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Postby UCAbears on Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:59 pm

No Priest Holmes the starting RB if he hadnt gotten hurt he'd still be starter and he's coming back next yeear
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Postby djt5483 on Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:06 am

barry was a better runner in the open field. thats about it. and thats all he could do was run. emmitt was a better all around player.
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Postby dcowboys055 on Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:18 am

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emmitt no class

Postby fish061 on Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:42 pm

emmitt never had to worry about anyone on a defensive line cause he had the biggest offensive line to run behind he got at least 3 to 4 yards on any carry. barry had no line so he had to make more people miss he was a much better player had he played longer ever one would say emmit who???? but walter payton was a great running back and jim brown also gale sayers emmit doesn't rate to be in the smae class as these guys.
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Postby Whiteberry on Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:33 pm

How did this conversation go from Conquer Club training to football? And the original poster has not returned. Maybe we can change the title of this posting. lol
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Postby subjekt on Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:59 pm

HA HA to funny....I have read that it is the experience which counts and the reason people lose are because of bad dice? LOL ARE YOU SERIOUS....come play me, I guarantee you will ahve bad dice 85% of the time. Damn some of you are unlucky !!!

Hey if you need help PM me, well team up for a few and Ill show you the ins and outs of the game.

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Postby GrazingCattle on Tue Mar 27, 2007 1:17 pm

Two words: Adrian Peterson

'nough said!

He will break all the records and himself if he isn't careful. I look forward to watching his pro carrier!
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Postby reptile on Tue Mar 27, 2007 2:02 pm

you will have to wait a few years to say that. he is one of the best to come from oklahoma though. but that is why i can only mention frank gore, i still have to wait a few years. besides peterson is injury proe, just like clinton portis. one of the best, but not worth as much cause of injuries
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Postby Dmunster on Tue Mar 27, 2007 2:35 pm

When all is said and done the greatest RB of all time will be Ladanian Tomlinson. He has the jukes of Sanders, the toughness and humility of Sweetness and teh passing ability of Mike Vick. :lol: Mark my words, he will out # every other RB including Jim Brown.
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Postby Wisse on Tue Mar 27, 2007 4:08 pm

Caleb the Cruel wrote:
Whiteberry wrote:Capt Killroy, you are a private after 359 games and you are going teach this guy how to win? Please explain that.

Shut up. It's experience that counts and 359 games is a good amount of experience. Many of my games are lost to evil dice.

*looks to his private rank*
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Postby reptile on Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:39 am

for all you emmit fans, tell me this. how did barry with no other weapons on offense including a line make it to every pro bowl, while emmit with one of the best lines of all time and one of the best quarterbacks and recievers to focus on only made it 8 of 14 years. also wwhen emmit went to arizona it kinda showed a little glimpse of what he would of done if he was placed in barrys place... he did nothing in arizona and arizona is better than lions were. barry averaged over his whole career 5.0 ypc while emmit only did better than that one of his 14 years. emmit does have more touchdowns, but i will tell you what barrys werent handed to him like they were for emmit. barry carried his whole team emmit was just a piece.
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Postby fish061 on Thu Mar 29, 2007 1:45 am

ladanian is good but he is still not better than sanders was lt has a fullback that takes out the first defender everytime so i will say he is more like emmitt cause his jukes are no where near sanders
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Postby dcowboys055 on Thu Mar 29, 2007 6:45 am

reptile wrote:for all you emmit fans, tell me this. wwhen emmit went to arizona it kinda showed a little glimpse of what he would of done if he was placed in barrys place... he did nothing in arizona and arizona is better than lions were

He was like 40! Retard.
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Postby Darth Lestat on Thu Mar 29, 2007 8:42 am

how can you teach some one tactics? or intellegence? you are obviously expected to learn based on experience bailing this guy out when he needs it will not teach him anything but to rely on others instead of his own strategy. these are just my points naturally.
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Postby GrazingCattle on Thu Mar 29, 2007 2:45 pm

Darth Lestat wrote:how can you teach some one tactics? or intellegence? you are obviously expected to learn based on experience bailing this guy out when he needs it will not teach him anything but to rely on others instead of his own strategy. these are just my points naturally.

You can be taught tactics. And strategy. How you use the teaching is up to you. I have benefited from learning from some of the best players on this site!

I don't think you ought to make such a umbrella statement.
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Postby djt5483 on Thu Mar 29, 2007 6:31 pm

emmitt was 35 when he was with arizona. how many running backs were that durable to play that long? and he was like the only running that has ever been good on the cardinals he just got hurt both years but he was gettin his yards with no line. when edge finally got 100 yards in a game this year it was the first time since emmitt in 04 to get 100 in a game with the cardinals.
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Postby djt5483 on Thu Mar 29, 2007 6:34 pm

all my points r natural too. like 90 percent of my games are standard or terminator. i dont need to depend on team games to get my points. i enjoy team games but i just havent found a partner that i dont have to coach through the game
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Postby Whiteberry on Thu Mar 29, 2007 8:14 pm

Samus wrote:
Whiteberry wrote:Capt Killroy, you are a private after 359 games and you are going teach this guy how to win? Please explain that.

Look at his games. He plays with some very high rated people. You should take 2 things from this.

1. They trust his abilities and are in a much better position to judge his skill than you are.

2. Because of how the team scoring system works, all teammates gain or lose the same amount based on average score. Playing with higher rated people means he gains fewer points for wins and loses more points for losses. That's why he doesn't have more points.

Go ahead, take Caleb's challenge. It will be a learning experience, just not the one you were looking for.

Samus, please tell me who's going to learn what from the game?
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Postby Caleb the Cruel on Thu Mar 29, 2007 11:48 pm

Whiteberry wrote:
Samus wrote:
Whiteberry wrote:Capt Killroy, you are a private after 359 games and you are going teach this guy how to win? Please explain that.

Look at his games. He plays with some very high rated people. You should take 2 things from this.

1. They trust his abilities and are in a much better position to judge his skill than you are.

2. Because of how the team scoring system works, all teammates gain or lose the same amount based on average score. Playing with higher rated people means he gains fewer points for wins and loses more points for losses. That's why he doesn't have more points.

Go ahead, take Caleb's challenge. It will be a learning experience, just not the one you were looking for.

Samus, please tell me who's going to learn what from the game?

Capt Killroy got eliminated due to evil dice. We'll see who wins best out of 3 maybe, how's that sound?
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Postby dcowboys055 on Fri Mar 30, 2007 7:31 am

I hate when people blame the dice.
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Postby Ehriggn on Fri Mar 30, 2007 8:41 am

when I win, it's the dices fault!
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Postby Whiteberry on Fri Mar 30, 2007 8:58 am

Every game that I have ever won is because of my superior skill (not) and every time I lose it's because of evil dice. What a concept!! Why is it that some people have evil dice more often than others?
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Postby Whiteberry on Fri Mar 30, 2007 9:07 am

What will you want after the best of 3? The best of 5? Then the best of 7?
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Postby Caleb the Cruel on Sat Mar 31, 2007 12:02 am

Whiteberry wrote:What will you want after the best of 3? The best of 5? Then the best of 7?


Why, are you scared?
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Postby wacicha on Sat Mar 31, 2007 12:36 am

lol cowboy --- of all my words of wisdom over the last year you pick that to add to your signature!!!!
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