Conquer Club

Abuse of Rating System

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]

Abuse of Rating System

Postby Funkyterrance on Thu Feb 03, 2011 6:38 pm

Nietzsche (accused)

It was my first game ever on Conquer Club and this guy/girl gave me a rating of 1 out of 5 stars for all the fields. I don't know how I could have been that bad for a first player and I think this is abuse. Please look at the game history and you will see that my attitude was not bad at all. The only rating that could possibly have been low would be gameplay since it was my first ever game and I had to start somewhere.


By: Funkyterrance

The accused are suspected of:

Other: Abuse of the rating system and unwarranted low rating so that my only rating is all 1's.

Game number(s):Can't find game number since he waited till it was gone on my list to rate me. However, he is the only person who ever rated me so you can tell by that.

Comments: Please look into this because I just bought membership to this game and this is not a very good first experience. This one player has made my rating very poor and he did it just to be mean. Please let me know if anything is done about it.

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Re: Abuse of Rating System

Postby Caymanmew on Thu Feb 03, 2011 6:53 pm

1 rating is no enough to prove rating abuse if you want this to go anywhere you need to check to see if he been rating other people unfairly as well. if it was only you he did this to then nothing will be done
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Re: Abuse of Rating System

Postby Woodruff on Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:30 pm

Funkyterrance wrote:Nietzsche (accused)

It was my first game ever on Conquer Club and this guy/girl gave me a rating of 1 out of 5 stars for all the fields. I don't know how I could have been that bad for a first player and I think this is abuse. Please look at the game history and you will see that my attitude was not bad at all. The only rating that could possibly have been low would be gameplay since it was my first ever game and I had to start somewhere.


By: Funkyterrance

The accused are suspected of:

Other: Abuse of the rating system and unwarranted low rating so that my only rating is all 1's.

Game number(s):Can't find game number since he waited till it was gone on my list to rate me. However, he is the only person who ever rated me so you can tell by that.

Comments: Please look into this because I just bought membership to this game and this is not a very good first experience. This one player has made my rating very poor and he did it just to be mean. Please let me know if anything is done about it.


Caymanmew is right in that without evidence of many other ratings abuses, this will go nowhere. However, I find it thoroughly irredeemable that Nietzsche would rate you as a 1 for "attitude", given your gamechat in that game.

Here's the game number, by the way: Game 8408294
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Re: Abuse of Rating System

Postby Funkyterrance on Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:03 pm

Thanks for looking guys, i appreciate it and your comments as well. One question I have is how do I look up how he gave ratings? Btw I like your tag Woodruff.
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Re: Abuse of Rating System

Postby tkr4lf on Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:29 am

Funkyterrance wrote:Thanks for looking guys, i appreciate it and your comments as well. One question I have is how do I look up how he gave ratings? Btw I like your tag Woodruff.

To view ratings a user has given, you must first go that user's profile. Next to his rank or rating (can't remember which) will be a link saying something like View All so n so's ratings. Click on that. At the top of the page are two tabs, one for ratings recieved, which you will be on, and one for ratings left. Click on the one for ratings left, and there you go.

If you're not sure how to get to his profile, just go back into the game in question and click on his name in there, it will make it much easier.

BTW, welcome to the sight! It's a great and fun place. I'm sorry this happened to you though, it does seem pretty uncalled for, honestly. But, sometimes when stuff like this happens, it is better to just foe the person and forget about it. And don't worry about ratings, once more people rate you they will even out quickly.
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Re: Abuse of Rating System

Postby stahrgazer on Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:55 am

Funkyterrance wrote:Comments: Please look into this because I just bought membership to this game and this is not a very good first experience. This one player has made my rating very poor and he did it just to be mean. Please let me know if anything is done about it.

In your next ten games, people will likely rate you 4 and 5 stars, so it'll average out. Meanwhile, you're a new player, very few games; people will be looking at that, not your rating.

But does CC really do anything about ratings? No.

