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Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

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Re: Out Lords Recruiting Now!!!

Postby 40kguy on Sun Feb 27, 2011 1:57 pm

TheSaxlad wrote:These People have a point majot. Even if you start the clan sucessfully, noone will play you because of your history. Your best bet is to get into an established clan, possibly one of the newer ones, or KARMA and get your rank up. Once you get older than 12 and a rank of above sarge people might start not ignoring you.

shut up, you cant judge people by age. like he said everyone deserves a clan. he can play with me when ever.
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Re: Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

Postby nagerous on Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:07 pm

Good luck with the clan majot!
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Re: Out Lords Recruiting Now!!!

Postby TheSaxlad on Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:17 pm

40kguy wrote:
TheSaxlad wrote:These People have a point majot. Even if you start the clan sucessfully, noone will play you because of your history. Your best bet is to get into an established clan, possibly one of the newer ones, or KARMA and get your rank up. Once you get older than 12 and a rank of above sarge people might start not ignoring you.

shut up, you cant judge people by age. like he said everyone deserves a clan. he can play with me when ever.

40k, would you not say typically people under 12 are the least mature on the site? Its a big responsibility running a clan, and as a Student in 6th Form College Ive found it immensely difficult. I Imagine it would be much harder for someone that young.

However from your reaction, you can't be that old either. Im not going to be so pedantic but please be civil. Everyone has their own opinions.

As I have said the offer is still open, but I wish majot all the best and hope to war against him soon.
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Re: Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

Postby nagerous on Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:42 pm

The runescape clan I ran when I was 12 with my neighbour (also 12) was a roaring success! Well that was before we hacked each others accounts.
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Re: Out Lords Recruiting Now!!!

Postby 40kguy on Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:45 pm

TheSaxlad wrote:
40kguy wrote:
TheSaxlad wrote:These People have a point majot. Even if you start the clan sucessfully, noone will play you because of your history. Your best bet is to get into an established clan, possibly one of the newer ones, or KARMA and get your rank up. Once you get older than 12 and a rank of above sarge people might start not ignoring you.

shut up, you cant judge people by age. like he said everyone deserves a clan. he can play with me when ever.

40k, would you not say typically people under 12 are the least mature on the site? Its a big responsibility running a clan, and as a Student in 6th Form College Ive found it immensely difficult. I Imagine it would be much harder for someone that young.

However from your reaction, you can't be that old either. Im not going to be so pedantic but please be civil. Everyone has their own opinions.

As I have said the offer is still open, but I wish majot all the best and hope to war against him soon.

the reason i got angry was because everyone is judging poeople by there age.
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Re: Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

Postby ScaryTeded on Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:10 pm

peanutsdad wrote:
larrylee wrote:add me in tom

You see, this is the problem though, we now have another person that is saying ad me to the clan, except there is no clan. You have to have 10 members in order to start a clan. Here, read this


I have nothing against anyone wanting to start there own clan, in fact I'm all for it. Except we have a way of doing it that works, new players or new forum members that are interested in joining/creating a clan should take the time to read whats in that link as it will help them in the long run. The fact that Major now has 3 defunct start up's is exactly my point of this.

INDEED :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:
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Re: Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

Postby Army of GOD on Fri Mar 04, 2011 6:26 pm

Majot, I suggest you just join an already formed clan. You've obviously had trouble forming your own clan (you've had how many name changes...?) so why not just join another one?
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Re: Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

Postby Commander62890 on Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:13 pm

40k, young people have underdeveloped brains, and for most of you, it shows when you speak (or write, type, etc).

It's very difficult, for some of us, not make a note of your age when it is so painfully obvious to us.

That being said, I understand that some people are more mature than their age would indicate, and that is why I (and most others) do not discriminate against young people before we get to know them.

But in the case of Majot, he has shown us with his various recruitment threads that he is not mature enough to lead a successful clan.

When someone acts like this, we tend to say that the reason he is acting so immaturely is because of his age.

And, frankly, he'd better hope we're right... because the alternative is far worse.

So, you see, making a note of your age is actually a good thing... because we're saying that the reason you're acting so immaturely is because you're young... and not because you're dumb.

Understand, 40k? It also applies to you, but to a lesser extent because you're a bit older (and therefore act more maturely).

And don't read too much into the simple word, "maturity" that I have been using. There are many indicators, but I am not an expert in Child Physiology/Psychology (I don't even know what field this pertains to), and I do not wish to delve into that issue.

