Conquer Club

Termination: British Isles [TPA][Win: whakamole][2 TOs]

Tournaments completed in 2011.

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Re: Termination: British Isles [TPA][Round 1 Batches 3 & 4]

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:20 pm

I would like to drop out of this tourney if it is not an inconvenience to you

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Re: Termination: British Isles [TPA][Round 1 Batches 3 & 4]

Postby amazzony on Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:04 am

HighlanderAttack wrote:I would like to drop out of this tourney if it is not an inconvenience to you


Nope, none at all because all round 1 games have been sent out, consider yourself dropped.

Sidenote to myself: IcePack also asked to be dropped.
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Re: Termination: British Isles [TPA][Round 1 Batches 3 & 4]

Postby noretreat on Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:56 pm

won game 8601626
I am always open for suggestions .
Just make them good or I am gone, and this kitty is a rockin so hurry before I'm out the door
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Re: UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:57 am

I think I'm a bit off with my timeline but not more than a week.

    There are currently active games in:
  • Batch 3 - 1
  • Batch 4 - 7 games
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Re: UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:01 am

danryan wrote:
amazzony wrote:26 games needed invites, I've sent them out now and hopefully all games will begin today/tomorrow. It has become a habit to some people not to bother to join the games before I send the invites so for next round I will set a new rule where I will start giving minus points for every invite I have to send. I'm still thinking how harsh I will be but I will surely post it before Round 1 finishes.

=D> As a frequent organizer this really grinds my gears!

Now, back to this issue. I have made a decision that should be fair for everybody - those who accidentally forget to join a game but at the same time stops the abuse of joining games only after I've sent invites.

NEW RULE! If I need to send you more than 3 invites per round (1 round consists of 12 games) then you will start losing points. I will mark down every time I'm sending you an invite. First 3 invites are "free" but if I need to send you more than 3 invites then for every invite I send, you will lose a point on the scoreboard. All penalties will be added to the scoreboard after a round has fully ended. The rule will be put to action in round 2 and forward.
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Re: Termination: British Isles [TPA][Round 1 Batches 3 & 4]

Postby Hath on Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:29 am

OK, we're waiting on the following 6 games:

Game 8601549 - Division 2
Game 8601551 - Division 2
Game 8601562 - Division 4
Game 8601564 - Division 4
Game 8601565 - Division 4
Game 8601566 - Division 4

I've updated the scores with all but those games. So all divisions besides 2 & 4 know who's moving on (top 3 in each division)! Congrats to those of you who've made the cut. Thanks for playing to those of you who did not.

We have need of an astounding 4 tiebreakers:
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Re: UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:07 am

I've sent out games to those who need tiebreaker games. I'm hoping that the games will be done more or less at the same time with the remaining division games of batch 4.
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Re: Termination: British Isles [TPA][Round 1 Batch 4+Tiebrea

Postby Hath on Fri Apr 01, 2011 4:25 pm

Division 2 is complete, the top 3 in that division remained unchanged with the last 2 games.
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Re: UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Sat Apr 02, 2011 3:21 am

All tiebreakers are active, hopefully last division won't give us another pair who needs them.
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Re: Termination: British Isles [TPA][Round 1 Batch 4+Tiebrea

Postby Hath on Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:58 am

Division 4 has completed with yet another tiebreaker required between benga and kkelly

Updated standings will be posted shortly in the 2nd post in the thread.
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Re: UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:44 am

Hath wrote:Division 4 has completed with yet another tiebreaker required between benga and kkelly

Invites have been sent out to those players.

>>Edit. 2 tiebreakers are over and these people have advanced to next round: Evil Semp (division 9) and Tobikera (division 10).
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Re: UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:19 am

  • BlinkadyBlink (div 1) has advanced to round 2 from tiebreakers.
  • benga vs kkelly (division 4) and bruno fountain vs uslaryan (division 11) are the active tiebreakers that need to finish before we can move on to round 2.
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Re: UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Tue Apr 12, 2011 3:11 pm

Round 1 is completely finished (last tiebreakers have ended). I will collect everybody's score today to form divisions but I doubt that I will get games out so fast. You can expect round 2 games in the next 24 hours.

