Moderator: Cartographers
Industrial Helix wrote:You can check it by uploading it on vischeck:
On a side note, how do they know this is how color blind people see?
The Bison King wrote:I'm asking the mods to re-evaluate whether or not use of the font is legal. From my perspective I'm not violating an of the terms of service, since I won't be making money off of it or selling it in any way.
MarshalNey wrote:Yeah, the trouble is that although you aren't using the font to make money, you would be giving permission to CC to use the font to make money, which might put you in the clear but not CC.
At least that's how I could see it being argued, anyway.
RedBaron0 wrote:Gray area's are just that, gray. Get the definitive answer if you can, otherwise, as Andy has already said, let's err on the side of caution.
Now, I haven't read the whole thread, so forgive me if this has been discussed, and I'm just a newb who wishes he could make maps as good as this, but I kinda wish the SF area inset map had a black border all around it, and there was a sliver of ocean between the inset and mainland. but honestly this is minor, and i wont be offended if you dont consider my advice. i love the map, its just that eastbay orange butting up against the coast is slightly distracting to me.
carry on...
This map is looking great. Glad to see you used some of my suggestions. I have a few more, but on the whole I think this map should be on its way gameplay soon.
Calexico is such a tiny town to encompass that entire area. Have you considered calling it "Salton Sea"?
The Salton Sea has a storied history and it takes up much more of that area than little Calexico.
The area currently named "Gold Country" is where Mendencino National Forest is. I think its a little confusing to have Mendencino on the coast. That town is tiny. It makes more sense to switch "Gold Country" to "Mendencino" and then name the current "Mendencino" to "Fort Bragg" - OR - better yet, "Lost Coast". That entire stretch of coast from Bragg to Eureka is completely impassable to vehicles and truly a lost world within California.
Lastly, "Needles" seems a little weird to me, mostly because it makes me think of the rock formations in Southern Utah, but also because that area is dominated by the Mojave National Preserve. You could call that area "Mojave NP", unless you are concerned about confusion with a 'territory' and 'continent' name being similar.
Even calling that 'continent' Mojave is a bit inaccurate. That entire region is actually the confluence of the Sonaran and Mojave deserts. If it were me, I would call the continent "Inland Empire" and change the "Inland Empire" territory to "Joshua Tree" or "Palm Springs" and change "Needles" to "Mojave". But its your map, so go with your gut.
I love the "Hollywood" font for LA and the whole watercolor look has really come together now. I also agree that no mini-map is much better.
The mountains in the LA inset are zoomed in, so why are the mountains in the bay area inset the same size as the main map?
'm not a fan of the posterised background and title area, which doesn;t really fit with the retro art concept that you need to pull off to make this map work.
The Bison King wrote:Did I seriously post 2 840X800's??? whoops.
The Bison King wrote:Western feel, California is pretty much as west as you can get. The new font does kind of look that way. How do you mean by desaturated the colors. Cause usually when I think Western I think Sepia. However brighter colors makes me think hippy which is still pretty Californian.
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