Conquer Club

2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [catnipdreams WINS]

Tournaments Completed in 2014.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Re: 2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [30/36] (Max 36)

Postby Didacus on Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:57 pm

count me in - this is the way these games should be played!
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Re: 2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [30/36] (Max 36)

Postby Didacus on Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:59 pm

One thing though - these types of games usually last longer than other games - are you certain a game including 6 players can be played out in two weeks? I would think this is wishful thinking - but lets give it our best shot nonetheless.
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Re: 2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [30/36] (Max 36)

Postby brett2000 on Thu Feb 24, 2011 3:39 pm

In Please
Europe 1914
Flate Rate
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Re: 2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [30/36] (Max 36)

Postby soonersrus on Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:47 pm

In please.
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Re: 2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [30/36] (Max 36)

Postby OliverFA on Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:39 am

Didacus wrote:One thing though - these types of games usually last longer than other games - are you certain a game including 6 players can be played out in two weeks? I would think this is wishful thinking - but lets give it our best shot nonetheless.

That's right. Sometimes it takes longer than two weeks. But the main purpose of this tournament is to provide this kind of games for the people who wants to play them.

The main issue I see is with freemium players, as I am only requiring one slot. But I am comfident that in the event that we get a very long game involving a freemium player we'll be able to find a solution.
Welcoming the long awaited Trench Warfare Setting (Previously Adjacent Attacks).

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Research and Conquer - Civilization meets Conquer Club

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Re: 2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [34/36] (Max 36)

Postby Araldite on Sun Feb 27, 2011 8:04 am

I'm really looking forward to this one starting, 2 more entrants needed ASAP please ;-}
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Re: 2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [34/36] (Max 36)

Postby Lacika on Sun Feb 27, 2011 8:37 am

Please in!
- Name: Lacika
- map: Rail Africa
- spoils choice: flat rate
- reinforcements choice: unlimited
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Re: 2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [34/36] (Max 36)

Postby kachiun on Sun Feb 27, 2011 1:47 pm

In please.
Name: kachiun
map: Peloponnesian War
spoils: flat rate
reinforcements: unlimited
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Re: 2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [34/36] (Max 36)

Postby -=- Tanarri -=- on Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:12 pm

Yay, I got in :)

Settings Forbidden City, Escalating, Chained
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Re: 2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [30/36] (Max 36)

Postby -=- Tanarri -=- on Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:17 pm

Didacus wrote:One thing though - these types of games usually last longer than other games - are you certain a game including 6 players can be played out in two weeks? I would think this is wishful thinking - but lets give it our best shot nonetheless.

These games will take at least a month to play out. They can take in excess of 3 months even, should you get into a stalemate situtation with players who aren't familiar with the finer points of ending a game. Card games will go quicker, particularly escalating, again providing you're playing with people who are familiar with the finer points of how AA play out, or else you're still in for a 2-3 month game.

I can say with some level of confidence that 2 weeks will be quite optomistic for most games, but in the end it depends on if a single player can take a quick lead. I'm in a game now that will probably take 3 weeks to finish by the end of it, mostly because I got a good drop and was able to use it before everyone else clued in.
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Re: 2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [36/36] (Starting soon)

Postby OliverFA on Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:15 pm

The tournament is full now.

Next steps are to write down the data about the players in my xls file and form the groups. As I said, I'll try to place veteran players in different groups.

The final structure will be:
First round of 6 groups. 6 players per group. 12 games. Top 3 players of each group pass to 2nd round
Second round of 3 groups. 6 players per group. 12 games. Top 2 players of each group go to the final
Final of one group. 6 players and 6 games.

Players that did not chose a map are encouraged to choose one now. If they don't make any choice, the default settings will be random, flat rate and chained.
Welcoming the long awaited Trench Warfare Setting (Previously Adjacent Attacks).

My Maps:
Research and Conquer - Civilization meets Conquer Club

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Re: 2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [36/36] (Starting soon)

Postby kachiun on Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:41 pm

One thing that may sped up the tournament would be to permit the one who's close to lose to "give up" and let the oponent attack whitout the adjacent attack rule.
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Re: 2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [36/36] (Starting soon)

Postby OliverFA on Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:52 pm

kachiun wrote:One thing that may sped up the tournament would be to permit the one who's close to lose to "give up" and let the oponent attack whitout the adjacent attack rule.

I am afraid such rule could be easily abused.

If such case arrives when it's clear that one player has won, the other players can't do anything to stop him, and it's only a question of time, PM me so I can approve breaking the AA rule. Otherwise I'll consider it cheating.
Welcoming the long awaited Trench Warfare Setting (Previously Adjacent Attacks).

