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Is vicious paranoia considered abuse?

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Was yonyd212 unreasonable in his attack on both of us?

Poll ended at Sat Mar 17, 2007 10:25 pm

Total votes : 12

Postby kittimoon on Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:24 pm

Poor little Yony....doens't know a woman when he sees more ways than one.
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Postby podge on Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:54 pm

I really fail to see why you are giving yoni such a hard time, all he did was report you as suspected multi or alliance. If you look at the cheating and abuse forum you will see that there are over 20 people that have been busted on the first page alone. What would you rather happen ? that these cheaters just carry on spoiling the game for everyone because no one could be bothered to report them, or were to afraid to report them because of the abuse they might receive for doing so. These people were accused on no more evidence than that which yoni used to accuse you so what is your problem. Is there something which I don't know about which puts you above suspicion. And don't come back at me with words like slander and reputation nobody off this site..or on it for that matter could give a toss, as soon as the issue has been resolved one way or the other you will be gone from peoples memories like yesterdays news. If you are serious CC gamers then people like yoni are doing us a favor by bringing to our attention people who could be cheating and you should be thanking him rather than giving him abuse.
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Postby Knarros on Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:55 pm

Seriouly, Yony. Speaking human to...whatever you are, leave. You don't like us, we don't like you. There is NO REASON for you to even be here. If we were Multies, or a Multi, or whatever, and it was as obvious as you think it is, then don't you think that we would have been banned by now? I'm going to take a wild guess here, but I'm going to guess that you aren't smarter, more perceptive, or more objective than the Mods and Admins. I'm about ready to start World War III here just to hunt you down. I don't know how starting WWIII would help, but it might.
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Postby Knarros on Sun Mar 25, 2007 2:00 pm

podge wrote:I really fail to see why you are giving yoni such a hard time, all he did was report you as suspected multi or alliance. If you look at the cheating and abuse forum you will see that there are over 20 people that have been busted on the first page alone. What would you rather happen ? that these cheaters just carry on spoiling the game for everyone because no one could be bothered to report them, or were to afraid to report them because of the abuse they might receive for doing so. These people were accused on no more evidence than that which yoni used to accuse you so what is your problem. Is there something which I don't know about which puts you above suspicion. And don't come back at me with words like slander and reputation nobody off this site..or on it for that matter could give a toss, as soon as the issue has been resolved one way or the other you will be gone from peoples memories like yesterdays news. If you are serious CC gamers then people like yoni are doing us a favor by bringing to our attention people who could be cheating and you should be thanking him rather than giving him abuse.
We are giving Yony a hard time because he won't drop the subject. We have shown evidence, given reasons, and flat out stopped caring about the whole Multi thing, and he won't give it up. I could see his reasoning at the beginning, sure, I'd be suspicious too, but that doesn't mean that he has to constantly badger us about it. None of this is going to get the mods to bust or clear us sooner, I just want him to leave so that we can enjoy the site while they decide. Really, we'll keep the topic bumped for him. He doesn't have to worry about it falling off the front page until they lock it.
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Postby Burning_Legion on Sun Mar 25, 2007 2:12 pm

Knarros wrote:
podge wrote:I really fail to see why you are giving yoni such a hard time, all he did was report you as suspected multi or alliance. If you look at the cheating and abuse forum you will see that there are over 20 people that have been busted on the first page alone. What would you rather happen ? that these cheaters just carry on spoiling the game for everyone because no one could be bothered to report them, or were to afraid to report them because of the abuse they might receive for doing so. These people were accused on no more evidence than that which yoni used to accuse you so what is your problem. Is there something which I don't know about which puts you above suspicion. And don't come back at me with words like slander and reputation nobody off this site..or on it for that matter could give a toss, as soon as the issue has been resolved one way or the other you will be gone from peoples memories like yesterdays news. If you are serious CC gamers then people like yoni are doing us a favor by bringing to our attention people who could be cheating and you should be thanking him rather than giving him abuse.
We are giving Yony a hard time because he won't drop the subject. We have shown evidence, given reasons, and flat out stopped caring about the whole Multi thing, and he won't give it up. I could see his reasoning at the beginning, sure, I'd be suspicious too, but that doesn't mean that he has to constantly badger us about it. None of this is going to get the mods to bust or clear us sooner, I just want him to leave so that we can enjoy the site while they decide. Really, we'll keep the topic bumped for him. He doesn't have to worry about it falling off the front page until they lock it.

agreed we didnt start insulting eachother till he came to this forum and started stuff if he hadnt we wouldnt be making fun of him

p.s. if you want to hunt him down knarros i know where to start dropping the nukes
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Postby podge on Sun Mar 25, 2007 2:26 pm

Please don't take me for a fool.

Khelandross started this topic with no provocation from yony

and between you and your friends you have posted nearly 90 yes 90 times to yony's 13. so who won't let it drop ?
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Postby Knarros on Sun Mar 25, 2007 2:31 pm

podge wrote:Please don't take me for a fool.