For the most part, we are not discriminating against you before we read what you write... we read what you write, and then say to ourselves, "well, that's stupid... but he's still young, and his brain is still maturing, so it's okay."
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Re: Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

Postby peanutsdad on Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:07 pm

Commander62890 wrote:40k, young people have underdeveloped brains, and for most of you, it shows when you speak (or write, type, etc).

It's very difficult, for some of us, not make a note of your age when it is so painfully obvious to us.

That being said, I understand that some people are more mature than their age would indicate, and that is why I (and most others) do not discriminate against young people before we get to know them.

But in the case of Majot, he has shown us with his various recruitment threads that he is not mature enough to lead a successful clan.

When someone acts like this, we tend to say that the reason he is acting so immaturely is because of his age.

And, frankly, he'd better hope we're right... because the alternative is far worse.

So, you see, making a note of your age is actually a good thing... because we're saying that the reason you're acting so immaturely is because you're young... and not because you're dumb.

Understand, 40k? It also applies to you, but to a lesser extent because you're a bit older (and therefore act more maturely).

And don't read too much into the simple word, "maturity" that I have been using. There are many indicators, but I am not an expert in Child Physiology/Psychology (I don't even know what field this pertains to), and I do not wish to delve into that issue.

For the most part, we are not discriminating against you before we read what you write... we read what you write, and then say to ourselves, "well, that's stupid... but he's still young, and his brain is still maturing, so it's okay."

Wow, that's one of the most polite, back hand slaps to the face i've seen a long time. did it take a while to come up with it, or was it a spur of the moment thought?
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Re: Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

Postby greenoaks on Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:31 am

MajotTom 555 wrote:can people join plz

there are 9 people left high and dry in lolkittens "clan" as he doesn't want to proceed

why don't you pm them
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Re: Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

Postby Commander62890 on Mon Mar 07, 2011 12:03 pm

peanutsdad wrote:Wow, that's one of the most polite, back hand slaps to the face i've seen a long time. did it take a while to come up with it, or was it a spur of the moment thought?

I developed my argument as I typed. But yes, it took me a little while. I paused often to think about what I wanted to say and how it would be viewed by forum readers, including those towards whom it was directed.
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Re: Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

Postby peanutsdad on Mon Mar 07, 2011 6:11 pm

Commander62890 wrote:
peanutsdad wrote:Wow, that's one of the most polite, back hand slaps to the face i've seen a long time. did it take a while to come up with it, or was it a spur of the moment thought?

I developed my argument as I typed. But yes, it took me a little while. I paused often to think about what I wanted to say and how it would be viewed by forum readers, including those towards whom it was directed.

well i commend you on the effort, it was inspirational.. =D> =D>
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Re: Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

Postby Commander62890 on Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:06 pm

Yeah... most of my stuff is utter shite, but once in awhile I manage to pull a gem out of nowhere :)
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Re: Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

Postby peanutsdad on Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:00 pm

Hank44Soccer wrote:in please

really, seriously, GO AWAY!!!!
does anyone actually read, ever?
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Re: Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

Postby jefjef on Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:09 pm

MajotTom 555 wrote:can people join plz

peanutsdad wrote:
Hank44Soccer wrote:in please

really, seriously, GO AWAY!!!!
does anyone actually read, ever?

Really. Seriously. What is your problem PD? Looks like Majot is still actively trying to recruit for his clan in this forum titled: Create/Join a Competitive Clan

Is it standard bs to muck up recruitment threads of those you all don't like or approve of? How about a little respect and a smidgen of maturity.

I bet you would bust a nut and blow chunks if people constantly spewed shit all over the Mythology recruitment thread...

Hank44 would make number 9. He ALMOST has a clan.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

Postby greenoaks on Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:40 am

peanutsdad wrote:
Hank44Soccer wrote:in please

really, seriously, GO AWAY!!!!
does anyone actually read, ever?

who are you to decide what people can join this clan ?
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Re: Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

Postby peanutsdad on Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:31 am

wow, ok, i have to apologize. I had had a little too much to drink the other night and confused this thread with lolkittens thread about dropping the clan as he has too much time going to "skewl", then when i saw another cook post wanting in, i thought it was for lolkittens clan. A complete mistake on my part and i'm sorry. Like i said before, i have nothing against anyone forming a clan, and yes i'm opposed to anyone disrupting another clans recruitment thread, and have been for weeks now working behind the scenes with inboxes to new members on how to form clans, how to help out others that want in etc... So, for the record I apologize and good luck on the rest of your recruitment Major.
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Re: Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

Postby 40kguy on Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:50 am

Commander62890 wrote:40k, young people have underdeveloped brains, and for most of you, it shows when you speak (or write, type, etc).