Do ratings really matter? Not a lot. As a rule of thumb, if by your 20th game you're still only at 1 or 2 stars, yeah, ratings might be looked at. Might.
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Re: Abuse of Rating System

Postby Caymanmew on Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:15 am

tkr4lf wrote:BTW, welcome to the sight! It's a great and fun place. I'm sorry this happened to you though, it does seem pretty uncalled for, honestly. But, sometimes when stuff like this happens, it is better to just foe the person and forget about it. And don't worry about ratings, once more people rate you they will even out quickly.

i dont think foeing is really called for they had a good game together and now that the rating has been given the only thing that could happen if he played him again is he could get a new and better rating. but you should move on and forget this guy as CC will not do anything even with a strong case it would only end up in a warning
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Re: Abuse of Rating System

Postby Funkyterrance on Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:44 am

Thanks tkr4lf for the info about looking at a player's profile to see what they have rated. You and Stahgazer are right about my ratings evening off, 4 more people rated me and my ratings are up to 4.0 :) While I can see now that this guy didn't really hurt me, I just wonder why there is a rating system at all if someone can abuse it so easily whithout anything negative happening on their end.(I can't rate him after this unless I play him again, If so I would rate his attitude as poor lol). I was also concerned that no one would want to play against me since my rating was so bad. I found out this was not true as you guys said but until you said so I was very convinced. I just would not want for this to happen to someone else who was new and for them to stop playing just becuase one player had personal issues.
Thanks again for your help and support guys/girls(not sure haha).
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Re: Abuse of Rating System

Postby Funkyterrance on Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:34 pm

Ok so I looked up the ratings that this guy has given in the past and his last 4 ratings he gave all the players all 1's. I find it hard to believe that all of these players were deserved of this sort of rating. In fact, I think that nietze just rates according to what kind of day he is having. If he's in a bad mood, he gives poor ratings. I looked back further into his history and could see some other instances of him rating a few all 1's in a row. Another bad day? So my point is that this is obviously not a one time thing and this fellow has some issues that should be dealt with by the moderators. Does anyone else agree that the rating system should not able to be used as a passive aggresive outlet without consequences?
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Re: Abuse of Rating System

Postby tkr4lf on Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:29 pm

Funkyterrance wrote:Ok so I looked up the ratings that this guy has given in the past and his last 4 ratings he gave all the players all 1's. I find it hard to believe that all of these players were deserved of this sort of rating. In fact, I think that nietze just rates according to what kind of day he is having. If he's in a bad mood, he gives poor ratings. I looked back further into his history and could see some other instances of him rating a few all 1's in a row. Another bad day? So my point is that this is obviously not a one time thing and this fellow has some issues that should be dealt with by the moderators. Does anyone else agree that the rating system should not able to be used as a passive aggresive outlet without consequences?

Yes, I completely agree with this.

However, there must be a clear pattern of abuse happening, and I'm not sure if there is one. Perhaps finding out why these other players got rated badly would help. I know that I sometimes rate players with all 1's, but usually only if they deadbeat, and I will tag them as such as well as rating badly.

The ratings system on the site is most definitely flawed. Will it get fixed? I personally doubt it. There are many more important things for the powers that be to focus on than ratings, a part of the site which isn't as important as others.

Just my two cents. Again.
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Re: Abuse of Rating System

Postby Funkyterrance on Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:45 pm

Now what you say tkr4lf has got me thinking. For all the trouble it is to rate people (especially in my case since my comp is relatively slow) Why dont they just get rid of it altogether. Maybe you could still have the option to comment if you wanted but the whole rating business, if it means next to nothing, appears to be a big waste of time. I have, come to think of it, noticed that most peoples ratings are about the same (4.3-4.8). I find the most tiresome part of the game is rating the players since most players play relatively well and rarely have anything to say, I rate most people about the same (high). But now I feel kind of silly rating all those people if its just a waste of time :( Then again, I pay attention to ratings because I don't really want to play with someone with a bad attitude. But evidently I am the minority when it comes to looking at the ratings?
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Re: Abuse of Rating System

