Round three posted updates from page one
[b/3--]4/1--I am so sorry. I had to move. I do not have internet at my new place yet. I have been moving cleaning working over the last week and had less than an hour each day to get on line (really only a few minutes). I will go to my cousins on Sunday and get the next round started. I apologize for the two day delay but it will not be possible for me to get the next round started in my present situation. I hope everyone understands [/b]
3/20-Round 4 will start April 1st.Friday 8pm 3/18--I have decided to start the next round on April 1st. This will give me some extra time to organize the tourney and should give the time needed to finish all round three games. I am also in the process of moving and am trying to work as many hours as I can as well. As you may have noticed I did not even have time to delete all the games not joined yet in round three--that is being done tonight and I will be updating some of my other tourneys which are in great need of being updated. Thanks for the patience--I also will answer any questions that were posted over the last few days in the thread and by pm or wall.6:51 3/15 --Wednesday will be the last day to join games for round 3--I just went through and checked and there are no more bounties available so now is the time to finish up playing games if you need or want to get up to three total and no more than three total games in this round. This gives you about 36 hours to finish joining games.
6:16am 3/15--eddie2 is not even in my tourney so that bounty attempt has to go to someone else--the first eligible player to wall me with this slogan gets to play. "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE"--it has to be a wall with just those five words and no added words--just copy and paste to be safe.--Edit--eddie2 is in the tourney--no idea what I searched so the winner of this plays mgconstruction
7:37 3/13 The 1-60 is now over--first one to answer this riddle in the thread that has less than 3 games played in round 3 and is eligible will play thegreekdog:
1. What row of numbers comes next in this series?
1311222112:20 3/13 Due to an ineligible and due to a same department type winner I still have bounties available against thegreekdog and TheSaxlad--I am off to work so I will restart two guessing games--if you are eligible to play-less than three games and in the tourney you may guess one number between 1-60. There are two games going so there will be two winners but since you are allowed one guess you can only win one. Good Luck-I am off to work and will check tonight when I get back3/13/11:40am-Double Bounty time (in a way)--I still have the 1-50 going --no winner on that and thegreekdog awaits a player.
Now if you want into this bounty you must answer in the thread--first answer gets to play TheSaxlad
What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
Must be eligible to play and must answer in the threadI am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. What am I? If you know what it is just use it.
Do you want to play the mole--answer the riddle and find the passcode to this bounty game--just go to the game and enter into it if you are eligible. game number : Game 868626111 was guessed for this game :
Game 86861193/12-9pm--two bounties are being offered--the 1-300 is now void but is replaced with a 1-50 guess--everyone gets to make one guess, but two bounties are available including the one that has my favorite number. So please make one guess--If you get one of the numbers correct you win a chance at a bounty. If you guess twice by accident whatever guess is first is your guess even if your second is correct. MAKE ONE GUESS BETWEEN 1-50--GOOD LUCK7:54 on 3/11Current bounty contest ends in 1 hour and six minutes--ok--It has been almost 24 hours or maybe it has been 24 hours --I want to fill this bounty--You have one more hour to pick and then this contest will change--at 9pm my time I will give a smaller range and everyone will be allowed to pick on11/14 pm update--Since I fell asleep minutes before 9pm I will make it 9pm tomorrow night. Sorry--I will keep the 1-300 same game going until tomorrow night. If no winner by then I will reset.
3/11: 6:40 I am done making games for round three--you now have to join your games. There will be more bounties this round so save one spot if you want to go for them. I will make games if needed, but they will be classic or doodle or other small maps the rest of the way.I will take number guesses 1-300 for a short while longer and then I will try something else if the last bounty does not get won by the guessing game3/11 1:25pm--I am going to make 250 games over the next hour to two hours. Now is your chance to get the map and settings you want--the players choice part of this round. I will take requests by pm only for this--ten games for each pm I receive. Do not send me something that will take more than two weeks to finish though. I am still taking guesses for the 1-300 If no one gets it right by tonight I will do a different game for the bounty.8pm Thursday --Time for a bounty guessing game--this one will be against thegreekdog. Please post your guess in the thread and I will check it when I get a chance Game 8674694 You can have two guesses total for this one. You must guess 1-300. First post with the correct answer wins a chance to play the game for the 3 month premium. I won't be able to check until later so keep that in mind. Be in the tourney and have played less than three games in round 3 to be eligible. Good Luck3/10 7:25am--I am off to work--all bounties have been filled. deadsniper won the freemium guessing game and goes for a one year premium prize against soldierboy. Night Strikes bounty was joined by Rodion but he is giving his chance to one of his friends. Any game you cannot get into with the round three pass code means it is a bounty game. I still need to respond to thread inquiries, but I have to go to real life work.3/9 10:41pm --FREEMIUM PLAYERS ONLY:
soldierboy wrote:I have helped 2 freemiums already to get there premiums for a year so I was thinking one of the freemiums I will get them a 1 year premium
For this bounty we will play a game--soldierboy will give a freemium player one year premium membership if they beat him--WOW--that is a great donation to this tourney. To win this one year of membership you must guess a number between 1 and 100 by posting your guess on this thread. The first player to get it right will get to play him in a game to win the prize. You must beat him of course. Remember-you must not have played three games this round and must be in the tourney still to be eligible. Good Luck and you may start guessing
3/9 10:00 PM --A few things of note--I just got home from a long day at work. I will respond to everyone tonight, but stats and first page threads will not get updated until Friday. I have to go back to work in the morning and I have my son tomorrow night. In the mean time let's do a Night Strike Bounty hunt.
two and zero is the passcode
Game 8669663 Must not have already played your three games in round three and be eligible --Good Luck
3/9 7:00 AM --Sorry all--with real life taking charge I was not able to work on the tourney last night. I will get back to everyone tonight though.
3/8 7:45 pm--I just got home from work. I have 115 turns to take-only 15pm's--not bad at all, I am sure there are a bunch of posts as well. After I get my turns done I will start working on the tourney and responding. The players hosting bounties--I will address your games tonight as well. It will be at least a few hours as long as my internet holds up.Round 3 begins with a bounty--game number Game 8658233
You must still be in the tourney to join this game--the pass is:
Round 3 begins10:55 Eastern 3/7
3/7--ROUND 3 will start today. I have made 2000 games and will get instructions out later tonight after I get my child down to sleep. It will start with the usual bounty game so pay attention to the first page of the thread. It will be at least a few hours from now 7:15 Eastern.3/6-email that went out to all players advancing to round 3 this morning:
[spoiler]I am sending this out as information only so read it to stay updated become clear on how to understand how updates work.
Please go to the thread and keep updated on page one. All updates are being posted there instead of me pm-ing you.
The only pm's you will receive are instructions on how to join for each future round or a reminder that you have not joined. Basically you can expect no more than two pm's in any given round and most likely only one pm at the start of a round. All other information is found on page one of the thread or in the first four pages -like-rules-player list-prizes.