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Torres44cm - Intentional Suiciding [FAMO]

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Torres44cm - Intentional Suiciding [FAMO]

Postby RedRover23B on Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:20 am



The accused are suspected of:
Other: Suiciding

Game number(s):

Game 8840641

I apologize if this isn't actually breaking any rules, but i think it should be of it is not. This player said plain and clearly that he will only attack me through out a game, in a 4 player game. Essentially, this is suiciding. If him only attacking me could win him the game then i would not be posting in this forum, but i feel that he will be taking both of us out of the game. I tried to reason with him and tried not to provoke him. I will also send him a PM letting him know that this thread exists. Thank you admins and various teams for looking into this- I apologize once again if this is in fact not cheating.
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Re: Torres44cm - Intentional Suiciding

Postby owenshooter on Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:42 am

he hasn't suicided you... learn your terminology... i would suggest with looking up FRIVOLOUS REPORT...-the black jesus
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Re: Torres44cm - Intentional Suiciding

Postby army of nobunaga on Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:44 am

lol, you kidding?

Ill personally exact retribution in the form of unloading all I have into an opponent at the drop of a dime.

If you do not like this aspect of the game.... psst.... psttt.... Dont chat in the game. Then 99% of the time you will not be targeted in any way outside of normal play.

All of you game chatty cathys always start and participate in the drama and then yeah... suicides happen.
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Re: Torres44cm - Intentional Suiciding

Postby army of nobunaga on Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:45 am

CAthy, I think your mistake started here...

2011-04-17 20:09:45 - torres44cm: hey green, I have no intention of fighting with you, we have a much bigger problem blue.
2011-04-18 05:18:23 - RedRover23B: agreed

Drama baby.... I hate all of you chatters and you teamer-upers.

Death to you all from suicide, I say.
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Re: Torres44cm - Intentional Suiciding

Postby Latore on Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:19 pm

wow if I read the game chat properly Red you had an alliance with Torres and then decided with no warning to break the alliance.
Then get all pissy when he goes after you in retaliation which anyone would do. Then you go and try to accuse him of cheating in CC Forms now.
When in fact you broke an alliance with no warning but see no issues in that.

Can't believe someone would go to your extent when you actually started it all..

Next time when you want to break an alliance need to give warning and do it the honest honorable way.

If not expect what just happened each and everytime from any player. Retaliation for breaking alliance
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Re: Torres44cm - Intentional Suiciding

Postby torres44cm on Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:35 pm

Of course I'll defend myself. There's no intentional suicide, I was upset cause you broke your word in our game. I have the right to attack whover I want, I've been open about my intentions throughout the game. Any body who reads the game log would agree, that you broke an alliance. There no rule that says you have to give advance warning. but the gentleman thing to do when you are jointly teaming up, is to let somebody know, not stab them in the back. I don't have time or want to play politics with this guys. but since he opened up the forum complaint. I have to respond. I have no broken any cc rules this guys in whinning about my retaliation. Call the Mods or whover.

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Re: Torres44cm - Intentional Suiciding

Postby RedRover23B on Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:47 pm

Latore wrote:wow if I read the game chat properly Red you had an alliance with Torres and then decided with no warning to break the alliance.
Then get all pissy when he goes after you in retaliation which anyone would do. Then you go and try to accuse him of cheating in CC Forms now.
When in fact you broke an alliance with no warning but see no issues in that.

Can't believe someone would go to your extent when you actually started it all..

Next time when you want to break an alliance need to give warning and do it the honest honorable way.

If not expect what just happened each and everytime from any player. Retaliation for breaking alliance


Alright, im not being pissy and do not appreciate the name calling. I am simply stating a few things:

a) no alliance was actaully made no terms of an alliance were given- you could argue the alliance was over once blue was under control, you could argue there was no alliance but if you choose to say that there was an alliance and the basis of teh alliance was to control blue then the alliance suceeded its purpose and is now over so therefore i attacked.

b) in any type of game doubles, 1 v1, or yes even,4 player games- the purpose of each game should be to win them, perhaps its not suiciding and im sure i mention that in the original post and im sure i mentioned that im not even sure it is cheating. I am trying to get to the principal of having rules, so that the game can be fair, and to not have players to intentionally lose just cause they have a problem with an attack.

Now to those who childishly went to name calling and accusations:

a) I myself wouldnt call this cheating- but a form of abuse of what i feel is in the unwritten rules.

b) I wouldn't say i enjoy drama since this is probably my first post in this forum in a very long time probably over a year, maybe even two, where as you all read and respond to this forum like it is some type of duty of yours. You all are the drama lovers- i just wanted to voice a concern of mine.

c) I was agreeing to that blue was getting big- there are two parts to that sentence, it is not clear to which i said i agreed to.

I seriously am not looking for any trouble or and hostility, as i said, i wanted to bring this to attention- that games should be played to be won, essentially it is suiciding maybe not all your troops but eventually suiciding tha game. I went through little trouble to post this and essentially it is just one game no more than 20-30 pts? I'm easily able to regain them.
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Re: Torres44cm - Intentional Suiciding

Postby jefjef on Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:50 pm

torres44cm wrote:Of course I'll defend myself. There's no intentional suicide, I was upset cause you broke your word in our game. I have the right to attack whover I want, I've been open about my intentions throughout the game. Any body who reads the game log would agree, that you broke an alliance. There no rule that says you have to give advance warning. but the gentleman thing to do when you are jointly teaming up, is to let somebody know, not stab them in the back. I don't have time or want to play politics with this guys. but since he opened up the forum complaint. I have to respond. I have no broken any cc rules this guys in whinning about my retaliation. Call the Mods or whover.


