by amazzony on Wed Dec 08, 2010 3:25 am
Thank you, shane, for the kind words! I really appreciate them!
Tobikera, I'm not a circus bear who has to start dancing as soon as the trainer tells me to. I'm a human being and tournament is organising is my hobby. I do not have to check the games every hour and not even every day. I'm quite sure that most players and organisers are happy if tournaments are updated once per week. I'm more demanding and want to check/update them at least twice a week. Depending on the weeks and how much work I have with my 3 part-time jobs, sometimes I let it slip and don't get to update my tournaments as often as I wish but the times when it goes more than a week without an update, is rare.
About this specific situation. I updated the tournament last time on 05 Dec 2010, 11:26 am. Right now is 08 Dec 2010, 10:17 which means that I last checked the tournament 3 days ago. When I did that then the last game of Round 2 had NOT finished yet because it ended 05 Dec 2010, 11:11:52 pm.
Conclusion. Tobikera, remind yourself that all tournament organisers are doing this as a volunteer thing - a hobby - and guys like you are ruining the good name of tournament players.
About Round 3. I most likely won't find time to set it up today but tomorrow I should have a day off so I will try to send out first game of semifinals on Thursday.
"Thou shalt accept thy dice rolls as the will of the Gods" (Church of Gaming)
"amazzony is a beast" (Woodruff)