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DKs CC Scrabble [Winner: got tonkaed]

Tournaments completed in 2011.

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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [FULL]

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:04 am

Hannibal 19 wrote:i got 3 C 2 U 1 P and playing for E what should i do i loocked in scrabble dictionary and cant get a word of 5 or more latters.

Yeah not too often you can get a 7-letter word. Sometimes a 3- or 4-letter word is the best that you can do.

You may still be able to improve your letters in the Challenge phase.
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [FULL]

Postby Hannibal 19 on Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:19 am

if i won my last game and i think i will i have 7 letters and im no able to make a challenge
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [FULL]

Postby got tonkaed on Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:01 am

Hannibal 19 wrote:if i won my last game and i think i will i have 7 letters and im no able to make a challenge

Lament your bad luck or decision to win so many of your games.
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Opening Round]

Postby xSekirei on Sun Apr 10, 2011 3:44 pm

Finished all my games ^^
Letters :

Act, Bat, Cat, Cab, Tab O: I can make so many words :D
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Opening Round]

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:37 am

Only three games still active, and two of those look like they're almost over, but there's one that's still very close and doesn't look like it will end any time soon. There's always one in the basket, isn't there?
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Vowel Shortage -- Your Vote Needed]

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Apr 14, 2011 2:18 pm

Well, the vowel shortage is not imaginary.

Prevalence of vowels in English language: approximately 40% (different sources give different numbers, and the whole concept is somewhat debatable, but 40% is a reasonable approximation from what I can see.)

Prevalence of vowels on CC "browse maps" page: 52/175 = 29.7 or about 30% (not counting Beta maps which don't come up in Random.) I should have thought more about this problem when I started this tourney, but it's a learning process. This is only the first tourney in a series I intend to do based on this concept, so to some degree you are all my test patients. I apologise for the inconvenience.

Prevalence of vowels on games that actually came up in this tournament: 30/120 or exactly 25% . As I mentioned before, the luck of the draw has taken the shortage of vowels on CC maps and exacerbated it for us.

Okay, so a while back I suggested some possible solutions to the problem and asked for commentary. So far there have been 2 votes for Option 1, 3-and-a-half votes for Option 5, and half a vote for Option 4. This really isn't enough for me to feel confident about what the majority want, so I'm going to PM this out and (I hope) get a majority decision.

Options 2 and 3 never had any support, and Option 4 got very little, so I'll take them off the table entirely, and simplify this to a basic YES/NO question on Option 5. Please respond, preferably in the thread but I will accept PMs as valid also.

Just to make it clear what you're voting on:

If you vote YES, that means we change the rule according to Option 5. You will be allowed to add any two vowels to your tray, free of charge. You will not have to win them or defend them, but they will not score any points when you use them. Vowels that were won in the normal fashion still score points.

If you vote NO, that means we do not change the rules. The letters you won are the letters you won, and if you have no vowels tough luck. After all, we all know CC is largely a game of random chance.

Sorry to close the door on other possible solutions, but that door has been open for a long time, and if we are to come to a decision I need to simplify the question. So please, at this point, just an unequivocal YES or NO.
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Opening Round]

Postby got tonkaed on Thu Apr 14, 2011 2:26 pm

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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Opening Round]

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Apr 14, 2011 2:30 pm

Votes received by PM:

dazza: NO
rmjw: YES
Doomyoshi: YES

Votes previously on record:
Doomyoshi, chapcrap, Ir1sh Ace: YES
Gilligan, dazza: NO

(Don't worry, I won't count the duplicates twice. Just being thorough.) :)
Last edited by Dukasaur on Thu Apr 14, 2011 3:19 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Opening Round]

Postby ckyrias on Thu Apr 14, 2011 2:35 pm

well its hard for me to chose... on one hand i am thinking that i should go for NO. thats the nature of the game! those who can make a word those who cant... tough luck! i bet every one here has lost a game because he couldnt kill 1 last troop! :)

on the other hand for the shake of the good running of the tournament i am thinking a YES would be better... dunno Duk.. i have to think about it a bit and reply asap

ok i have to go for a NO
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Opening Round]

Postby IR1SH ACE on Thu Apr 14, 2011 4:14 pm

Seen as I have no vowels, I will vote YES
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Opening Round]

Postby chapcrap on Thu Apr 14, 2011 4:35 pm

I have already stated this I think, but I think YES to option 5 would probably be fine. It doesn't really matter. Whoever won the games with the letters Z, X, J, and Q are going to make the highest point totaled word anyway.
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Opening Round]

Postby Dukasaur on Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:52 pm

chapcrap wrote:Whoever won the games with the letters Z, X, J, and Q are going to make the highest point totaled word anyway.

The person with a Q may be screwed if he has no U, and the person with X might make XI if he has and I, but XI can be beaten by a more prosaic but longer word. Like BUBBLE, for instance.
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Opening Round]

Postby Dukasaur on Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:03 pm

Okay I've appealed for votes both in the thread and by PM, and the only new vote has been get tonkaed, in addition to the 5 votes we got earlier. So we stand at 3 votes YES, 3 votes NO, and 10 people who either don't know or don't care or perhaps just want me to shut up, take responsibility, and do my job as Organiser. So I shall. My decision is that YES, we will use option 5 to offset the vowel shortage. You can add any 2 vowels to your tray, free of charge.

