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isobat [Blocked] KS

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isobat [Blocked] KS

Postby aad0906 on Thu Apr 14, 2011 3:03 pm

Playing a random game and it turned out to be Omaha.

We are all pretty even, there are 2 game leaders. Suddenly #2 attacks me (I'm #3) and by doing so opens up his defenses. At the end of the turn he announces in chat he wants to team up with #1 and ends his turn. 10 seconds later #1 appears, immediately starts his turn, agrees in chat to team up, deploys an army of 57 and instead of simply walking through the defenses of #2 he attacks me and #4 which is a total irrational move UNLESS... you have played 9 our of your 12 games with the same guy... and each time one of the wins.

I already thought it was strange that they left each other alone earlier in the game...



The accused are suspected of:
Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 8831172
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Re: isobat

Postby Riskywin on Thu Apr 14, 2011 7:35 pm

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Re: isobat

Postby ISN2 on Fri Apr 15, 2011 3:00 am

This is absolutely a multi, Isobat has only played 13 games: ... sobat&so=D

And must of them with rjthompson13, And guess who has won those game? ;)
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Re: isobat

Postby dannybhoy97 on Fri Apr 15, 2011 5:45 am

hey what about this green machine guy? hes in a game with them and just a new recruit? his first two games have been wiith isobat? :)
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Re: isobat

Postby Isobat on Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:24 am

I take it a moderator will contact me at some point if they investigate it? Not really interested in getting into a forum fight.
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Re: isobat

Postby TheForgivenOne on Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:59 am

Isobat wrote:I take it a moderator will contact me at some point if they investigate it? Not really interested in getting into a forum fight.

A multi Hunter will posts his results in this thread.
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Re: isobat

Postby Isobat on Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:13 pm

Out of curiosity, do you have records of all of my games from start to finish? I would think the gameplay would speak for itself, but I don't know what you have to go off of.
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Re: isobat

Postby aad0906 on Fri Apr 15, 2011 1:06 pm

Maybe they are not multis but there is definately something going on here, I do think these guys are buddies and may have agreed something on aim, yahoo, skype or msn. When isobat (red) was number 2 in troops/bonuses I was attacking green. You'd think he'd be happy with that if he is playing to win.

In my last turn until this moment, I took 2 of isobat's bonuses. You'd expect him to retake them but no, in his most recent turn he attacks yellow and then comes green who eliminates yellow. It is clear that isobat is not playing to win, all his moves are designed to help green win. This is stuff that even a "bad" player wouldn't do, all his actions have been to put green in a position to win.
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Re: isobat

Postby Phallis on Fri Apr 15, 2011 1:51 pm

I just wanted to post, as the yellow player in the game in question, that what aad0906 is saying about our game is absolutely true. isobat threw the game away; there is no other explanation. Red and green shared weak borders early in the round, and never really crippled each other regardless of how much attacking they did to each other, both remained the big stacks for the entire game until there was nothing aad0906 or I could do.
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Re: isobat

Postby Isobat on Fri Apr 15, 2011 5:01 pm

to explain my most recent turn: I saw two possibilities, either I try to take back my ship (likely a losing proposition, as had considerably more troops backing up the first wave, and I no longer had a superior number in the area to take you down), or I could take the bunker from yellow (a larger risk, but could potentially seat me in a more optimal position, owning territory not in the middle of everyone). I ended up going for the riskier proposition, but did not expect green could eliminate yellow... "

As for the "should have been happy you were attacking green": I was, but you were about to end him and take his bunkers. This was problematic for me, as that would mean that I'd be surrounded by people who's best next target would be me. I was hoping to slow your advance and take advantage of green, but my rolls were poor, and I ended up harming myself rather than setting myself up.

as for the "regardless of how much attacking they did to each other, both remained the big stacks for the entire game"... isn't that analogous to "ignore any evidence that doesn't agree with me, them having the most troops and fighting with those troops proves they cooperated"?

Linking this thread to the game chat, guessing green hasn't seen the thread yet.
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Re: isobat

Postby IcePack on Fri Apr 15, 2011 5:13 pm

I'm inclined to agree with the blue/yellow version, looking @ game log and timing of it all.


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Re: isobat

Postby mgconstruction on Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:18 pm

rjthompson13 takes his turn right after Isobat usually within a minute or two in just about every round except the few that are less then 10 mins apart.
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Re: isobat

Postby aad0906 on Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:59 pm

too funny. They stopped taking their turns right after each other (after reading the accusation of course). Anyway I assaulted green and red has the opportunity to take his beach back and take his ship back and he even cashes spoils but...... does not take his bonuses back (only needs to take three 1's). Red doesn't seem to want to win.
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Re: isobat

Postby Isobat on Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:36 am

The last time I took large amounts of land and got bonuses, I was targeted by everyone else for being the big stack. This time figured I should go slower and take things I think I can actually hold.
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Re: isobat

Postby king sam on Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:09 am

dannybhoy97 Busted as a multi.

these 3 Cleared of being multis at this time, but the SD portion is adding up
pending SD..

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Re: isobat [pending] KS

Postby aad0906 on Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:53 pm

After they knocked yellow out I was still strong enough to severely damage either of them. I picked green to focus all my assaults on and aided by good spoils abd uber-magic dice I did manage to severely cripple and even eliminate green so red did win after all.
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Re: isobat [pending] KS

Postby king sam on Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:32 am

Heres the deal..

isobat and rjthompson have 8 games together (finsihed & active).. The 5 completed ones have one of them winning, and have questionable moves and questionable alignements with each other in them. The evidence leads us to believe that they align themselves together prior to entering the game. Making it a team against individuals in an individual game. Therefor these 2 are now BLOCKED from playing any games in the future together.

There are 2 other individuals in the mix as well, so the final verdict for this is not complete yet, but Block is/has been placed.

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Re: isobat [Blocked/Pending] KS

Postby aad0906 on Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:22 am

Thanks for confirming my suspicions. Will the game get voided?

2011-04-20 13:16:21 - rjthompson13 lost 32 points
2011-04-20 13:16:21 - aad0906 lost 44 points
2011-04-20 13:16:21 - Phallis lost 35 points
2011-04-20 13:16:21 - Isobat gained 111 points
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Re: isobat [Blocked/Pending] KS

Postby king sam on Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:30 am

no the game doesnt get voided or re-done. sorry.. Feel free to Foe and rate Accordingly
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Re: isobat [Blocked/Pending] KS

Postby king sam on Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:12 am

that is all at this time, those 2 Blocked.


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