It's very difficult, for some of us, not make a note of your age when it is so painfully obvious to us.

That being said, I understand that some people are more mature than their age would indicate, and that is why I (and most others) do not discriminate against young people before we get to know them.

But in the case of Majot, he has shown us with his various recruitment threads that he is not mature enough to lead a successful clan.

When someone acts like this, we tend to say that the reason he is acting so immaturely is because of his age.

And, frankly, he'd better hope we're right... because the alternative is far worse.

So, you see, making a note of your age is actually a good thing... because we're saying that the reason you're acting so immaturely is because you're young... and not because you're dumb.

Understand, 40k? It also applies to you, but to a lesser extent because you're a bit older (and therefore act more maturely).

And don't read too much into the simple word, "maturity" that I have been using. There are many indicators, but I am not an expert in Child Physiology/Psychology (I don't even know what field this pertains to), and I do not wish to delve into that issue.

For the most part, we are not discriminating against you before we read what you write... we read what you write, and then say to ourselves, "well, that's stupid... but he's still young, and his brain is still maturing, so it's okay."

comander i have a couble questions for you old do you think i am? because when i tell people my age they dont think its right.
2.yes it is obvious that kids dont have fully developed brains, but do you have a fully developed brain? im guessing you dont have as much as a grampa because they have more years to become wiser and such.

and now for a final statement

if you judge a person by a age regardless of if there brain is developed whats different then judging people by the color of skin? a kid can do just as many things as adults. look at all the movies. how many kids are in there? there is at least one in a lot of them. do you think they get paid? yes they do. more and more kids are taking on responsibility for paying for college and cars. i have a job and im not old enough to vote yet. so a kid can do plenty of things an adult can we can have jobs we can act in movies and we even get in trouble for our actions.
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Re: Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

Postby TheSaxlad on Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:05 am

40kguy wrote:
Commander62890 wrote:40k, young people have underdeveloped brains, and for most of you, it shows when you speak (or write, type, etc).

It's very difficult, for some of us, not make a note of your age when it is so painfully obvious to us.

That being said, I understand that some people are more mature than their age would indicate, and that is why I (and most others) do not discriminate against young people before we get to know them.

But in the case of Majot, he has shown us with his various recruitment threads that he is not mature enough to lead a successful clan.

When someone acts like this, we tend to say that the reason he is acting so immaturely is because of his age.

And, frankly, he'd better hope we're right... because the alternative is far worse.

So, you see, making a note of your age is actually a good thing... because we're saying that the reason you're acting so immaturely is because you're young... and not because you're dumb.

Understand, 40k? It also applies to you, but to a lesser extent because you're a bit older (and therefore act more maturely).

And don't read too much into the simple word, "maturity" that I have been using. There are many indicators, but I am not an expert in Child Physiology/Psychology (I don't even know what field this pertains to), and I do not wish to delve into that issue.

For the most part, we are not discriminating against you before we read what you write... we read what you write, and then say to ourselves, "well, that's stupid... but he's still young, and his brain is still maturing, so it's okay."

comander i have a couble questions for you old do you think i am? because when i tell people my age they dont think its right.
2.yes it is obvious that kids dont have fully developed brains, but do you have a fully developed brain? im guessing you dont have as much as a grampa because they have more years to become wiser and such.

and now for a final statement

if you judge a person by a age regardless of if there brain is developed whats different then judging people by the color of skin? a kid can do just as many things as adults. look at all the movies. how many kids are in there? there is at least one in a lot of them. do you think they get paid? yes they do. more and more kids are taking on responsibility for paying for college and cars. i have a job and im not old enough to vote yet. so a kid can do plenty of things an adult can we can have jobs we can act in movies and we even get in trouble for our actions.

40k. Your not older than 14. Also we know that kids can do things. Hell im only 17 however its not whether you are a kid or not its how mature you are. Im told I act like a mid 20's guy on here which is fine. You and majot however act your age, and it becomes apparent that you are a bit young.