Postby tkr4lf on Fri Feb 04, 2011 2:26 pm

Funkyterrance wrote:Hmm...
Now what you say tkr4lf has got me thinking. For all the trouble it is to rate people (especially in my case since my comp is relatively slow) Why dont they just get rid of it altogether. Maybe you could still have the option to comment if you wanted but the whole rating business, if it means next to nothing, appears to be a big waste of time. I have, come to think of it, noticed that most peoples ratings are about the same (4.3-4.8). I find the most tiresome part of the game is rating the players since most players play relatively well and rarely have anything to say, I rate most people about the same (high). But now I feel kind of silly rating all those people if its just a waste of time :( Then again, I pay attention to ratings because I don't really want to play with someone with a bad attitude. But evidently I am the minority when it comes to looking at the ratings?

From what I understand of it, there was at one point a feedback system like what you proposed, just leaving a comment if you feel it necessary, but it was abandoned for the current rating system or something like that. Not sure on this, I wasn't a member of this site back then. But I know I pay attention to the ratings. And they do serve a good purpose, mainly with the tags I think. I hate playing with people who deadbeat, and I assume there are others out there that do as well, so I make sure to tag people who deadbeat as deadbeaters. Also goes for tags like poor strategy, backstabber, etc. So I think that there are some uses to the system, flawed as it may be.
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Re: Abuse of Rating System

Postby Evil Semp on Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:34 pm

If you would like to pursue this ratings abuse complaint all I ask is that you do some of the leg work. Post 5 ratings that you feel are abusive and the reasons they are abusive. Don't just say he rated 3 people in a game with all 1's, or three ratings in a row were all 1's. If you don't want to pursue it please just say so in the thread.
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Re: Abuse of Rating System

Postby Funkyterrance on Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:03 pm

Oh My Gosh! I don't know who did it but that bad rating by that guy has been erased from my ratings!!! Whoever it was, Thank you Thank you Thank you! You made my CC day. Its not so much that my rating is better but the power to make a false rating was taken away from the player who wrote it and that is great. I now have faith in the CC system. I will look into this further Evil Semp and do my end. I'm not really sure how I'll do it but I will do my best.

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Re: Abuse of Rating System

Postby IcePack on Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:12 pm

It's likely that he took the rating off himself. I doubt a mod did it.
Maybe you should ask / thank the player himself, like i said far as i know he is the only
one able to remove other than a mod (which likely didn't...)


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Re: Abuse of Rating System[closed]es

Postby 40kguy on Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:13 pm

Funkyterrance wrote:Oh My Gosh! I don't know who did it but that bad rating by that guy has been erased from my ratings!!! Whoever it was, Thank you Thank you Thank you! You made my CC day. Its not so much that my rating is better but the power to make a false rating was taken away from the player who wrote it and that is great. I now have faith in the CC system. I will look into this further Evil Semp and do my end. I'm not really sure how I'll do it but I will do my best.


it was the guy who is being reported (dumb ass. well i guess i shouldnt be talking.)
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Re: Abuse of Rating System

Postby Evil Semp on Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:36 pm

Funkyterrance wrote:Oh My Gosh! I don't know who did it but that bad rating by that guy has been erased from my ratings!!! Whoever it was, Thank you Thank you Thank you! You made my CC day. Its not so much that my rating is better but the power to make a false rating was taken away from the player who wrote it and that is great. I now have faith in the CC system. I will look into this further Evil Semp and do my end. I'm not really sure how I'll do it but I will do my best.


We don't remove ratings. Only the rater can remove them. Now it is up to you, he removed the bad ratings, do you want to reciprocate or go through with the complaint?
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Re: Abuse of Rating System

Postby gcwca_4_life on Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:07 pm

:cry: :cry: :cry:

Ya got a bad raiting, and then cry?