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Research and Conquer - Civilization meets Conquer Club

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Re: 2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [36/36] (Starting soon)

Postby kachiun on Sun Feb 27, 2011 6:14 pm

ok, I got one more question (just to cover everything), is it alowed to regroup trops from a terretory that was conquered the same turn?
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Re: 2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [36/36] (Starting soon)

Postby kunal2222 on Sun Feb 27, 2011 8:39 pm

i am not a premier member how is it going to work for me
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Re: 2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [36/36] (Starting soon)

Postby OliverFA on Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:03 am

kachiun wrote:ok, I got one more question (just to cover everything), is it alowed to regroup trops from a terretory that was conquered the same turn?

Yes. You can reinforce to and from a territory conquered in the current turn.
Welcoming the long awaited Trench Warfare Setting (Previously Adjacent Attacks).

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Research and Conquer - Civilization meets Conquer Club

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Re: 2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [36/36] (Starting soon)

Postby OliverFA on Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:10 am

kunal2222 wrote:i am not a premier member how is it going to work for me

You need to commit one slot to the tournament.

Each group will start at game one. When all freemiums in that game are eliminated (or the game ends if a freemium wins) the second game will start. The same process will be repeated for the rest of games.

If all the freemiums in a group agree and want to play more games simultaneously, then they can be played. But that's up to you.
Welcoming the long awaited Trench Warfare Setting (Previously Adjacent Attacks).

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Research and Conquer - Civilization meets Conquer Club

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Re: 2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [36/36] (Starting soon)

Postby kunal2222 on Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:32 pm

Round 3 (Finals):
The top 3 players of each group will make into the final. Those 6 players will play a shorter league of 6 games (one every two weeks), also using the maps chosen by the own players.

After the 6 games are played, the player with the most points will be declared the winner of the tournament

Do the those point come from the other round too or just this round
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Re: 2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [36/36] (Starting soon)

Postby OliverFA on Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:10 pm

kunal2222 wrote:[quote="OliverFA
Round 3 (Finals):
The top 3 players of each group will make into the final. Those 6 players will play a shorter league of 6 games (one every two weeks), also using the maps chosen by the own players.

After the 6 games are played, the player with the most points will be declared the winner of the tournament

Do the those point come from the other round too or just this round

They come just from the third round. Points from previous rounds will only be used as tie breakers
Welcoming the long awaited Trench Warfare Setting (Previously Adjacent Attacks).

My Maps:
Research and Conquer - Civilization meets Conquer Club

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Re: 2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [36/36] (Round 1 Starte

Postby OliverFA on Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:11 pm

First games for all six groups have been created and invitations sent.

In case you are interested, the Excel file is here
Welcoming the long awaited Trench Warfare Setting (Previously Adjacent Attacks).

My Maps:
Research and Conquer - Civilization meets Conquer Club

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Re: 2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [36/36] (Round 1 Starte

Postby SuicidalSnowman on Tue Mar 01, 2011 10:14 pm

Oliver, as always, beautiful job setting this up. =D>
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Re: 2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [36/36] (Round 1 Starte

Postby OliverFA on Wed Mar 02, 2011 4:10 am

SuicidalSnowman wrote:Oliver, as always, beautiful job setting this up. =D>

Thanks! I like organizing things ;)

A pitty that the problem with my PC made me lost all the data for my 256 players tournament :( But at least I learned from that and everything in my computer is automatically backed up with Mozy since then.
Welcoming the long awaited Trench Warfare Setting (Previously Adjacent Attacks).

My Maps:
Research and Conquer - Civilization meets Conquer Club

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Re: 2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [36/36] (Round 1 Starte

Postby OliverFA on Sun Mar 06, 2011 3:29 pm

I am removing ETROPAL from the tournament for repeated cheating.

I'll see if I can find a replacement for him. If that is not possible, we'll continue with only 5 players in the group.
Welcoming the long awaited Trench Warfare Setting (Previously Adjacent Attacks).

My Maps:
Research and Conquer - Civilization meets Conquer Club

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Re: 2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [36/36] (Round 1 Starte

Postby denominator on Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:11 pm

OliverFA wrote:I am removing ETROPAL from the tournament for repeated cheating.

I'll see if I can find a replacement for him. If that is not possible, we'll continue with only 5 players in the group.

Damn, I hadn't noticed that ETROPAL had signed up for this again, or I would have warned you. He did the same thing in the 2010 tournament. I don't know if he's doing it on purpose or it he just doesn't understand the rules, but he certainly can't seem to follow them.
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Re: 2011 Adjacent Attacks Tournament [36/36] (Round 1 Starte

Postby SuicidalSnowman on Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:52 pm

denominator wrote:
OliverFA wrote:I am removing ETROPAL from the tournament for repeated cheating.

I'll see if I can find a replacement for him. If that is not possible, we'll continue with only 5 players in the group.

Damn, I hadn't noticed that ETROPAL had signed up for this again, or I would have warned you. He did the same thing in the 2010 tournament. I don't know if he's doing it on purpose or it he just doesn't understand the rules, but he certainly can't seem to follow them.

I almost said something, but I figured I would give him the benefit of the doubt...
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