I have admitted that?Wow now you are putting words in my mouth. Give the mods time "Colonel"

, and show me where I said that I choose who I attack based on on the criteria of them being my doubles partners or not.
You searched all my games,posted in one that Im cheating even though you are not a part of that game. If you looked at what was actually going on you wouldve noticed that I was nearly wiped out and I was brooding.When one of the players was kicked out,I decided to make a move for his region. And your accusing me of not trying to attack my doubles partner?I would think that your rank would reflect you overall knowledge and basic comprehension of this game. I am not going to go on a suicide mission against my doubles partner just because I have not attacked him and to prove to everyone else that we are not in a secret alliance. You might as well accusse the other two players of secretly allying because ,well , they have not attacked each other right?