>>Edit. Added full list of tiebreakers that were needed in Round 1 and results (winner marked in bold).

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Re: UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Wed Apr 13, 2011 6:25 am

Round 2 has began!

First batch of this round has been sent out to everybody.
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Re: Termination: British Isles [TPA][Round 2]

Postby Hath on Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:31 am

I made a small error in the division 5 scoring that Tripitaka brought to my attention (basically, I counted one game twice and skipped another). Luckily, it did not affect the placements in that division.

I went through and verified all of the scoring from Round 1 and everything else was correct.

On to Round 2! :D
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Re: UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Thu Apr 14, 2011 11:07 am

Round 2 has really began now!

Thanks, Hath! I have sent out the games once more, I am sure this time everything will go smoothly.
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Re: UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Sun Apr 17, 2011 6:48 am

Due to the small messup with starting round 2 I will not give penalty points in this batch but from next one it will go to full action. I have sent a couple of invites but mostly everybody have found their way to games really nicely.

40kguy has asked to be removed from the tournament due to his high game count and he will be replaced by the 4th place player of his division. He played in division 11 and therefore uslaryan will take his place.

Batch 2 of round 2 will be sent out next Thursday.
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Re: UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Mon Apr 18, 2011 4:28 am

It seems that humrlmo from division 10 has earned himself a General Achievement Medal as the Best Terminated Terminator. I will contact Lindax and the medal should be given out in the next day or two.

A General Achievement Medal will be given out after round 1 of the tournament - Best Terminated Terminator. It is given out to the highest scoring loser of round 1 (i.e. person who ends up 4th in his/her division but has gathered more points than any other 4th place player of round 1).

>>Edit. All Batch 2 (round 2) games are active. Like mentioned before, next batch coming to your way on Thursday.
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Re: UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby Lindax on Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:32 am

amazzony wrote:It seems that humrlmo from division 10 has earned himself a General Achievement Medal as the Best Terminated Terminator. I will contact Lindax and the medal should be given out in the next day or two.

A General Achievement Medal will be given out after round 1 of the tournament - Best Terminated Terminator. It is given out to the highest scoring loser of round 1 (i.e. person who ends up 4th in his/her division but has gathered more points than any other 4th place player of round 1).

>>Edit. All Batch 2 (round 2) games are active. Like mentioned before, next batch coming to your way on Thursday.

General Achievement Medal awarded to Humrlmo


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Re: Termination: British Isles [TPA][Round 2 Batch 1]

Postby Steelhorse on Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:48 am

Game 8872872
3 terminations for me...
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Re: UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Sun Apr 24, 2011 11:07 am

I'm really sorry, I am totally late with batch 2 games but I haven't been feeling well for the past week and then the whole holiday weekend.... Anyways, batch 2 of round 2 is out; third batch will be sent out on Friday.
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Re: UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Wed Apr 27, 2011 2:38 am

I gave everybody almost 60 hours to join the games, following people earned first warnings (remember, more than 3 warnings mean penalty points): jontheman (3), johnhendey (3), whakamole (3), joeaggie98 (2), Tripitaka (2).

As batch 2 games haven't started as smoothly as I hoped then I will postpone sending out batch 3 and those games you will get either on Sunday or Monday.
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Re: UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Sun May 01, 2011 3:10 pm

Message with games of batch 3 of second round has been sent out to everybody. Everybody has 2-3 days to find and join their games, after that the penalty invites come in.
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Re: UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Tue May 03, 2011 1:39 pm

An hour less than 48 hours was given to join games and following people needed invites (number of games): joeaggie98 (3), danfrank (3), whakamole (3).

I have sent overall 5 invites to joeaggie98 now which means that he has earned himself 2 penalty points; whakamole has been invites 6 times in this which gives him 3 penalty points. Hath will deduct those minuses from your score at the end of the round.

Also, I will be away from CC until the end of the week so I will see if Hath will send out more reminder-invites if first ones didn't work.
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Re: Termination: British Isles [TPA][Round 2 Batches 1,2&3]

Postby chiefsfan4ever on Tue May 03, 2011 2:52 pm

Can we get an updated scoreboard for round 2?
High score - 2536
Highest Rank - Colonel

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