Conquer Club

HA's 200th Tourney (Josko.ri Wins)

Tournaments Completed in 2014.

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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (Round 3-has started)

Postby jimfinn on Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:35 pm

go for 17
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (Round 3-has started)

Postby sport.nut on Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:44 pm

I'm guessing 33
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (Round 3-has started)

Postby drunkmonkey on Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:13 am

I guess 44
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (Round 3-has started)

Postby lsjucla on Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:24 am

My guess is 5
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (Round 3-has started)

Postby Stickse on Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:10 am

my guess 3
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (Round 3-has started)

Postby blue_max on Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:17 am

how about 32?
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (Round 3-has started)

Postby Frued1 on Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:16 am

I'm guessing 43 (1943 was my mother-in-law's birth year and all my other numbers were picked lol)
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (Round 3-has started)

Postby kgbpizza on Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:42 am

Guesses for Game 8674694


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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (Round 3-has started)

Postby thebest712 on Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:04 am

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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (Round 3-has started)

Postby General Roy on Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:43 am

For the number 1-50 . my is -27 exp(i pi) to add a little lighhearted fun.

I mean, if you want to know how many cows there are on a farm, you count the feet, right?
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (Round 3-has started)

Postby dapp69er on Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:23 am

I got it I know this it is 6 yaaaaaahhhhh
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (Round 3-has started)

Postby austin00 on Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:34 am

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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (Round 3-has started)

Postby BunnRee on Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:12 am

46, I say!
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (Round 3-has started)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:24 am

Wow--the first 1-50 is still available --if you have not guessed please do so soon or I will reset and start over.
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (Round 3-has started)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:18 am

Are my Europeans still sleeping--it is mid afternoon by now--where are those guesses?
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (Round 3-has started)

Postby AslanTheKing on Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:31 am

my number is 4
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (Round 3-has started)

Postby lord claren on Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:27 am

1 to 50. I choose 1.
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (Round 3-has started)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:57 am

Old information from round 2

3/5-Sunday or Monday--not sure with 10 active games left--but most likely start of round 3


Round 3 to start between 3/3 and 3/7--hard to tell with over 70 active games remaining

Round 2 is closed

Round 3 to start between 3/3 and 3/7--hard to tell with over 250 active games remaining

We will lose about 400 players so we should be in the 1500+ remaining

If you have any major issues or questions--just post in the thread and I will get back to you

We had about seven players play round 2 that should not be in --if anyone requests a pass code from you--tell them they have to pm me for it. Please don't give the passcode out. If you give the passcode out you will be disqualified.

Night Strike has requested instead of the 6th and 7th getting paid out to give to the top placing freemiums--I agree with this so I will make the change on the prize menu for now. I may get more donations or be able to donate more myself so they may get added back into the prizes along with others. Any CC team member still in the tourney that wants to donate send me a pm--we can get bounties on you starting round 3

213 games are available to be joined at 12pm on Friday. I will start deleting games tonight so this is your last chance to get in a game if you have not done so already.NO MORE BOUNTIES THIS ROUND


24+ HOUR WARNING TO JOIN GAMES IN ROUND 2. Sometime between Friday night and Saturday morning I will delete all games that have not been joined and match up any players that are waiting for games. If a match cannot be made equally with same map and setting players in order will get random games with default settings. Round 2 will then be finished out and round three will start shortly after that. I do not have a time for round 3 to start but if I were to guess --March 3rd would be a good estimate of the start date for round 3. I am not going to send another pm as I have sent two this round. The joining of the round is officially over except I have extended time up to 36 more hours for players to join. There will be a few more bounties this round announced through twitter and/or facebook so be on the look out for them.

After checking this morning it seems you are one of 454 players that have not joined a game in round 2. Friday will be the last day to join a game in round 2. Please read all of the information below-post questions on the thread if you have any.[/size]--The above message went to the 454 players that have not joined a game in round 2 along with the instructions on how to join. The list of these players can be found on page:172

I have a busy day today so not much will happen. I need to organize the bounties and I will send a pm out to the over 400 players that have not joined a game this round. I will answer any questions tonight.

sogaender wrote:437,
Looks like we have a winner: 437 was the number

BOUNTY TIME--not sure who you are playing yet --but I will set the game up after I have a winner with one of our volunteers. Anyway this game will be even harder than the last one. Last game lasted 5.5 hours --Only time will tell how long this one lasts. For this game you must pick a number between 1-500. You get three guesses--remember you must only have played 0-2 games in round 2 and be in the tourney to be eligible--must post your guesses in the thread.--Good Luck go post.

Our latest Bounty Winner-ImperialDragon-- viewtopic.php?f=91&t=134927&start=2495[/size]

Bounty time again--this one is for the MOLE--I like the idea of guessing numbers--for this one we will do 1-200, so I expect a lot of players to get a chance--You may guess two times--You have to post in the thread--u can't have already played your three games in this round. You have to still be in the tourney. So go post two guesses 1-200--first post to get it right wins. Game 8552160 Do not pm me.

OVER 600 players that have advanced into round 2 have not started playing this round--better get busy--Friday will be the last day to join games--unless you have given me a pm why you cannot join. Only one player is getting back from a vacation on Friday--all others are expected to get at least one game in by Friday. I will send a pm or two out with a notice but there will be no excuses come Friday.[/size]

The winner is davec727--congrats and thanks to all that played Game 8548868

Bounty time--remember you must be a part of round 2 and have played less than 3 games total in round 2. Let's play a game--the game is called higher or lower. I have picked a number between 1 and 1000. First person to get the number correct by posting in the thread will get to play in the bounty game against me. Here is the twist--I will say higher or lower after you guess--this will narrow it down. You are allowed 2 guesses total--that is it. Good Luck

2/19--ok what the heck--here is one of tonight's bounties Game 8547672 Thing is I do not want to release the passcode for this one--I would check out the player that this is against--check his profile closely. It gives the passcode away. [/size] If you can figure it out--you go for the premium prize--good luck--Oh and remember--ask all questions on the thread unless u need the passcode--then you can pm me--thanks

2/19--I am super busy--it is Saturday morning--won't be back on line until late this afternoon or tonight. More games will be created then and a bounty will come out for sure.

