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Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

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Re: Out Lords Recruiting Now!!!

Postby MajorTom 555 on Tue Feb 22, 2011 3:39 pm

And don't Ask About My Other Clan
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Re: Out Lords Recruiting Now!!!

Postby greenoaks on Tue Feb 22, 2011 3:40 pm

perhaps you mean Outlaws
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Re: Out Lords Recruiting Now!!!

Postby Amateil on Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:10 pm

pick me! pick me! ;)
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Re: Out Lords Recruiting Now!!!

Postby Qwert on Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:57 pm

"by greenoaks on Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:40 pm

perhaps you mean Outlaws"
No you wrong,its theexterminators and paratropers of london-or something like that
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Re: Out Lords Recruiting Now!!!

Postby greenoaks on Tue Feb 22, 2011 7:12 pm

qwert wrote:"by greenoaks on Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:40 pm

perhaps you mean Outlaws"
No you wrong,its theexterminators and paratropers of london-or something like that

whatever happened to those 2 clans ?
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Re: Out Lords Recruiting Now!!!

Postby Commander62890 on Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:29 pm

There should be a rule that restricts cooks and players under 10 from starting clans

This type of thread, while often hilarious, ticks me off for some reason
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Re: Out Lords Recruiting Now!!!

Postby grifftron on Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:49 pm

MajotTom 555 wrote:And don't Ask About My Other Clan

Why? I think we should know when you start 3 clans within a months time, explain...
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Re: Out Lords Recruiting Now!!!

Postby shocked439 on Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:58 pm

I love the queens English... Something to be proud of.

Seriously though the clan community should be concerned when you start three clans in two months. Can you even keep a clan long enough to finish a challenge? Do you know the point of a clan? Are you ruining clans for other people?

I'm sure there's many other questions your continuous creation of clans creates. Maybe you should join a clan learn something about leading a clan first. Not my place so I'll leave it to the boys in teal.
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Re: Out Lords Recruiting Now!!!

Postby Qwert on Wed Feb 23, 2011 5:49 am

Personaly, i dont see nothing wrong here-he have two attemt to create clan,and failed. These clans not officialy exist, so its ok to try again.
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Re: Out Lords Recruiting Now!!!

Postby greenoaks on Wed Feb 23, 2011 8:24 am

qwert wrote:Personaly, i dont see nothing wrong here-he have two attemt to create clan,and failed. These clans not officialy exist, so its ok to try again.

why doesn't he just keep trying with the first one.

dumping all those who signed up to start a fresh one doesn't help

and what does Out Lords mean ?
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Re: Out Lords Recruiting Now!!!

Postby TheSaxlad on Wed Feb 23, 2011 9:39 am

These People have a point majot. Even if you start the clan sucessfully, noone will play you because of your history. Your best bet is to get into an established clan, possibly one of the newer ones, or KARMA and get your rank up. Once you get older than 12 and a rank of above sarge people might start not ignoring you.
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Re: Out Lords Recruiting Now!!!

Postby MajorTom 555 on Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:05 am

Just leave this alone i whant to make a clan and you cant stop me
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Re: Out Lords Recruiting Now!!!

Postby jefjef on Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:30 am

MajotTom 555 wrote:Just leave this alone i whant to make a clan and you cant stop me

Just ignore them Majot. Get your clan assembled. You may need to go recruit most of it cuz a large % of CC does not even visit the forums and many do not know anything about clans.

Good Luck.

How about those of us who are in clans be respectful of others that try to enjoy their CC experience and make an effort to NOT create havoc and drama in recruitment threads...
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: Out Lords Recruiting Now!!!

Postby TheSaxlad on Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:33 pm

jefjef wrote:
MajotTom 555 wrote:Just leave this alone i whant to make a clan and you cant stop me

Just ignore them Majot. Get your clan assembled. You may need to go recruit most of it cuz a large % of CC does not even visit the forums and many do not know anything about clans.

Good Luck.

How about those of us who are in clans be respectful of others that try to enjoy their CC experience and make an effort to NOT create havoc and drama in recruitment threads...

JefJef with all due respect, do you not agree that majot needs a time in a successful clan before he sets up his own. Im not saying he shouldnt set one up, he is free to do as he likes, but if he wants to set up a successful one surely he would need some training first.

On My head be it, but at T4C we have some good trainers in the form of TheCrown our recruitment leader and Blackknight, these people can help you to develop as a person and a player. If you want to take up my offer with the option to out any time you feel your ready to start up a clan then pm me.

Alternatively if your unsure PM QoH, he was setting up a clan at the time I was recruiting and joined t4c, he will tell you about his experiences in the clan, he went from a private to lieutenant by now and has found a doubles partner and is absolutely amazing at waterloo.

If you want to PM me.
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Re: Out Lords Recruiting Now!!!

Postby MajorTom 555 on Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:34 pm

jefjef wrote:
Just ignore them Majot. Get your clan assembled. You may need to go recruit most of it cuz a large % of CC does not even visit the forums and many do not know anything about clans.

Good Luck.

How about those of us who are in clans be respectful of others that try to enjoy their CC experience and make an effort to NOT create havoc and drama in recruitment threads...