Btw, Semp, I get on maybe once a month now, and YOUR NOT IN CHAT TO TALK TO ME! Shame on you!

Btw funky dude person, cashing for 15 in an escalating game, then trying to take a bonus isn't smart, and from the looks of the log, exactly what you tried.
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Re: Abuse of Rating System

Postby *EAGLE ONE* on Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:45 pm

really if the ratings dont mean much why have them at would clean up alot of extra work for the site if they didnt have them my op.
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Re: Abuse of Rating System

Postby Funkyterrance on Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:02 pm

First, for your information gcw, im not really that put off by the rating as you would see if you actually read the whole thread (its not that long). So If this player has deleted the rating is he doing it because he is scared or because he understands what he did? I feel that if he posted on this thread I would say the latter. Those of you who think I am a dumbass, etc, I may be ignorant of the way this site works but im trying to learn.
At any rate, I did some research to see if this was a one time incident for the offender or if this was something that happens on a regular basis. I found 5 games that took place recently and checked out the games where this person rated all 1's. Since the easiest to check is attitude since gamechat is pretty straightforeward and really the only way to determine this I used this as the thing to determine if the rating was valid. Before you read I find, as you may that the offender seems to have the worst attitude of all.I chose to censor the swear words that I found but they were not censored during the game. I am not passing any judgement, just wanted that made clear. Here is the gamechat for 5 games where nietzsche rated 1's not only for attitude but for everything else as well ():


2011-01-28 21:32:07 - nietzsche: hahaha
2011-01-28 21:32:24 - nietzsche: im gonna foe you all
2011-01-28 21:32:26 - nietzsche: jhahjah
2011-01-28 21:32:36 - nietzsche: foe me please, so i dont join your games ever
2011-01-28 21:32:46 - pridekiller: stop crying
2011-01-28 21:33:12 - nietzsche: learn to play
2011-01-28 21:44:52 - finalvision: lol
2011-01-28 21:44:55 - finalvision: love is in the aire
2011-01-28 21:45:02 - finalvision: this blue mofo move was so dumb lol
2011-01-28 21:46:24 - Funkyterrance: mk
2011-01-28 21:48:27 - finalvision: nietzsche is it elisa cuthberg on your picture
2011-01-28 21:51:01 - nietzsche: yep
2011-01-28 21:51:57 - finalvision: i know her in real life
2011-01-28 21:51:59 - Funkyterrance: gg
2011-01-28 21:52:06 - finalvision: shes from my town quebec canada
2011-01-28 21:52:31 - finalvision: shes an ex girlfriend of one of my real good friend
2011-01-28 21:52:46 - finalvision: shes so nice cute and funny
2011-01-28 21:53:21 - nietzsche: and hot
2011-01-28 21:53:26 - nietzsche: you know her personally?
2011-01-28 21:53:41 - nietzsche: i guess so
2011-01-28 21:53:54 - nietzsche: is she as beautiful in person as in the movies?
2011-01-28 21:55:35 - finalvision: i found shes more beautifull in real life
2011-01-28 21:55:44 - finalvision: but she still was awesome in a gril next door
2011-01-28 21:55:58 - nietzsche: :O
2011-01-28 21:56:11 - finalvision: yep if meet her like 50 times
2011-01-28 21:56:25 - finalvision: on parties and activities
2011-01-28 21:56:45 - nietzsche: wow, then she must be a babe
2011-01-28 21:57:12 - nietzsche: she looked great in 24 too
2011-01-28 21:57:31 - nietzsche: gg
2011-01-28 21:58:39 - Funkyterrance: was i that bad guys?
2011-01-28 21:58:55 - pridekiller: no
2011-01-28 21:59:09 - Funkyterrance: k thx :)
2011-01-28 21:59:11 - pridekiller: there just being babys
2011-01-28 21:59:30 - Funkyterrance: lolz k
2011-01-28 21:59:35 - nietzsche: you are new, dont know that games wiht escalating cards are all about the cards and not about bonuses
2011-01-28 21:59:56 - nietzsche: wasting men so you could take a capital hurted yellow's chances and yours also
2011-01-28 22:00:13 - Funkyterrance: i just dont want to ruin games for people
2011-01-28 22:00:14 - nietzsche: that helped pink to take you 2 out
2011-01-28 22:00:56 - Funkyterrance: im always looking for who looks strongest
2011-01-28 22:01:00 - nietzsche: and pink screwed up because having the most armies, he decided to kill me, which would not have allowed him to cash in the middle of the turn
2011-01-28 22:01:10 - Funkyterrance: and try to hurt em
2011-01-28 22:01:17 - Funkyterrance: i c
2011-01-28 22:01:24 - finalvision: excactly blue
2011-01-28 22:01:28 - nietzsche: that was unnecessary risk for him, he could've waited 1 turn to take me out with more armies, and a middle turn cash
2011-01-28 22:01:31 - finalvision: attacking me was your first mistake
2011-01-28 22:02:03 - nietzsche: that's why green won, and I lost like 50 points
2011-01-28 22:02:42 - pridekiller: gg green
2011-01-28 22:03:15 - Funkyterrance: i was wondering why everyone let green get 2 continents tbh
2011-01-28 22:03:59 - Funkyterrance: seemed like it gave him a huge advantage
2011-01-28 22:05:15 - Funkyterrance: grateful do you agree?

