KEYOGI wrote:It's quite tall. I'd do something about that if you could. While I appreciate you skills and what you're trying to do with this map, I don't think I would play it. There's a lot of brain work to see if anyone holds a bonus.
Some of your territory lines are too long and going into the ocean and others are a bit short and don't make it all the way through the coloured highlight.
teritory lines, will be sorted.
about the difficulty of the map i don't think it's that hard.
i said before i played this map with my wife and 3 friends. all i had to tell them was this:
you're a merchant and you have resources (showed them the resources), products (showed them the products) and markets. you have 4 types of resources which combine in 2 pairs to give you one product. own 2 res and a product you get a bonus, own a product and a market and you get another bonus. transport a product to a foreign market by owning 2 connecting harbours and you get a further bonus. then they asked me. do we get a bonus for taking resources to the market? and i answered with a question. do you see that in the legend?? no. then you don't.
and we played and nobody had a problem in spotting the other player's bonuses.
it's easy to see them because there is a trade chain (2R>P>M) for each continent. so basicaly you look at that continent and see if he has the whole chain or just a part. then if he has harbours you look to see where they connect to see if he has a bonus for a foreign market. in 30 seconds you'll spot all the bonuses on the table.
“In the beginning God said, the four-dimensional divergence of an antisymmetric, second rank tensor equals zero, and there was light, and it was good. And on the seventh day he rested.”- Michio Kaku