CONGRATULATIONS to dustin800, jghost7, murphy16 for winning the Enter Forbidden City Trips RR Tournament. Strong work against a tough field!
Enter the forbidden city...many will go in...only three will come out.8 Triples teams
Forbidden city
Automatic, Sequential, No spoils, Sunny, Chained
Round Robin
If after first clear winner is established..the tied participants will play one final game to determine the winner.
If after the first round 3-4 teams are tied...a second round robin composed of tied winners will ensue.
If the second round again produces a tie...tied members will continue to play the round robin format until a clear winner by record is determined.
Sign up as a triples team with all three members
Please include a team name
Premium only...3-4 games at a time will be played.
Teams1) Jcrymal, Dibbler, joe snuffy
2) aaronvollrath, jakevv, beeps
3) [list=]dustin800, jghost7, murphy16[/list]
4) capk81, WPBRJ, TheTrueNorth
5)Tobikera, hmsps, sdh
6)danryan, Jippd, Master Fenrir
7)MyTurnToWin, conquerhero, kemeryj
8. Draq, Arama86n, Genoke
Tournament Standings
Team Record
Pig Renters 5-2
AoD 5-2
FOED 5-2
Team Caddis 2-5
FFS 3-4
BotFM 3-4
Dynasty 3-3
Triple Threat 1-5