pridekiller was rated all 1's for this game.

Speed Game 8400847

2011-01-27 17:42:51 - zilex: ok man. Just some Serbian humor. No hard feelings
2011-01-27 17:44:06 - nietzsche: ;)
2011-01-27 17:50:56 - DavDanilo: nietzche is my friend
2011-01-27 18:10:38 - KhanMan: God forbid that the Serbs agree
2011-01-27 18:11:54 - KhanMan: 4 u blue
2011-01-27 18:17:06 - zilex: yelllow is getting 17 next turn. r we going to do smething about that
2011-01-27 18:23:19 - KhanMan: u should worrry about the serbs manm
2011-01-27 18:29:53 - nietzsche: you are retarded teal
2011-01-27 18:30:04 - nietzsche: you just gave the game to danilo
2011-01-27 18:31:14 - DavDanilo: no,you can't beleive what my dice theese days
2011-01-27 18:31:53 - nietzsche: and you territor grabbing only makes sure you survive, you are doing nothing to win this game, so i hope other players see this and dont let you win by any means
2011-01-27 18:37:11 - KhanMan: tyhat was unwise pink
2011-01-27 18:37:19 - DavDanilo: you see this shi* (funkyterrance censor) of dice?
2011-01-27 18:37:48 - zilex: ko će koga ako ne svoj svoga
2011-01-27 18:37:49 - DavDanilo: i can't anything
2011-01-27 18:38:25 - DavDanilo: brate imao sam te 30 na 21 i sranje,evo vec 7 dana tako
2011-01-27 18:38:53 - zilex: jebi ga, probao si
2011-01-27 18:43:36 - lipsondavid: Suicide, green? Or just a personal vendetta now?
2011-01-27 18:45:08 - nietzsche: check the numbers? does it look like suicide to you?
2011-01-27 18:45:12 - nietzsche: im protection danilo
2011-01-27 18:45:17 - nietzsche: protecting
2011-01-27 18:46:23 - lipsondavid: I thought I just gave the game to danilo?
2011-01-27 18:46:59 - nietzsche: youhave no clue do you?
2011-01-27 18:47:09 - nietzsche: the dice screwed danilo
2011-01-27 18:47:17 - nietzsche: that's why you are strong right now
2011-01-27 18:47:48 - nietzsche: dude, relax, just keep grabbing territories
2011-01-27 18:49:23 - lipsondavid: You are right. No clue.
2011-01-27 18:49:42 - nietzsche: lol, khan's game
2011-01-27 18:54:35 - petarvulf: lol khan`s is lol, GL guys!
2011-01-27 19:00:33 - lipsondavid: Bye, green!
2011-01-27 19:03:17 - zilex: gg all.
2011-01-27 19:03:47 - lipsondavid: Yellows game if he has a set
2011-01-27 19:12:27 - petarvulf: Bravo majstore, evo malo srece!
2011-01-27 19:13:47 - DavDanilo: budala,zaboravio sam karticu
2011-01-27 19:14:09 - petarvulf: sto ga nisi unistavao?
2011-01-27 19:14:20 - petarvulf: mozda bi valjalo, hm
2011-01-27 19:14:37 - petarvulf: mozda i ne bi
2011-01-27 19:15:21 - petarvulf: ali si morao uzimati karticu
2011-01-27 19:16:31 - petarvulf: zuti je imao 2-3 puta partiju
2011-01-27 19:22:52 - DavDanilo: ne bi valjalo,nisam imao trejd,a ostalo bi mi malo,odmah bi me unistio
2011-01-27 19:23:09 - petarvulf: verovatno
2011-01-27 19:24:39 - petarvulf: probaj da ga unistis, to ti je jedina sansa, ako krene kocka tvoja partija
2011-01-27 19:25:18 - petarvulf: BRAVO MAJSTORE
2011-01-27 19:25:26 - lipsondavid: Gg yellow
2011-01-27 19:25:53 - petarvulf: mada...
2011-01-27 19:26:19 - petarvulf: ko ima set njegova
2011-01-27 19:26:32 - petarvulf: ima li?
2011-01-27 19:27:00 - petarvulf: jebiga
2011-01-27 19:27:40 - DavDanilo: gg
2011-01-27 19:28:38 - lipsondavid: gg all. Thanks for the advice, green

