HA, I understand your ruling, and I think it's an awesome compromise, for the folks that have never done a tourney, or at least, a non-"standard" tourney before.
Currently Running Tourneys: -none- Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
2/14--Hopefully I have time to clean up the threads today. Real life has become very tough for me right now. I am still planning on starting round 2 on 2/17. If players that have not won a game are still playing active games I will start round two and include them if they end up winning. Happy Valentines Day
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.
HighlanderAttack wrote:2/14--Hopefully I have time to clean up the threads today. Real life has become very tough for me right now. I am still planning on starting round 2 on 2/17. If players that have not won a game are still playing active games I will start round two and include them if they end up winning. Happy Valentines Day
Players advancing to next round--if you played 4 games or more I have not had time to add you to this list. Wait until tomorrow to check--as I will add you after I do the work for players that played more than three games.
It's a certain game within the tournament, where if you win it, you get premium status for a certain amount of time. (It counts towards your 3 game per round limit, though.)
BTW, can we get a list of everyone who's advancing to round 2 posted on the first page? Maybe edit the post w/the list of all participants, to also list everyone still in as of the latest round (or latest update to that post)?
TheFlashPoint wrote:Should I be worried that Im not usually not getting the pms?
(Im still listed in the advancing list)
I figured out the issue--I can now only send to a list of 1000 players--so in alphabetical order--all players after 1000 did not get the first pm. Now that I know I just have to break the list up and send it out a few times--I was going nuts figuring out why so many people did not receive the pm.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.
Winged Cat wrote:It's a certain game within the tournament, where if you win it, you get premium status for a certain amount of time. (It counts towards your 3 game per round limit, though.)
BTW, can we get a list of everyone who's advancing to round 2 posted on the first page? Maybe edit the post w/the list of all participants, to also list everyone still in as of the latest round (or latest update to that post)?
I have to work on all four first pages--sometime tonight --it will be there.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.
2/14--Hopefully I have time to clean up the threads today. Real life has become very tough for me right now. I am still planning on starting round 2 on 2/17. If players that have not won a game are still playing active games I will start round two and include them if they end up winning. Happy Valentines Day
2/12--Only 30 games remain in round one. Round 2 is on target to start 2/17
Only 67 games remain in round one--we are on track for a Feb. 17th start of round 2
2/9--Round one closed--round 2 may start in about seven days so prepare accordingly. I would estimate Feb, 17th-Feb, 23rd for joining games. It will be a lot shorter time frame to join games and I will be a lot stricter with the mistakes and confusion on joining more than three that occurred in round one.
2/8--I am in the process of pairing up open games that have not been joined. I am deleting games that have not been joined. Round 1 is being played out and is coming to an end. Round 2 should start in less than ten days.--NOTE: Sometime later in the week after I clear up the first four posts to make them easier to read--I may post a few bounties for round 2. You never know. I would just check every now and then if I were someone wanting to win a bounty. I will continue to do it this way, and then there are always the facebook and twitter announcements. I will also draw one name out of all the players and they will get a chance to win a bounty using random.org. This is my in response to a suggestion give a chance for other players that do not have the time to check. That being said--it will only be one per round while we have bounties and the chance will be slim, but it is a chance.
Instructions on how to join HA's 200th tourney games Welcome to the tourney Click on Game Finder Check off waiting for players Locate the Tournament drop down box scroll down until you find HA's 200th Tourney Then click on SEARCH Many pages of games will come up Join any three games but no more than three games in any one round you can join one at a time Do not join against the same player Remember Three games per round is the limit-any more and you forfeit The passcode is: pppp PM me with questions We are having a bad storm right now so my internet may go out
The time is drawing near to join games--Sometime Monday or Tuesday I will lock out all games. If you have not joined any games or joined one or two this weekend is your last chance. If you have joined three games already do not join anymore games.
Approximately 2 WEEKS until Round 2 starts
Theldin has become our first bounty winner and will receive three months premium. He was able to beat lackattack for the bounty win. He has been very aggressive in his attempts at bounties and is always real close to getting in the games. This was his second bounty attempt. Congrats to him.Game 8440638
Final Bounty of round one is now up--is is against our hero for starting CC lackattack. Good luck--he has some interesting settings. No bounties have been won in round one. Will it be a clean sweep? The game number is: Game 8440638 pass is: our hero lack
Round 1 is winding down. I have not heard back from lackattack yet, but as soon as I do I will set the bounty on him. With a new baby he is very busy. I am making games today by request so if there is something special you want just send me a pm. Looks like games are winding down and I will probably not make any more games after today and give about a week to join, maybe less. If you are a freemium that wanted to get in but had four games and expected to be playing on Feb. 10th, you may want to pm me with your status. I will be closing out round 1 in less than a week for sure and start preparing for round 2. Round 2 will go much quicker as well as you will only have six days to join games. Eventually it will go down to 3 full days to join games so the further you go in the tourney, your preparation as a freemium becomes important. I will always announce the next rounds starting date at least 4 days in advance. Keep checking the thread for updates.
