Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
snifner wrote:Accused:
The accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Other: Landain & karel have not attacked each other the entire game. Landain would have attacked karel in round 11 if they weren't working together. Karel had half the board and was going to cash in 5 cards. Instead of trying to slow him dawn. Ladain attacked blue & yellow to hang them for karel.
I was extremely suspicious so I checked out if they have played with each other before. These two only play doubles, triple and quad games as teammates.
Game number(s): 8513368
Game 8513368
snifner wrote:Well here is all that needs to be said.
When you have played 20 plus games with someone as a partner in doubles, triple and quad games, you shouldn't play standard games with them.
Having said that. In the game in question Game 8513368
Karel, you owned half the board, for most the game. Getting almost more deployments then the rest of us combined. Blue (me) & Yellow were doing everything we could the last 6 or 7 rounds to slow you down and your partner very suspiciously, crippled our efforts instead playing for the win. Attacking our hoards instead of worrying about the monster on the board.
Landains (red) actions were most suspicious. With Green ruling the world, owning two complete continents, Ladain (red) attacked Blue 18 times in this game, Yellow 13 times and his partner Green only twice.
As I mentioned above. In round 11, Karel you were set to take one of us out. You were going to cash in 34 deployments and had 5 cards worth 40 more. Your partner wasn't worried about you taking him out and instead of throwing a block or trying to slow you down. He cleaned up all the Blue & Yellow men in the one area you couldn't reach.
This action was extremely odd and made me investigate your connection, when I found you two play as partners most of the time.
jefjef wrote:They are both in the same clan. That could easily lead to favoritism and skewed play.
karel wrote:i'm not even going to reply to this fool
eddie2 wrote:you got to agree this does look bad.
Pixar wrote::lol:
hmsps wrote:I dont agree, i play team games with a lot of players and meet them in singles too. Dont tar everyone with the same brush, some of us have integrity. Ask atax, we are friends in real life but when we used to play against each other it waqs pure hell. No way on gods earth would we help each other on here.
hmsps wrote:what i am saying is there is no history and you dont know what armies were on each territories, were they attacking 1's or hitting blues 1 million!
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
snifner wrote:The change in strategy from Red only came after I pointed out the alliance in round 12.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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