lipsondavid was rated all 1's for this game.

Speed Game

xman5151: hi, gl all
2011-01-09 22:16:38 - nietzsche: :s
2011-01-09 22:17:15 - nietzsche: is the name of the game "kill nietzsche's 4s?
2011-01-09 22:29:09 - xman5151: It could be..
2011-01-09 22:49:08 - nietzsche: it's not worth it but if it isnt me, it's green
2011-01-09 22:49:52 - Great-Ollie: teal you retarted
2011-01-09 23:00:28 - nietzsche: lol, teal is kickin your ass pink
2011-01-09 23:02:58 - xman5151: yea he's too strong, I new I wouldn't break or hold anything
2011-01-09 23:24:45 - nietzsche: I guess we are *ucked now (funkyterrance censor)
2011-01-09 23:25:11 - nietzsche: yellow was the only one always able to break him but now he cant
2011-01-09 23:25:41 - nietzsche: he's even helping him block in his weakest spot
2011-01-09 23:28:43 - nietzsche: nice block G A
2011-01-09 23:29:26 - xman5151: gg guys
2011-01-09 23:30:52 - nietzsche: gg pink
2011-01-09 23:40:51 - friesuschrist: The auto-assault just takes out all of the suspense...
2011-01-09 23:41:24 - nietzsche: lol
2011-01-09 23:41:32 - nietzsche: o had to break you 2
2011-01-09 23:44:19 - nietzsche: yellow, if you dont block me in moldova, teal will cash and take me out, cash again and kill you
2011-01-09 23:45:47 - nietzsche: lmao
2011-01-09 23:45:50 - nietzsche: hahaha
2011-01-09 23:46:35 - nietzsche: you are an idiot yellow
2011-01-09 23:49:12 - nietzsche: wp teal
2011-01-09 23:49:14 - nietzsche: gg
2011-01-09 23:52:13 - Tisha: auto attack
2011-01-09 23:53:13 - nietzsche: dont skip the card
2011-01-09 23:57:27 - friesuschrist: the suspense is killing me.
2011-01-09 23:57:33 - friesuschrist: You have them, then?
2011-01-09 23:57:48 - friesuschrist: wow...
2011-01-09 23:58:18 - friesuschrist: You won't have time to finish me off before the time runs out...
2011-01-09 23:59:02 - Tisha: next time auto the big stacks fries
2011-01-09 23:59:50 - friesuschrist: I see. Never used the auto feature.
2011-01-10 00:00:00 - friesuschrist: I've only been at this a week.
2011-01-10 00:00:36 - friesuschrist: The comeback begins from the cradle of civilization...
2011-01-10 00:02:02 - Tisha: well, when you are pressed on time, it needs to be done. the outcome isn't that different.
2011-01-10 00:02:07 - hermey68: let's hope you don't screw up like i did
2011-01-10 00:06:15 - friesuschrist: omfg. ran out of time...
2011-01-10 00:06:35 - friesuschrist: shouldn't have gone for greece. Thought that autoattack was instantaneous.
2011-01-10 00:08:24 - hermey68: nice fries