The gentlemanly thing to do is not make alliances... There is no rule that alliances need to be honored. There are rules against game throwing/suiciding.

Intentional suicide is a rules violation and speaking your intention and acting upon it, with the intent to make sure such and such loses, is not trying to win. It is only throwing the game.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: Torres44cm - Intentional Suiciding

Postby torres44cm on Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:50 pm

jefjef wrote:
torres44cm wrote:Of course I'll defend myself. There's no intentional suicide, I was upset cause you broke your word in our game. I have the right to attack whover I want, I've been open about my intentions throughout the game. Any body who reads the game log would agree, that you broke an alliance. There no rule that says you have to give advance warning. but the gentleman thing to do when you are jointly teaming up, is to let somebody know, not stab them in the back. I don't have time or want to play politics with this guys. but since he opened up the forum complaint. I have to respond. I have no broken any cc rules this guys in whinning about my retaliation. Call the Mods or whover.


The gentlemanly thing to do is not make alliances... There is no rule that alliances need to be honored. There are rules against game throwing/suiciding.

Intentional suicide is a rules violation and speaking your intention and acting upon it, with the intent to make sure such and such loses, is not trying to win. It is only throwing the game.

You can tell from my game play, I'm not throwing the game, or acting suicidal, I was obviously pissed off at the guy for breaking his word. But I have the right to retaliate against any opponent.
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Re: Torres44cm - Intentional Suiciding

Postby RedRover23B on Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:47 pm

torres44cm wrote:
jefjef wrote:
torres44cm wrote:Of course I'll defend myself. There's no intentional suicide, I was upset cause you broke your word in our game. I have the right to attack whover I want, I've been open about my intentions throughout the game. Any body who reads the game log would agree, that you broke an alliance. There no rule that says you have to give advance warning. but the gentleman thing to do when you are jointly teaming up, is to let somebody know, not stab them in the back. I don't have time or want to play politics with this guys. but since he opened up the forum complaint. I have to respond. I have no broken any cc rules this guys in whinning about my retaliation. Call the Mods or whover.


The gentlemanly thing to do is not make alliances... There is no rule that alliances need to be honored. There are rules against game throwing/suiciding.

Intentional suicide is a rules violation and speaking your intention and acting upon it, with the intent to make sure such and such loses, is not trying to win. It is only throwing the game.

You can tell from my game play, I'm not throwing the game, or acting suicidal, I was obviously pissed off at the guy for breaking his word. But I have the right to retaliate against any opponent.

Torres, you must not know what an alliance is. An allaince is "a formal agreement or treaty between two or more nations to cooperate for specific purposes." ( lol) There was no formal agreement or setting of purpose therefore no alliance.

If you act out on this statement "2011-04-25 08:02:12 - torres44cm: It might cost me the game, but my focus now is all on green. I'd rather lose playing a honorable game, than see you even come close to winning this one!" Then you would be suiciding in my opinion.
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Re: Torres44cm - Intentional Suiciding

Postby Army of GOD on Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:21 pm

This isn't even close to suiciding.

Torres isn't attacking everything he has pointlessly and needlessly. He's making a point which is completely within the rules.
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Re: Torres44cm - Intentional Suiciding

Postby king sam on Wed Apr 27, 2011 12:32 am

Torres isn't suiciding in the game, he does have a primary concern and that is to eliminate you. He is entitled to have that, it is a strategy, and its one that he has chosen based off actions you took in the game.

CC is as much as a social game as it is strategic. Game chat can work for or against you, moves made can be bold enough to sway a persons intentions and focus areas of concerns elsewhere then they originally had.

Torres is Cleared, Foe & Rate Accordingly. Both of you. This is borderline for a cry out for cheating cause you made a move that he wasn't ready for ("cause of the alleged alliance") to gain the upper hand and it has since backfired on you cause you now have his undivided attention and you cant find a way to win the game. Tis the consequences of pissing someone off. Consider this as your freebie for spurious reports.

RedRover23B wrote:Torres, you must not know what an alliance is. An alliance is "a formal agreement or treaty between two or more nations to cooperate for specific purposes." ( lol) There was no formal agreement or setting of purpose therefore no alliance.

You called it an alliance now your waiver saying it wasn't one.. Get your story straight.
Game 8840641 Chat wrote:2011-04-25 09:33:19 - RedRover23B: our alliance was over when you reached #1 in the game.. its not really fair or good for me to continue an alliance when it only benefits you

RedRover23B wrote:If you act out on this statement "2011-04-25 08:02:12 - torres44cm: It might cost me the game, but my focus now is all on green. I'd rather lose playing a honorable game, than see you even come close to winning this one!" Then you would be suiciding in my opinion.

People talk doesn't meant he is going to follow through on it, and as of now he hasn't.


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