[This is a Tournament Players Association (TPA) event, and is governed by its rules, guidelines, and judgments. All are welcome to join and participate in the association. You need do nothing more than join one or more of the TPA events that will be announced each Monday. Check back on the TPA scoreboard in the Tournaments--> General Info forum to see how you're doing. OPEN FOR ALL 1 game per round
random.org used for setting up games
TOURNAMENT SETUP Round 1 - Feudal War - escalating, chained, fog, 1v1
Round 2 - Feudal War - nuclear, chained, fog, 3 man assassin
Round 3 - Middle Ages - escalating, chained, fog, 1v1
Round 4 - Middle Ages - nuclear, chained, fog, 3 man assassin
Round 5 - King's Court - escalating, chained, fog, 1v1
Round 6 - King's Court - nuclear, chained, fog, 3 man assassin
benga wrote: Okay we are full, thx all for joining!
Just a couple of things:
-TPA scoring for 3 man assassin: target is placed as 3rd that round, non-winner as 2nd and winner advances,
if you killed the wrong target you are placed the 3rd, target the 2nd and the winner advances
-we will start as soon I get privileges so all of you freemiums be prepared to join,
if you don't have any slots open now, I will wait for reasonable amount of time
-reserves will be only used for round 1
-round 1 draw can be viewed
here (1. vs 2., 3. vs 4., etc.)
-every round match ups are random
#1Buckeye 1453 1ANIMAL1 1rocking 1stCatalyst 4red abbacar AbsluteZero adam666 agarf alt1978 AndyBounce angola anonymus aprice17 Araldite arno30 aschristopher Ashes of Phoenix AslanTheKing Atillahun Aussie02 authoman azak848 b00zer babagonosh badlouie badmoon barterer2002 Belzak benga Bezuidenhout bibo33 big jumbo Big Long Stick bigpash BikerAngel bikri billpaxton bldoron Bluewill32 Bobby14 bobdakota Bones2484 Bonobo bp2008 br4nd0n2002 briannederloe brianvabeach Buda chapcrap chiefsfan4ever ckyrias Crarg damohowo danryan Dazoot DBandit70 dflannery DoomYoshi dragon dor edmonto Enormastitz Eternal Shadow evanmeter evilkingjay ev01ne explodecorn f.o.b. fairman Faro Farouk fernilenny fransilva07 Frued1 Fugger Gabriel13 gaudenis gazza trot General Bax Genghis Khunt GhoStedar giaco GJArends gochisox2004 GreenBaize guimassaro Halbersma hagardunor Hank44Soccer hardwolf Hello World hermey68 herus hewhoisdum HighlanderAttack hillcollector hotniks jeraado Jessamine jesuso 1 jez_smith JJ41375 JMist Joe B. Jolly Green Gian jonosawass jscorp JukeBox jvt kedmond1 kennys777 KI6644 kiboyg13 killboy108 kingd45s KingRat kiricheikoa kkelly Kondrad krikee Krissan kroovi lama lethal LewisJB3 Liveoak LLLUUUKKKEEE lord claren LordZack72 Lufsen75 Machee machrs masterhighlander MattiWacklin MegsEggs Mc Lor mickunited333 Mizzou3181 mr. CD MrGlassB MudPuppy ncbilly123 nick11 Night Strike orlando tino osharma osujacket Party all night patches70 paws1610 peglion pela666 PepeAtila phantomzero pheonixraptor pheonixuk Pippin1 Piratul Powerking Proximus Ventor RADAGA rangerhi RDM21 Reaper13Paradine rebreath redbugal Ricardo Godoy richie121 rick1063 riskitall25 rjhankey Robespierre__ RobbieDub rpshawn sandman175 shaneback shoop76 smithrog Sniper08 SOAB69 sonicsteve spidey Streaker SuicidalSnowman superkeener tgfrules The Goof The Mantis theheadholes ThrushAAX Timminz tokle ubcman64 uk massive V.J. VIKTORY welshbean whosane wilkinc william tennant willowrose will_mp40 windowmere wolfmaster wolphe_ii Woolfie3Paws wrexham xAceZxPoseidonx xman5151 yadayada Zambuti zapusca007 zergmeister Zorbas zynmaster RESERVES robadrag replaces Jolly Green Gian brandoncfi replaces GhoStedar razor34 replaces Bluewill32 rom_tobins replaces willowrose Seamus76 replaces billpaxton Ickyketseddie replaces #1Buckeye Dragontrader replaces pheonixuk Prow - replaces abbacar
PLACE 1. wolfmaster PLACE 2. Dragontrader PLACE 3. theheadholes PLACE 4. Araldite lama EnormastitzPLACE 7. Mizzou3181 fairman killboy108 phantomzero kkelly tokle PLACE 13. bigpash angola LLLUUUKKKEEE 4red Belzak BudaPLACE 19. Giaco Patches70 Lufsen75 JMist Brandoncfi Rick1063 Krikee Night Strike Windowmere Superkeener Hagardunor Mr. CD LewisJB3 MattiWacklin Piratul Ickyketseddie Ubcman64 General Bax PLACE 37. ckyrias DBandit70 1ANIMAL1 ncbilly123 shoop76 Robespierre__ bp2008 richie121 Frued1 briannederloe pheonixraptor AslanTheKing lethal chiefsfan4ever anonymus Seamus76 LordZack72 Pippin1 Eternal Shadow orlando tino f.o.b. Proximus Ventor The Mantis SOAB69 zapusca007 gazza trot JJ41375 Kondrad VIKTORY br4nd0n2002 jesuso 1 will_mp40 SuicidalSnowman peglion arno30 Ricardo GodoyPLACE 73. RobbieDub rebreath lord claren Zambuti evilkingjay KingRat Party all night bobdakota edmonto tgfrules benga barterer2002 chapcrap guimassaro Powerking HighlanderAttack jez_smith danryan gaudenis dragon dor wilkinc uk massive PepeAtila big jumbo riskitall25 hillcollector kennys777 kiboyg13 Gabriel13 MudPuppy 1rocking mickunited333 jscorp Faro wolphe_ii masterhighlander PLACE 109. Prow Yadayada Rom_tobins Sniper08 1453 Sonicsteve Babagonosh Evanmeter Aschristopher Badmoon Nick11 BikerAngel Robadrag Timminz Adam666 Damohowo Mc Lor Rjhankey Explodecorn Redbugal Bones2484 Fransilva07 Jessamine Hewhoisdum Farouk Kroovi Welshbean Brianvabeach KI6644 MegsEggs Halbersma V.J. Genghis Khunt 1stCatalyst Rpshawn XAceZxPoseidonx JukeBox Xman5151 Streaker Wrexham Shaneback Agarf Machee MrGlassB William tennant Hello World Kedmond1 Fernilenny Zorbas Atillahun AndyBounce Jeraado The Goof Liveoak Krissan Bikri Hermey68 GreenBaize Hardwolf GJArends Fugger ThrushAAX Osujacket Ashes of Phoenix Gochisox2004 RADAGA Alt1978 B00zer Kiricheikoa Badlouie Paws1610 Crarg Zergmeister Kingd45s Spidey RDM21 Zynmaster Big Long Stick Pela666 Machrs Woolfie3Paws Bldoron Osharma Joe B. DoomYoshi Hotniks Hank44Soccer Dflannery Jvt Bobby14 Dazoot Azak848 Bonobo Aprice17 Whosane AbsluteZero Jonosawass Ev01ne Authoman Aussie02 Bibo33 Sandman175 Bezuidenhout Reaper13Paradine rangerhi smithrog razor34 herus