat ;)

ps : thanks u made me really laugh and thats the 2nd time today and no i am telling who it was the 1st time :lol:
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Re: VioIet[closed]es

Postby eddie2 on Sun May 01, 2011 2:32 pm

lol pascalle i only go by what is seen. but just put it there no more from me. ps i only looked into it because we are in disscussion with ra for a challenge.
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Re: VioIet[closed]es

Postby Master Chief on Sun May 01, 2011 2:52 pm

@eddie: Since apparently you don't listen well, as jefjef said, until yesterday, I have had him foed for at least 3-4 months. We don't agree on a lot, and we didn't end well especially since you copied and pasted pm's back and forth between the two of us... pm stands for PRIVATE MESSAGE for a reason.... so I foed both of you on that day. I still have you foed, but I don't have jefjef anymore. Even if jefjef had told me to start this thread, which he did not since I don't actively talk to members I have foed, I would never have listened to him. Please drop your personal vendetta. I had no knowledge of any clan war problems because I am no longer a member of any clan and don't follow anything pertaining to any clans.

I shall not list who my sources were. I am a loyal friend and I do not betray the trust of my friends.

This thread no longer serves any purpose. We no longer need any evidence of any kind, so I have no idea why you think any of this evidence you are providing is necessary at all. Please, if logic and reason does not compel you, then maybe asking nicely will. I will swallow my pride and dislike towards you and ask you nicely. PLEASE STOP POSTING IN THIS THREAD! VioIet and I are on good terms, Evil Semp has closed this thread. Let it go.

If anyone continues to post in this thread, I shall contact a mod and let them know. Since this is a thread I started, I find it fitting that my post should be the last. I hope you all will let this subject rest in peace.

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Re: VioIet[closed]es

Postby Evil Semp on Sun May 01, 2011 6:05 pm

Mine is the last post stating that it is locked.
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