Moderator: Tournament Directors
PipPhil wrote:I want to join a tourney, can u help me please
GhoStedar wrote:Is it too late to join? I would like to if it's not...
elliot1234 wrote:so anyone any idea how many people joined in the end?
rh-headhunter wrote:hi and thanks for putting tourney together, this is the first one i have played and i am a little confused about the bounty part, it looks like one would have to wait for a post and then quickly rush to join with one of the named players, i cant commit to hovering over the computer that much, would it be possible to have one or two of the bounty players pick a random game to join rather than the other way around so people like me would have a chance to play one as well?
when i saw games were available i just picked one and waited for someone to join it, i assume other people just did the same
NightWolf wrote:I'm feeling confident all over! I won all three of my games!
whosane wrote:hi
join me plz
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