The remainder of this post is my original post, describing the method and my initial application of it to the results of Clan League 3 only (nothing else). You have to start small, right?
wikipedia wrote:Performance Rating is a hypothetical rating that would result from the games of a single event only. Some chess organizations use the "algorithm of 400" to calculate performance rating. According to this algorithm, performance rating for an event is calculated by taking (1) the rating of each player beaten and adding 400, (2) the rating of each player lost to and subtracting 400, (3) the rating of each player drawn, and (4) summing these figures and dividing by the number of games played. This can be expressed by the following formula:
Performance rating = [(Total of opponents' ratings + 400 * (Wins - Losses)) / Games].
I've taken this formula and modified it to get a clan ranking based on CL3 performance.
I treat each set of 18 games (19 games in finals) from CL3 as a single game between two clans where each clan either wins, loses or ties.
The points a clan gets for each set is a function of their opponents rating at that time.
The rating of a clan is the weighted average of all such accumulated points.
(weighting is by games in the set, so reg season sets are weighted at 18, finals weighted at 19)
I started each clan at 1000 points.
I assumed that KORT beat TSM in the regular season 10-8 (the data in the thread are incomplete at 9-8 favoring KORT).
If TSM tied KORT please let me know and I'll update the ratings.