Group leader of the Global Moderators, clapper011 has announced she is sponsoring three more bounties on the players listed below. These will start in round two. Unfortunately clapper has a bit of bad luck and will not be joining us in round 2, but she has graciously decided these three will make her proud:
SirSebstar TheSaxlad thegreekdog
So three month premium bounties on each will be available starting in round 2. Thanks so much.
One final bounty for round one--all are welcome to play in it: The creator and owner of Conquer Club has agreed to play in the tourney for one game--the game of course is another bounty. All players can play even if the player has played their three games in round one. If they win they will get 3 months premium and know that they beat lackattack for the first bounty win of the largest tourney in CC history. I am awaiting his settings and then I will post the game number with a pass code on the first page of the thread. No idea when it will come, but it will come sometime in the first round.
Round two will start in about three weeks or more--just depends on how fast 2500 players join and play their games and I will send a pm giving updates when it will start, Friday night and I am off to bed. I will be busy with my child most of the weekend so don't expect any updates. There will not be any more bounties this round that I know of but three more on top of what has been announce are possible being added. I will know soon. Round two will have over ten bounties for sure.
8:53pm my time--I will take request for maps and settings for the next hour or so by pm only--I will make two games of everything sent to me--it is now 10:43 and since I am not getting many requests I will do this until I go to bed--and who knows when that will be so it could be a few more hours-or until the coffee wares off
MORE BOUNTIES and premium prizes totaling three years are being added. Although it looks like the bounties are over with for the first round--you never can tell. With at least ten days left of game play and with so many donations if you have a game left I would hold off at least a few days if you want to go for the bounties that may come available, For now-no more bounties through at least Saturday--but read below--both mgconstruction and Pander88uk are putting up premium bounties
Pander88uk has agreed to share his matched premium with this tourney. There will be 4 bounties available on him starting in round 2 or 3. As soon as he finishes up a tourney where he gave away premium this will kick in and he will offer himself as a bounty and give the players in this tourney yet another chance to win 3 months of premium. Thanks a lot.
Since no one can beat me so far I will offer a last chance bounty in round 1 on myself. The pass code is: who is your daddy (four words)--so far all bounties except the first one have filled in less than a minute--let's see what happens here--the game number is Game 8399201
The Mole has announce he will play 8 Bounty games and give away 8-3 month premium prizes. Do you fear the mole or do you have the power to put the mole in a hole. Thanks to mgconstruction for giving away two years of premium in this tourney. Mole bounties begin in round 2.
samuelc812's bounty for this round has been canceled. The game was made and a player was able to figure out the passcode and join the game before it was announced as a bounty game. We have decided not to count this game as a bounty and offer the bounty again next round. Do not join a unique password bounty game before it is announced.
Game 8396196 squisyg Bounty released on facebook and twitter--it was joined pretty fast--less than 8 minutes for sure--trying to find out how fast---samuelc812 will have his released same way so join up for notifications
TO JOIN GAMES Yes-anyone can still join no more than three games per round Click on Game Finder Check off waiting for players Locate the Tournament drop down box scroll down until you find HA's 200th Tourney Then click on SEARCH Many pages of games will come up Join any three games but no more than three games you can join one at a time Do not join against the same player Remember Three games per round is the limit-any more and you forfeit The passcode is: pppp PM me with questions
ROUND 1 BOUNTIES--if you win one of these games you win 3 months premium: Blitzaholic-The Conqueror Night Strike-Main Tourney Director and largest prize contributor HighlanderAttack-ME game# and pass code released on this page for Blitz, NS and HA
squishyg-Entertainment Team-Facebook and Twitter samuelc812-Leader of Entertainment Team game# and pass code released on Facebook and/or Twitter for squishyg and samuelc812 mgconstruction-8 bounty chances available starting in round 2 A mystery bounty will be available in round 2 as well-not announced yet-extra 3 months to the tourney ***Any of these bounties not won in round 1 will be available in round 2 and so on. ****-Two other bounties will be available also--but no one knows when so check back often. ********These games count toward your three games
This will be on of my favorite styles--it will be 1v1--three games per round-just win one to advance.
Maps used: Players choice--maps chosen with players choice of settings-up to five different per round Classic-CC-auto-seq-chained-esc-sunny-have to have the original map (well close to it) Random-auto-seq-chained-esc-sunny Arms Race-auto-seq-unlimited-no spoils-sunny-have to have my favorite map in it
Many games will be set up using the above settings and.......
Each I will randomly choose players with maps and settings to throw those maps into the mix.
I will pm players that get drawn and give them 24 hours notice to send me settings unless I can find them in the thread.
While the player list is huge I will have at least ten different maps with settings available for you to join--at least until the later rounds
There will be no second chances.
Many different settings-you will see all available settings in the game-depends on who's name gets drawn each round.
To sign up, just post to this thread--post map and settings please--if you don't I will wall you if your name is drawn.
