by sonicsteve on Tue Apr 05, 2011 1:17 am
Round 3 is complete.
11 players eliminated so far, 69 remain. Only 64 are needed to play 8 quads games, so 5 will stay on the sidelines and cannot lose a life this round. These players have been chosen as the last 5 on the list below marked in red. If any of the 64 players fail to join their round 4 games, they will be booted and I will ask one of the 5 byes to step back in:
List Randomizer
There were 69 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
1. chiefsfan4ever
2. ThrushAAX
3. spidey
4. taxmanjle
5. mcshanester29
6. Eddy_26
7. tokle
8. ZionT
9. benga
10. Sniper08
11. keiths31
12. kennys777
13. twbenson
14. ga7
15. Night Strike
16. MrGlassB
17. SuicidalSnowman
18. reahma
19. barterer2002
20. Lufsen75
21. redbugal
22. sonicsteve
23. perchorin
24. phantomzero
25. Darin44
26. ert9876
27. TheTrueNorth
28. Draco74
29. LucaV
30. Phr34ky
31. Kinnison
32. istrici
33. musteriuz
34. rishark1969
35. bruno fountain
36. theheadholes
37. Bones2484
38. Krissan
39. danryan
40. xman5151
41. freyme
42. shaneback
43. Culkasi
44. shoop76
45. ckyrias
46. ubcman64
47. dustin800
48. Enormastitz
49. kgbpizza
50. Chewie1
51. Muzzel
52. NanoTheGreat
53. evilkingjay
54. Leehar
55. magneto_acolyte
57. Evil Semp
58. MudPuppy
59. Nailer X
60. mviola
61. chapcrap
62. IWearRed24
63. Moya
64. RedBaron0
65. Araldite
66. yongwe
67. jrh_cardinal
68. Risky_Stud
69. adam666
Timestamp: 2011-04-05 06:03:25 UTC