Khelandross started this topic with no provocation from yony

and between you and your friends you have posted nearly 90 yes 90 times to yony's 13. so who won't let it drop ?
One: Yony made the first topic. He started the whole thing.
Two: We have chatted in the boards. Those 90 posts aren't all flames by any means.
Three: Khel will take petty revenge for just about anything. I do not affiliate myself with the creation of this topic. Only the talking within.
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Postby khellendros on Sun Mar 25, 2007 2:51 pm

When you say petty revenge, does that include starting investigations on the opponent?
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Postby khellendros on Sun Mar 25, 2007 2:56 pm

I think we are getting away from the main topic. Yony started this war on the ground of one game, in which ColdBlooded won, and knarros and I lost. His evidence was that ColdBlooded won, and that he and I took turns one after the other. But the game was done in under an hour, because all three of us were on, so the second piece of evidance is null. that leaves the fact that ColdBlooded won. if that were enough to convect a person of being a multi as you clearly have, then there wouldn't be a whole lot of people left, would there? :roll:
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Postby Knarros on Sun Mar 25, 2007 3:15 pm

No, I don't consider starting investigations on the enemy petty. I'd do that. This topic is rather petty, though.

Oh, and Podge, I didn't take you for a fool. I do now though. Your "No provocation" bit wasn't very good. Considering that Yony made the original topic, which you would have realized if you actually took the time to back up your arguments.
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Postby yonyd212 on Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:33 pm

Ok listen. Podge is right! Enouph with the insults, even though you started them and continued with them. I don't think this needs to go on!

Like I said from the beggining, I posted a "suspected" Multi. If you are not a Multi, you will be cleared!!!!

Stop with all this nonsense and WAIT for the official outcome. I have had enouph with this issue. I am NOT going to post anymore responses on this topic and I advide you to do the same.

Just wait patiently for the decision.
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Postby Knarros on Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:36 pm

That's what I've been asking for this whole time. No more posts about this. Thank you. All posts by me from now on will be completely off topic.
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Postby Burning_Legion on Sun Mar 25, 2007 7:45 pm

yonyd212 wrote:Ok listen. Podge is right! Enouph with the insults, even though you started them and continued with them. I don't think this needs to go on!

Like I said from the beggining, I posted a "suspected" Multi. If you are not a Multi, you will be cleared!!!!

Stop with all this nonsense and WAIT for the official outcome. I have had enouph with this issue. I am NOT going to post anymore responses on this topic and I advide you to do the same.

Just wait patiently for the decision.

if u didnt want to be insulted than u shouldnt have posted it was just random chit chat up until page 7 where yony started flinging insults and calling every1 who was against him a multi...but hey thats just what i saw.
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Postby armychick on Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:14 pm

yep! We were all talking about whatever until he came back and said that everyone on this form was a multi, and then had to tell me just how much I suck at this game..who cares if i have a score of 6oo in something, if you cared that much about it well then just don't play with me, because i don't give a rats about my score!
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Postby ColdBlooded on Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:21 pm

Sorry yony, I don't want to take your "advide", I will post as I wish when I wish, and the rest of you be damned
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Postby armychick on Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:22 pm

FYI my score is now 720 due to wins! :D
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Postby Burning_Legion on Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:47 am

um do we sart with a begining score or something cause ive been eliminated in the 2 games that i have finished and i have a score of 970 or something like not sure how thats possible :?
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Postby armychick on Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:26 am

you start off with 1000 for your score..
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Re: Cold from Belize

Postby yonyd212 on Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:03 am

ColdBlooded wrote: Oh, and get the army hum-v off your avatar. Dont act like your patriotic.


This is an Israeli hummer with a tow missle. I launch these in real life, so don't tell me what kind of avator I can use!
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Re: Cold from Belize

Postby AAFitz on Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:11 am

yonyd212 wrote:
ColdBlooded wrote: Oh, and get the army hum-v off your avatar. Dont act like your patriotic.


This is an Israeli hummer with a tow missle. I launch these in real life, so don't tell me what kind of avator I can use!

could you explain the difference between an Israeli hummer and the US version....

I want to make sure im not missing anything................

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Re: Cold from Belize

Postby yonyd212 on Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:29 am

AAFitz wrote:
yonyd212 wrote:
ColdBlooded wrote: Oh, and get the army hum-v off your avatar. Dont act like your patriotic.


This is an Israeli hummer with a tow missle. I launch these in real life, so don't tell me what kind of avator I can use!

could you explain the difference between an Israeli hummer and the US version....

I want to make sure im not missing anything................

being a car buff and all

Pretty much the Israeli pay money and get an american hummer :)

But I'm not actually sure where they are made, I am pretty sure though that it is european. So the americans pay money and get a european hummer :)
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Postby AAFitz on Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:46 am

Im not sure where hummers are made either, but many countries are probably involved...i just have never researched it myself but i prefer to buy local in general
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Postby yonyd212 on Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:57 am

The hummer is the sweetest off road vehicle possible. The stuff it can do is crazy. Too bad that with my pay grade I can't buy one.
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Postby armychick on Mon Mar 26, 2007 9:41 am

I have to disagree with you yonyd212, The fox is the best! Its the vehicle that Recon uses (I'll find out the real name of it later as I think it "offical" name is something else)
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Postby ColdBlooded on Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:06 am

I've got to go with the Seawolf submarine, particualarily since it caries the nuclear capabilities to destroy 140 cities, and each Seawolf costs the US $10,000,000 to make
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