Conquer Club

Survivor Tournament [Winner: uckuki]

Tournaments completed in 2011.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Survivor Tournament [Winner: uckuki]

Postby greenoaks on Tue Jan 25, 2011 9:53 pm

Original tournament thread: Survivor Tournament

Survivor Tournament
To start out there will be two tribes of 8 people. Before the merge you will play one 1 vs 1 match up against someone on the other tribe. These matchups will be considered the reward challenge. The tribe that wins the most reward matches wins the reward. The reward is getting to choose the settings for the team match ups(immunity challenge). All reward matches will be Flat spoils , chained reinforcements, and sunny. The team matchups are considered the immunity challenge. The losing tribe will go to tribal council and vote someone out. Every person on the losing tribe will send me a PM with their vote and I will post the results in the thread and that person will be out of the tournament. If there is a tie the tribe that wins in the least amount of rounds wins the tiebreaker. For example in the first reward challenge if you each win 4 of the matchups but one tribe does it in 20 rounds and the other in 22 the first tribe wins. When we get down to only 8 people the tribes will merge and it will become a solo game. You can stay with your original tribe or you can start new alliances. You will still have reward challenges where the winner still gets to pick the map settings for the immunity challenge. And then of course the winner of that gets immunity while the rest are vulnerable. When it gets to a solo game everyone plays on the same map and the 1 on 1 matches are over. Once we get down to three people the 7 previous voted out will become the tribal council and they will vote on the final 3 people. The player with the most tribal council votes gets to choose the settings for the final map. So sticking with the Survivor theme it will be Heroes vs. Villains. When you sign up please choose your tribe. The maps for the reward challenge are:

Reward 1 Classic
Reward 2 Midgard
Reward 3 Tamriel
Reward 4 Africa
Reward 5 Madagascar
Reward 6 USA
Reward 7 Texan Wars
Reward 8 Europe
Reward 9 Malta
Reward 10 Prohibition Chicago
Reward 11 San Francisco
Reward 12 CCU
Reward 13 British Isles

Orange= eliminated
Blue= Jury member

1] Rudibach
3] The Mantis
4] b00060
5] woolleyy
6] Katd89
7] Etropal
8] thetiger

1] adam666
2] TalynStarburst
3] Vykingsfan64
4] cakcledbetter
5] uckuki
6] kawe85
7] ask me2
8] alexsmart
Last edited by greenoaks on Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:02 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: Survivor Tournament

Postby greenoaks on Tue Jan 25, 2011 9:53 pm

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Re: Survivor Tournament [Day 27 - Immunity]

Postby greenoaks on Fri Jan 28, 2011 1:51 am

all surviving players and the 3 members of the jury have been pm'd.

i will post the next game as soon as the winner of the reward challenge, uckuki gives me the settings
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Re: Survivor Tournament [Day 27 - Immunity]

Postby greenoaks on Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:00 pm

the settings for Day 27's Immunity Challenge are in

Waterloo, Assassin, Auto, Seq, Nuclear, Chained, Sunny

your invites have been sent
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Re: Survivor Tournament [Day 30 - Immunity]

Postby greenoaks on Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:05 am

as per the pm i sent you, i have cancelled Day 27's Immunity game as cakcledbetter is unable to continue in this tournament. she will not be replaced.

the Day 29 Reward Challenge game will also be skipped.

i have created Day 30's Immunity game using the settings decided by uckuki, the winner of the last Reward Challenge played.

the jury will now be short one person but depending on the votes cast that may not be an issue.
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Re: Survivor Tournament [Day 30 - Immunity]

Postby CDLTexan on Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:40 pm

Sorry for not being able to finish this tournament. My wife has just recently gotten out of the hospital and is still not 100%. With that and our 2 young children I no longer have the time to play conquer club. I really enjoyed playing and running tournaments and hope to be able to do it again eventually, but as for now I need to take care of my family. Once again I do apologize for not being able to finish this tournament.

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Re: Survivor Tournament [Day 30 - Immunity]

Postby greenoaks on Tue Feb 22, 2011 6:46 am

the votes for day 30's tribal council have been received and the result is:

3 - rudibach
2 - woolleyy
1 - TalynStarburst
1 - adam666

rudibach has been voted out.

invites for day 32's reward challenge have been sent.
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Re: Survivor Tournament [Day 32 - Reward]

Postby vykingsfan64 on Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:18 pm

Where are we at with this thing. Is it dead or what?
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Re: Survivor Tournament [Day 32 - Reward]

Postby greenoaks on Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:27 pm

vykingsfan64 wrote:Where are we at with this thing. Is it dead or what?

the day 32 reward game is still going strong. i can't do anything until it finishes.

Game 8568599
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Re: Survivor Tournament [Day 32 - Reward]

Postby vykingsfan64 on Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:31 pm

greenoaks wrote:
vykingsfan64 wrote:Where are we at with this thing. Is it dead or what?

the day 32 reward game is still going strong. i can't do anything until it finishes.

