by General Brock II on Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:18 pm
Whoah, fellows, this is quite the move against the Clan. You guys are making some slanderous accusations without comprehending any of the situation.
I will admit that I knew BlueBell was formerly Buddysystem - in fact, I encouraged his return to Conquerclub. Buddysystem's account, as many of you may remember, was hacked into and the hacker began point dumping - the moderators did not hold Buddy at fault for the situation. I thought that his account would have been completely closed down, and Buddy requested a new start, also believing that his last account was shut down by the Mods. In fact, before this ban was enacted, I contacted the Administrator (King-Herpes) about this issue to ensure that the other account was closed.
The 1st Regiment of Foot Guards wishes to remain a reputation aboveboard and completely legitimate. If I receive any repercussions from an innocent action, then I supposed that I'll have no further interest in this website...
I also hadn't the foggiest clue that ArmySpeeder or Memarrow were multis... In fact, it's incredibly surprising that Memarrow was a multi - he's been on the site for veritable ages, and I've played numerous AOR II games with him. I can't be faulted for either of these, and neither can the 1st... That's all I have to say, other than I'm entirely disappointed that some blokes I thought to be decent turned on me in a rather spontaneous manner. O_o