Thanks jefjef
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Re: Out Lords Recruiting Now!!!

Postby greenoaks on Wed Feb 23, 2011 8:19 pm

MajotTom 555 wrote:Just leave this alone i whant to make a clan and you cant stop me

no one is stopping you

i do have a few questions. what was wrong with the clan you created last fortnight, and the one the month before and what does Out Lords mean, what does it represent

for example: jefjef is a part of KOA (Kill On Arrival) so my understanding is they are talking tough, they will turn up and destroy all.

i am a member of The Pack. there are often pictures of wolves in our sigs. so my impression is you attack one you attack all.

+ there is 'The sexiest clan CC has ever seen.' - The Bullet-Proof Bandits

and many more clans like this. their name, their slogan, their signature invokes an image of the clan that motivates people to join.

so again, what is Out Lords. why that name, what does it represent, why should someone want to join your clan - sell it to CC
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Re: Out Lords Recruiting Now!!!

Postby Leehar on Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:19 am

greenoaks wrote:
MajotTom 555 wrote:Just leave this alone i whant to make a clan and you cant stop me

no one is stopping you

i do have a few questions. what was wrong with the clan you created last fortnight, and the one the month before and what does Out Lords mean, what does it represent

for example: jefjef is a part of KOA (Kill On Arrival) so my understanding is they are talking tough, they will turn up and destroy all.

i am a member of The Pack. there are often pictures of wolves in our sigs. so my impression is you attack one you attack all.

+ there is 'The sexiest clan CC has ever seen.' - The Bullet-Proof Bandits

and many more clans like this. their name, their slogan, their signature invokes an image of the clan that motivates people to join.

so again, what is Out Lords. why that name, what does it represent, why should someone want to join your clan - sell it to CC

You didn't see the pun in outlords being like outlaws? Basically those guys that aren't being accepted into other clans and being loner warriors? At least thats what I presumed it represented from the initial post
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Re: Out Lords Recruiting Now!!!

Postby greenoaks on Thu Feb 24, 2011 9:44 am

Leehar wrote:You didn't see the pun in outlords being like outlaws? Basically those guys that aren't being accepted into other clans and being loner warriors? At least thats what I presumed it represented from the initial post

no i didn't, but i did ask about that

based on what i have seen of his earlier attempts i thought it might mean something to him but perhaps not to anyone else. a prior attempt was "evil paratroopers of london". why are they evil, what makes them evil. why paratroopers. why london ?

the !st Regiment Of Foot Guards give a military and a location/nationality feel to the clan

i don't see that here
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Re: Out Lords Recruiting Now!!!

Postby jeraado on Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:30 am

greenoaks wrote:
Leehar wrote:You didn't see the pun in outlords being like outlaws? Basically those guys that aren't being accepted into other clans and being loner warriors? At least thats what I presumed it represented from the initial post

no i didn't, but i did ask about that

based on what i have seen of his earlier attempts i thought it might mean something to him but perhaps not to anyone else. a prior attempt was "evil paratroopers of london". why are they evil, what makes them evil. why paratroopers. why london ?

the !st Regiment Of Foot Guards give a military and a location/nationality feel to the clan

i don't see that here

Honestly when I first read it, I thought it might be a niche GLBT clan. Of course, when you say it out loud obviously it is a play on outlaws. Maybe a slight tweak to the name, like Outlords, might make it a bit easier to follow for the slower amongst us :oops:

Good luck MajotTom. Hopefully you get the numbers you need to start the clan and get it rolling. If for some reason this one doesn't work out (given you've had a couple of attempts already) may I respectfully suggest that you take up Sax's (very generous) offer, or take a bit of time out, and then either join an existing clan to build experience and credibility, or get a group of regular team-mates who you work well with and are interested in joining a clan, then set up publicly with an established core group of clanmembers. That way you'll probably find it easier to attract the players you want in your clan

All the best with it
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Re: Out Lords Recruiting Now!!!

Postby MajorTom 555 on Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:35 pm

Name Change
New Name is LAPC
what is LAPC
LAPC = Los Angeles Police Clan
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Re: Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

Postby danryan on Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:38 pm

Can't we all just get along?
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Re: Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

Postby Qwert on Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:39 pm

lol- from theexterminators to evil paratropers of london ,move to out lords and finaly come Los angeles police to investigate what its going here :)
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Re: Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

Postby peanutsdad on Sat Feb 26, 2011 11:41 pm

larrylee wrote:add me in tom

You see, this is the problem though, we now have another person that is saying ad me to the clan, except there is no clan. You have to have 10 members in order to start a clan. Here, read this


I have nothing against anyone wanting to start there own clan, in fact I'm all for it. Except we have a way of doing it that works, new players or new forum members that are interested in joining/creating a clan should take the time to read whats in that link as it will help them in the long run. The fact that Major now has 3 defunct start up's is exactly my point of this.
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Re: Los Angeles Police Clan (LAPC) Recruiting Now!!!

Postby Army of GOD on Sun Feb 27, 2011 12:33 am

MajotTom, do you go to a random word generator and get your clan names from there?
mrswdk is a ho
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