Game 8568599

Sorry, I see that now. I guess that's what happens when you get eliminated in a game so early! :oops:
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Re: Survivor Tournament [Day 32 - Reward]

Postby greenoaks on Fri Apr 29, 2011 12:17 am

Game 8568599
2011-04-27 14:44:46 - greenoaks: you are going to have to finish this up or i will declare it void and make the decision myself
2011-04-27 14:45:18 - greenoaks: to let it continue runs the risk of the tournament being declared abandoned
2011-04-27 14:47:18 - greenoaks: i will give each of you 10 turns to determine a winner (it is currently Rd46, yellow's turn)
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Re: Survivor Tournament [Day 33 - Immunity]

Postby greenoaks on Sat May 07, 2011 1:21 am

the Day 32 Reward challenge was won by uckuki. for the Day 33 Immunity challenge he has selected:-

Poison Rome, Standard, Auto, Chained, Esc, Sunny
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Re: Survivor Tournament [Day 33 - Immunity]

Postby adam666 on Sat May 14, 2011 11:44 pm

dont know if anyone has told u but we r still waitin 4 a player to join poison rome
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Re: Survivor Tournament [Day 33 - Immunity]

Postby greenoaks on Mon May 16, 2011 3:55 am

adam666 wrote:dont know if anyone has told u but we r still waitin 4 a player to join poison rome

he should be joining it as i type this
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Re: Survivor Tournament [Day 35 - Reward]

Postby greenoaks on Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:12 am

the votes for day 33's tribal council have been received and the result is:

2 - adam666
1 - woolleyy
1 - TalynStarburst
1 - uckuki
1 - vykingsfan64

adam666 has been voted out.

invites for day 35's reward challenge have been sent.
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Re: Survivor Tournament [Day 35 - Reward]

Postby Lindax on Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:29 pm

This tournament thread has not been visibly updated in a while. By “visibly updated” I mean that the thread has not been bumped for at least 2 months by posting a new post or reply.

We routinely check the last few pages of the “Ongoing Tournaments” Forum for inactive tournaments. If your tournament thread is on those last pages, we have to check to see if your tournament is still active, which can be quite a lot of work.

Please help us in our quest to find inactive tournaments and update your thread regularly and then also post that you have updated it (if your tournament is still active). This will get the active threads and tournaments bumped to the first page, and significantly lessen our workload of checking for inactive tournaments.

For more information about updating your tournament thread and avoiding your tournament being labeled “inactive”, see also: Keeping Your Tournament Active & Updated

Thank you very much in advance,


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Re: Survivor Tournament [Day 35 - Reward]

Postby greenoaks on Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:28 pm

it hasn't been more than 2 months
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Re: Survivor Tournament [Day 35 - Reward]

Postby greenoaks on Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:40 pm

and the Day 35 Reward game has almost finished.
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Re: Survivor Tournament [Day 38 - Reward]

Postby greenoaks on Sat Aug 13, 2011 3:00 am

as you may be aware from game chat TalynStarburst has decided to leave CC.

as a result we will be skipping the Day 36 Immunity challange and moving on to the Day 38 Reward challange.
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Re: Survivor Tournament [Day 39 - Immunity]

Postby greenoaks on Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:56 pm

the Day 38 Reward Challange was won by uckuki.

he has chosen for the Day 39 Immunity Challange - Terminator, Atlantis, Auto, Seq, Nuclear, Chained, Sunny, 50 limit.

the winner of this game will be safe at the next tribal council. good luck everyone.
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Re: Survivor Tournament [Day 39 - Immunity]

Postby greenoaks on Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:47 am

i have tallied the votes and it is -

woolleyy - 2 votes

uckuki - 2 votes

a revote is required
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Re: Survivor Tournament [Day 39 - Immunity]

Postby greenoaks on Tue Nov 08, 2011 6:27 pm

the votes have again been tallied and the result is unchanged with 2 votes for uckuki & 2 for woolleyy.

i have reread the rules and the rule regarding tiebreakers is whoever did worse loses the tiebreaker. applying that to a singles match it would be whoever was eliminated 1st out of those two in the last game.

woolleyy was eliminated from the game in Round 18
The Mantis was eliminated from the game in Round 28
uckuki was eliminated from the game in Round 30
vykingsfan64 wins the game & immumity

therefore woolleyy is eliminated and becomes the last person on the jury.
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Re: Survivor Tournament [Day 39 - Immunity]

Postby greenoaks on Mon Nov 14, 2011 4:23 am

uckuki received more votes than anyone else and now has the opportunity to select the map & settings of the final game.

the winner of this game will win the tournament.
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Re: Survivor Tournament [Final]

Postby greenoaks on Mon Nov 14, 2011 4:52 am

uckuki has chosen Middle Ages, Auto, Seq, Nuclear, Chained, Sunny with a 50 round limit

the invites have been sent. good luck.
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Re: Survivor Tournament [Winner: uckuki]

Postby greenoaks on Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:19 am

and the winner of Survivor: Heroes & Villians is uckuki

=D> =D> =D>
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