Round 2 joining instructions:

To find available games click on Game Finder and search available games for HA's 200th tourney--same as last time.

I am bored was the actual passcode to the bounty and drunkmonkey figured it out--the number was 32 for all those interested. More fun and excitement to come.
Most recent bounty game--Game 8535878--there have been four this round so far--also note the bounty set up by the drawing has not been joined--it has a normal passcode for round 2 so if it expires --first come first serve

I am bored so I am doing another bounty--here is the twist--you can get in by figuring out the passcode by yourself or guessing a number between 1 and 50. The person who guesses the number first gets the invitation to the games if someone did not figure out the pass code--yea try figuring it out--lol--so post reply in the thread with a number between 1-50. You get one guess only--go post--I am waiting. The game number is Game 8535878

10:55 2/17--I will take requests for the next two hours--only by pm--so send me a pm with map and settings if you want about ten games made with your choice.

The 3-0 club has been released on the last page

9:02 2/17--Instructions have been sent out--if you did not get instructions please post in this thread and I will send a private message and wall you--make sure you are a remaining player in the tourney.

Why are some games reserved?
Only I can reserve a game:

1. They were picked to choose maps and settings so I reserved on game for them
2. The responded to open map choice as posted on the thread --so I reserved them one spot.
3. It is an announced bounty game

5:47 2/17 Well Well Well--looks like the bounty hunters will win two in a row with the mole getting his but pushed back in his hole by the mud puppy :). So Europeans wanted a bounty sent out during their time--I set my alarm to do this one--actually I get up about this time every day. FEAR THE MOLE is the pass code, although the mole is not putting fear in anyone with the game he is playing right now. As the mole gets his beauty sleep you can join his bounty game at Game 8533242 Remember please be on the list of remaining players to join this game. It will count for the the mole so please don't waste an opportunity for someone to win the premium prize.--also I will be sending out the passcode in a few hours for round 2. Good Luck

I am taking requests for maps and settings for the next few hours as I am making games in preparation for tomorrow passcode release and the real start to round 2. You must pm me with map and settings if you want about 25 games created with the way you like it. MudPuppy joined the mole's bounty and got the start so we may have a shot are our second bounty winner--a whole 15 minutes passed after it was posted.

2/16 8:48Let's kick off round 2 with a bounty on the famous mole. The pass code is sniff the mole He has generously offered up 8 of these so go get your 3 month premium. Remember bounty hunters have been dreadful so far only winning one game out of eight. The game is Game 8530887. Remember please be on the list of remaining players to join this game. It will count for the the mole so please don't waste an opportunity for someone to win the premium prize.--WOW--9:03 now and this is still available--I like it :)

Game 8530713Goslowandecho was chosen by to play in the first bounty of round 2. If he does not show up the pass code will be the one that is released in the instruction tomorrow. First come first serve. If you are not in the tourney any longer do not join--you will not win the bounty if this happens and it will cause one less bounty attempt in the current round.

It is 5pm my time on Wednesday. I am doing a for a bounty against me on my arms race in about thirty seconds. You can check the results on the last page--this will be set up as the first bounty of round 2. will choose the player--first one chosen gets a chance.

Ten player chosen this round for maps and settings:
1. Rev360
2. AngryAnderson
3. Nesterdude
4. LoTto47
5. Ashur62
6. Claw Of Kane
7. Conquerclub14
8. MadCatPico
9. RHop
10. Fireswords

2507 players are in this tourney
3495 games were played in round one

I suspect a bounty will probably lead off round 2 in the next 24 hours-hint hint

Bounty Scoreboard-(1of22) have been won

2/16 Round 2 pm sent:

2/16-List of players advancing for sure released and a pm to all sent. Players that played more than four games-last chance to send game time initialized-game numbers and w or l to me. Still 7 players that are playing in round one have a chance to advance by winning--games to come out by this weekend no matter what--those players won't receive the passcode until they win or lose though.
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (Round 3-has started)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:06 am

I tried to spoil that long message with round 2 info, but because there are spoilers within I suppose it did not work--anyway--the above post is old info from round 2

Still looking for a bounty winner with 1-50
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (Round 3-has started)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:42 am

3/13/11:40am-Double Bounty time (in a way)--I still have the 1-50 going --no winner on that and thegreekdog awaits a player.

Now if you want into this bounty you must answer in the thread--first answer gets to play TheSaxlad

What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?

Must be eligible to play and must answer in the thread
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (Round 3-has started)

Postby thelgar on Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:47 am

the letter M
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (Round 3-has started)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:47 am

Sure is a quiet day on this thread--I leave for work in a half an hour so if nothing happens between now and then I will check and update when I get home tonight
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (Round 3-has started)

Postby TheSaxlad on Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:48 am

Thelgar Shall Be Playing Me:) should be fun :D
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (Round 3-has started)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:48 am

thelgar wrote:the letter M

Winner winner--you won the riddle bounty--I still need a 1-50 winner--this was the original 1-300 which no one got right--oh yea that was 64 for that 1-300 by the way.
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (Round 3-has started)

Postby TheSaxlad on Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:51 am

29 :)
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