However my offer to majot still stands. and to you as well 40k.
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Re: Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

Postby 40kguy on Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:06 am

TheSaxlad wrote:
40kguy wrote:
Commander62890 wrote:40k, young people have underdeveloped brains, and for most of you, it shows when you speak (or write, type, etc).

It's very difficult, for some of us, not make a note of your age when it is so painfully obvious to us.

That being said, I understand that some people are more mature than their age would indicate, and that is why I (and most others) do not discriminate against young people before we get to know them.

But in the case of Majot, he has shown us with his various recruitment threads that he is not mature enough to lead a successful clan.

When someone acts like this, we tend to say that the reason he is acting so immaturely is because of his age.

And, frankly, he'd better hope we're right... because the alternative is far worse.

So, you see, making a note of your age is actually a good thing... because we're saying that the reason you're acting so immaturely is because you're young... and not because you're dumb.

Understand, 40k? It also applies to you, but to a lesser extent because you're a bit older (and therefore act more maturely).

And don't read too much into the simple word, "maturity" that I have been using. There are many indicators, but I am not an expert in Child Physiology/Psychology (I don't even know what field this pertains to), and I do not wish to delve into that issue.

For the most part, we are not discriminating against you before we read what you write... we read what you write, and then say to ourselves, "well, that's stupid... but he's still young, and his brain is still maturing, so it's okay."

comander i have a couble questions for you old do you think i am? because when i tell people my age they dont think its right.
2.yes it is obvious that kids dont have fully developed brains, but do you have a fully developed brain? im guessing you dont have as much as a grampa because they have more years to become wiser and such.

and now for a final statement

if you judge a person by a age regardless of if there brain is developed whats different then judging people by the color of skin? a kid can do just as many things as adults. look at all the movies. how many kids are in there? there is at least one in a lot of them. do you think they get paid? yes they do. more and more kids are taking on responsibility for paying for college and cars. i have a job and im not old enough to vote yet. so a kid can do plenty of things an adult can we can have jobs we can act in movies and we even get in trouble for our actions.

40k. Your not older than 14. Also we know that kids can do things. Hell im only 17 however its not whether you are a kid or not its how mature you are. Im told I act like a mid 20's guy on here which is fine. You and majot however act your age, and it becomes apparent that you are a bit young.

However my offer to majot still stands. and to you as well 40k.

so if kids can hold a job why cant they start a clan here on CC?
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Re: Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

Postby TheSaxlad on Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:10 am

Mature kids like yourself can yes.

Less Mature kids like majot might not.

Its not a case of age but a case of maturity. A kid who can hold a job down should be able to. I doubt majot holds down a regular saturday job though.
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Re: Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

Postby 40kguy on Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:14 am

TheSaxlad wrote:Mature kids like yourself can yes.

Less Mature kids like majot might not.

Its not a case of age but a case of maturity. A kid who can hold a job down should be able to. I doubt majot holds down a regular saturday job though.

ok no offence here but i will defend major tom here i think he should start a clan and i dont think we should stop him.

also i dont think you are 20 i thought you where 13 when i first met you.
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Re: Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

Postby Hannibał on Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:20 am

40ks your good kid, smart for any age. Don't take up the fight for the others, most don't deserve you dragging yourself down with them. Group yourself with the 18yr olds atleast :D

And getting in trouble at 14 is a whole different world from 18. Most states in us (and I believe most countrys) you can't be tried as a adult. I got in trouble a lot as a kid, its all plea deals and classes, happened once at 19 and its different, trust me. Enjoy your youth! Don't be in a rush to be considered a adult, you'll find yourself wishing for these days to come back. Oh how I miss my huffy bicycle, life was so simple.
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Re: Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

Postby 40kguy on Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:37 am

Hannibał wrote:40ks your good kid, smart for any age. Don't take up the fight for the others, most don't deserve you dragging yourself down with them. Group yourself with the 18yr olds atleast :D

And getting in trouble at 14 is a whole different world from 18. Most states in us (and I believe most countrys) you can't be tried as a adult. I got in trouble a lot as a kid, its all plea deals and classes, happened once at 19 and its different, trust me. Enjoy your youth! Don't be in a rush to be considered a adult, you'll find yourself wishing for these days to come back. Oh how I miss my huffy bicycle, life was so simple.

you think i dont know this? lol i wish i was a kid where i didnt have to go to school any more.
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