All players are welcome
I will send a pm that the games are being made. Each round will have a label of what to search for. When you search for the games you may join the three games of your choice. If you join more than three games you automatically forfeit the tourney. After 72 hours any games that do not have two players in them will be dropped. So if you are freemium you must be able to join three games within 72 hours(may be a little longer than 72) or you won't have a chance to play all three. The games that had only one player in them will be matched going in order-first by map and settings if they had the same map and settings. If there is not a match, they will be matched up with default settings on a random map in order. An invite will be sent and you will have 24 hours to join or you will not get a chance to play in that game. My suggestion is check at about 48 hours to see what other games are available to join instead of waiting for someone to join your game. (With so many freemiums this has been extended to six days for the early rounds--actually round 1 will be at least ten days) Because the tourney is starting earlier than I expected I do want to give those freemiums that have 4 games going a chance to finish games so they can join games.
To advance to the next round you must win one game. Any player that does not win one game, joins more than 3, or does not show up will be out of the tourney. (except second chance games)
You must choose to play three different players--so if you are green and have joined games it must be against three different players. Nothing you can do if someone joins your games and you were waiting for games.
No need for reserves
I reserve the right to exclude players with less than 99% turns taken or foed players-but won't for this tourney
I hope this covers everything.
Feel free to ask questions.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.
The rules section has been updated The prize section has been updated
The first four posts contain any information you may be looking for.
Here are the updated prizes and GA Medals:
Premium Prizes for HA’s 200th Tourney:
First Place 18 month premium Second Place 6 month premium Third—3 month premium Fourth—3 month premium Fifth—3 month premium Sixth—3 month premium Seventh—3 month premium 22 bounties(3 month premium prizes) will be offered-if a bounty hunter does not win the bounty carries over to the next round: Round # Bounty on game # Player Winner Round 1 Blitzaholic Game 8387019 Zoki77 Blitzaholic Round 1 HighlanderAttack Game 8388852 gradybridges HighlanderAttack Round 1 Night Strike Game 8394197 ga7 Night Strike Round 1 HighlanderAttack Game 8394306 firth4eva HighlanderAttack Round 1 squishyg Game 8396196 plash.ricrem squishyg Round 1 samuelc812 Game 8396198 sccn samuelc812 Round 1 HighlanderAttack Game 8399201 Theldin HighlanderAttack Round 1 lackattack Game 8440638 Theldin Theldin
Only one bounty was given away in round one--the bounty hunters went 1-7. This means we have 21 bounties left to give out. The next bounty will be offered on 2/17/11
MrBenn-contest for most played maps(1 year) –details: The premium prize will be twelve months for the first person to win on all available maps, or twelve months shared between the players with the most unique map wins (if it's more than four then there will need to be some way of identifying the top four)(over all winning percentage will be the tie-breaker if needed)
Report to HighlanderAttack when you have won on every map or When you are done with the tourney-report to HighlanderAttack the amount of different maps you were able to win on. They will be verified and a list will be kept
General Achievement Medals:
“Best winning percentage for the entire tourney” (minimum 25 games played)—so whoever has the best percentage over the entire tourney with a minimum of 25 games played will win.
“First player to lead the field in wins”—after every round I will check to see who is the first player to lead all other players with wins. This means after the round is complete if someone has more wins than everyone else they have lead the pack and will win the GA Medal.
“Player that lasted the longest in the tourney only playing one game per round”—I will check to see who lasts the longest in the tourney but only plays one game per round.
“Last standing freemium player”.—last freemium player left in the tourney—if two players tie they will have a one game playoff—if more than two a round robin playoff
“Last standing first time tourney player”.—last first time tourney player left in the tourney—if two players tie they will have a one game playoff—if more than two a round robin playoff
“Longest winning streak in the tourney”—for this one, players that think they have the longest winning streak must report it to HighlanderAttack—I will keep track based on game numbers for the players that report their winning streak to me. This is wins in a row without losing.
“First Player to beat a team CC member” and report it on the thread—player must finish the game with a team CC Member with a win and report it first on the thread. Hint—Team CC Members are in Bold Color in the threads. I will see if there is a list of all members I can add to the thread for easy viewing. Congrats to Rodion for winning this GA MedalGame 8384462
“Player with most perfect 3 win rounds”—this one must be reported to HighlanderAttack when the player completes the tourney—report how many times they went 3-0 in a round.
“Player with most unique player wins”—this one must be reported to HighlanderAttack when the player completes the tourney—report how many unique wins you had over different players for entire tourney.
“Player with most unique player wins on arms race”—this one must be reported to HighlanderAttack when the player completes the tourney—report how many unique wins you had over different players in the entire tourney on arms race.
NOTE: Most of the statistics needed to report data on a tourney can be used with Map Rank. This add on can be used by choosing the tournament and settings needed to show the data. Many of the GA Medals will need a player to last into the late rounds so if you get knocked out too early feel free to announce in the thread your statistics and we can keep track a the records get broken or hold on.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.