Vowels that you have added to your tray by this rule will score no points if you use them. You do not have to defend them and they will not count toward your total for the purpose of determining if you can make a challenge.
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Opening Round]

Postby Dukasaur on Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:05 pm

Just waiting on Game 8807776 now.
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Opening Round]

Postby DJENRE on Sun Apr 17, 2011 8:26 am

I'll say NO ;)
sorry for the dealy
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Opening Round]

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:53 pm

DJENRE wrote:I'll say NO ;)
sorry for the dealy

Sorry but too late.
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Opening Round]

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:56 pm

Dukasaur wrote:Just waiting on Game 8807776 now.

Ok that long and epic struggle finally ended! Congrats to uk massive!

So all opening rounds are now over, but I have to go to Ottawa at midnight tonight and I probably won't be back for 24 hours or so. That means Saturday morning is the earliest I will be able to tally up and post the opening round results.

Apologies for the delay, but we've waited this long -- two more days won't kill anyone. (I hope!)

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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Opening Round]

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Apr 23, 2011 12:04 pm

Results of the Opening Round have been posted here.

Those players with more than 7 letters must now decide which letters to protect, and then the rest will be available for challenge.

Specifically, the following players:
chapcrap M W N W O E L D K
ckyrias R B N R A D U F
Gilligan A I U E P M U A A
get tonkaed I O S M A M U X I
Ir1sh Ace Y F B P B S
Qwertylpc G T N P G U X E S
xman 5151 U P P F F I A L

must decide.

Please post your protected list as soon as possible. Thank you! :D
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Opening Round]

Postby qwertylpc on Sat Apr 23, 2011 12:17 pm

Dukasaur wrote:Results of the Opening Round have been posted here.

Those players with more than 7 letters must now decide which letters to protect, and then the rest will be available for challenge.

Specifically, the following players:
chapcrap M W N W O E L D K
ckyrias R B N R A D U F
Gilligan A I U E P M U A A
get tonkaed I O S M A M U X I
Ir1sh Ace Y F B P B S
Qwertylpc G T N P G U X E S
xman 5151 U P P F F I A L

must decide.

Please post your protected list as soon as possible. Thank you! :D

so let me clarify i cant get anymore vowels in any way?

so all i have is a u and an e
-qwertylpc :D 8-) :lol:

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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Opening Round]

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Apr 23, 2011 12:20 pm

qwertylpc wrote:so let me clarify i cant get anymore vowels in any way?

so all i have is a u and an e

No, you can add 2 vowels free of charge even if you have more than 7 letters, according to the rule change posted here.

The two free vowels don't score points if you use them!
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Choose Protected List]

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Apr 23, 2011 12:59 pm

This is the link to the current online version of the Scrabble dictionary.

I didn't realise until now that it has a word builder feature, so looking through other resources is no longer necessary.
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Choose Protected List]

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:02 pm

Dukasaur wrote:This is the link to the current online version of the Scrabble dictionary.

I didn't realise until now that it has a word builder feature, so looking through other resources is no longer necessary.

I could not get to any version other than the U.S. version. Can any of the European players please PM me if you get a different version when search for "Official Scrabble Dictionary" And post the URL if it is different from the one I get. Thank you.
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Opening Round]

Postby xman5151 on Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:17 pm

Dukasaur wrote:Results of the Opening Round have been posted here.

Those players with more than 7 letters must now decide which letters to protect, and then the rest will be available for challenge.

Specifically, the following players:
chapcrap M W N W O E L D K
ckyrias R B N R A D U F
Gilligan A I U E P M U A A
get tonkaed I O S M A M U X I
Ir1sh Ace Y F B P B S
Qwertylpc G T N P G U X E S
xman 5151 U P P F F I A L

must decide.

I protect: P P F F I A L
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Opening Round]

Postby ckyrias on Sat Apr 23, 2011 5:40 pm

Dukasaur wrote:Results of the Opening Round have been posted here.

Those players with more than 7 letters must now decide which letters to protect, and then the rest will be available for challenge.

Specifically, the following players:
chapcrap M W N W O E L D K
ckyrias R B N R A D U F
Gilligan A I U E P M U A A
get tonkaed I O S M A M U X I
Ir1sh Ace Y F B P B S
Qwertylpc G T N P G U X E S
xman 5151 U P P F F I A L

must decide.

Please post your protected list as soon as possible. Thank you! :D

protect: RBRADUF
unprotected: N
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Opening Round]

Postby chapcrap on Sat Apr 23, 2011 9:20 pm

Dukasaur wrote:Results of the Opening Round have been posted here.

Those players with more than 7 letters must now decide which letters to protect, and then the rest will be available for challenge.

Specifically, the following players:
chapcrap M W N W O E L D K
ckyrias R B N R A D U F
Gilligan A I U E P M U A A
get tonkaed I O S M A M U X I
Ir1sh Ace Y F B P B S
Qwertylpc G T N P G U X E S
xman 5151 U P P F F I A L

must decide.

Please post your protected list as soon as possible. Thank you! :D

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