Chariot of Fire wrote:D is about the only one worthy of a medal. All the other options were either written as a joke (B), are a result of lopsided dice all at once (A), already have a clear leader (C), cannot be gauged fairly (D), or are too subjective (F) (and even this last one I wrote as a joke in the event we go on and win the tourney).
At least D rewards the team that actually won more points than any other, even if they didn't go on to win the tourney, which in my mind is certainly an achievement (coz it's effectively the best overall record) and is what the medal stands for - an achievement in general.
I agree 100% with CoF here. Except that when he said "cannot be gauged fairly (D)", I think he meant (E).
josko.ri wrote:well, if for A suggestion are not counted rounds 1-15, then for noone sugestion shouldnt be counted. achievement is achievement, no matter of timing it was done. also, on the time when I asked for 21-0 GA medal, it was 5 undecided games in our challenge which could turn on other side, and still one game is not won (we have 17-0 with bamboo jack lead, which is far from be decided). so it is not true that asking for 21-0 GA medal was done after we already had that score achieved, as we still do not have 21-0, and on the time when I suggested the medal it was 7-0.

I'm only going to respond to you one last time because you're flat out lying, and then I'm going to ignore you. I have nothing but respect for every player on your team and I have no problem losing the points, the games, or the round to you guys. Because of that respect, I didn't mention the dice in any of my games because I didn't want to go down that road; HOWEVER,
1) The only game that hasn't been decided for quite some time has been Bamboo Jack.
2) You're calling it an "achievement" when the game logs say otherwise. By the way, I think Rodion is a really classy player for being kind enough to admit it. It made the losses seem slightly less bad.
Soviet Union: 2011-03-02 06:00:02 - Kabanellas: you guys get all the dice!!!!!!!!!!!! spare some please

2011-03-02 17:04:11 - Rodion: Sorry, Nuno, but dice are really good this time!

Middle East: 2011-03-05 19:38:13 - Rodion: I almost feel bad winning when dice are this kind
Mongolian Empire: I decide to be cool and continue to real-time the loss and then your dice were so hot that you actually started hitting neutrals for bonuses instead of just attacking me directly when you had access to every one of my regions:
2011-02-20 18:14:57 - josko.ri assaulted Khanbaliq from Nuzhen and conquered it from neutral player
2011-02-20 18:15:10 - josko.ri reinforced Uigur with 4 troops from Nuzhen
2011-02-20 18:15:10 - josko.ri ended the turn and got spoils
2011-02-20 18:15:36 - Master Fenrir received 3 troops for 7 regions
What you're suggesting is like asking for bonus money for winning the lottery.