hermey68 was rated all 1's for this game.

Speed Game 8264595

2011-01-05 23:44:36 - nietzsche: *uck you green (funkyterrence censor)
2011-01-05 23:45:56 - MrGrinch: go cry to yo mama
2011-01-05 23:46:23 - MrGrinch: its a game..everyone gets attacked
2011-01-06 00:00:16 - nietzsche: gg every1
2011-01-06 00:13:39 - c c: audry i need to get to bangkok could you pleas move i sure do hate to beat up on a girl jk
2011-01-06 00:14:22 - Audrey: sorry i didnt see that?
2011-01-06 00:14:52 - nietzsche: im a girl too
2011-01-06 00:14:56 - nietzsche: :)
2011-01-06 00:15:16 - nietzsche: i'm 16 but i feel bigger
2011-01-06 00:15:19 - Audrey: im not between you and bangkok?
2011-01-06 00:15:36 - Audrey: lol cool yellow :)
2011-01-06 00:16:12 - c c: lol
2011-01-06 00:16:41 - c c: reyjavik and stock holm you are
2011-01-06 00:17:23 - Audrey: that wont get you to bangkok tho??
2011-01-06 00:18:17 - MrGrinch: is this a team game or something now???
2011-01-06 00:18:56 - Audrey: gg yellow
2011-01-06 00:18:58 - MrGrinch: guess not....
2011-01-06 00:19:43 - c c: last chance dear
2011-01-06 00:20:28 - Audrey: i still dont understand how im in your way?
2011-01-06 00:20:49 - c c: ill show you hold on
2011-01-06 00:21:52 - Audrey: unless yor trying to move montreal armies into asia?
2011-01-06 00:23:25 - c c: ahhh now you got it i rather take 3 of your s than drop this set on you to get there
2011-01-06 00:24:38 - Audrey: gg red
2011-01-06 00:28:18 - Audrey: gg aqua
2011-01-06 00:29:58 - MrGrinch: what great rolls you got
2011-01-06 00:30:00 - MrGrinch: gg blue
2011-01-06 00:30:20 - Audrey: gg blu
2011-01-06 00:33:30 - c c: ty gg all i got a set please dont make me chase you
2011-01-06 00:35:43 - Audrey: lol got a play the game
2011-01-06 00:35:44 - Audrey: gg

Mr Grinch and c c were both rated all 1's for this game.

