This tournament will be played on Random map with eight games at a time, so:
Premium only.
This will be a 64-person tournament with the top four in each group moving on to the next round.
Round 1 will be eight groups of eight.
Round 2 will be 32 players with four groups of eight.
Round 3 will be 16 players with two groups of eight.
Finals will be 8 players.
All groups will be decided by At the end of each round, the groups will be shaken up by yet again.
Automatic Sequential Escalating chained no fog
Winner receives 12 points
second (last player eliminated) gets 7 points third 6 points fourth 5 points fifth 4 points sixth 3 points seventh 2 points eighth (first player eliminated) 1 point
Join games within 48 hours or you are Eliminated and a reserve will take your place.
If two players are tied then whoever has the most wins, seconds, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths, sevenths or eighths will be the tie-breaker. Just win, baby.
If multiple players are tied with the same score, a tie-breaker game will be played with the same settings with all the players tied.
GROUP 4 - there is one game still ongoing, but it is looking like a stack game and dazza2008 can no longer catch The Mantis. So, in the interest of moving the tournament along, will let them continue to fight that game out. Through 7 completed games (Games 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 ): 1. musicalmaven, 58 2. GreenBaize, 52 3. tokle, 44 4. The Mantis, 39 5. dazza2008, 29 6. kingjames38, 26 7. Bigshotlalonde, 19 8. spartan318, 1
GROUP 5 DONE 1. arno30, 54 2. Lord Lambert, 53 3. Kiko13, 44 4. TheTrueNorth, 42 5. deanof7, 39 t 6. milo67, 34 and tomod, 34 8. ABNSOLDIER, 20