Speed Game 8240463

2011-01-02 06:25:25 - nietzsche: you got only 1 card right?
2011-01-02 06:25:31 - KingOfGods: yeah
2011-01-02 06:25:41 - nietzsche: serves you right
2011-01-02 06:25:43 - nietzsche: ;)
2011-01-02 06:26:02 - assassin07: kog why u always blue in the royals like the one i came 2nd in and won u where blue
2011-01-02 06:26:06 - KingOfGods: maybe if you didn't wait until the last 5 seconds for a card
2011-01-02 06:26:10 - KingOfGods: serves you right :)
2011-01-02 06:27:13 - assassin07: dam teegees gnna get u all
2011-01-02 06:27:31 - TheSaxlad: suicide the stack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2011-01-02 06:27:43 - assassin07: race 4 red'
2011-01-02 06:27:46 - -=- Tanarri -=-: I totally did
2011-01-02 06:27:52 - TheSaxlad: whoever gets me wins :D
2011-01-02 06:28:15 - assassin07: green deploy fast
2011-01-02 06:28:23 - TheSaxlad: sam has won.
2011-01-02 06:28:25 - assassin07: gg green
2011-01-02 06:28:27 - -=- Tanarri -=-: Then died
2011-01-02 06:28:27 - nietzsche: lol that was sooooo slow
2011-01-02 06:28:33 - Koganosi: *uck slow (Funkyterrance censor)
2011-01-02 06:28:36 - jricart: slooooowwwwww
2011-01-02 06:28:42 - assassin07: red u gnna make new one?
2011-01-02 06:28:46 - Koganosi: Good win samual
2011-01-02 06:28:57 - jricart: auto sam!
2011-01-02 06:29:04 - TheSaxlad: possibly.
2011-01-02 06:29:06 - jricart: what?
2011-01-02 06:29:10 - Koganosi: Why taking me first
2011-01-02 06:29:26 - Koganosi: and not tee after tee you can exactly cash
2011-01-02 06:29:30 - TeeGee: damn connection hahaha
2011-01-02 06:29:55 - assassin07: i would be done already
2011-01-02 06:30:03 - jricart: me too
2011-01-02 06:30:03 - nietzsche: run teegee
2011-01-02 06:30:11 - assassin07: sams dice might fail
2011-01-02 06:30:19 - nietzsche: autto him
2011-01-02 06:30:22 - nietzsche: or run
2011-01-02 06:30:24 - nietzsche: ruuuuuuuuuuuuun
2011-01-02 06:30:29 - assassin07: but he can turn in
2011-01-02 06:30:36 - TheSaxlad: oooh/.
2011-01-02 06:30:39 - assassin07: sam better be fast
2011-01-02 06:30:39 - jricart: wow
2011-01-02 06:30:39 - nietzsche: teegee
2011-01-02 06:30:41 - jricart: gg sam
2011-01-02 06:30:41 - Koganosi: He came in lucky
2011-01-02 06:30:41 - nietzsche: you had a shot
2011-01-02 06:30:44 - Gilligan: 3 v 3 for the win!
2011-01-02 06:30:46 - Johnny Rockets: nice
2011-01-02 06:30:47 - nietzsche: oh well
2011-01-02 06:30:51 - assassin07: oh he got it
2011-01-02 06:30:54 - TeeGee: gg
2011-01-02 06:30:59 - assassin07: gg sam
2011-01-02 06:31:16 - nietzsche: gg
2011-01-02 06:31:46 - TeeGee: my connection has very bad lag.. not good for speed games, hassle of living in the outback

Tannari was rated all 1's for this game.

If anyone has anything useful to say about this post please do.
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Re: Abuse of Rating System

Postby Funkyterrance on Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:08 pm

I think at this point if the person in question would go back and delete all his unjust ratings I would be satisfied and would be done with it. Other than that I would just be doing all this for myself and thats not the point. I feel for the other players who were rated in this manner as well without deserving it.
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Re: Abuse of Rating System

Postby Tisha on Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:33 pm

Game 8287775 I was watching and they deserved a bad rating. Both guys left at the end played horrible. You can't always tell that from game chat..
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Re: Abuse of Rating System

Postby Funkyterrance on Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:51 pm

I said that you can tell attitude from game chat, not gameplay.
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Re: Abuse of Rating System

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:35 pm

Funky what are you going to do? I need you to post some evidence for the rating abuse like I said earlier.
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Re: Abuse of Rating System

Postby Evil Semp on Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:14 pm

With the lack of response from the OP I am going to close this thread.
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