Conquer Club

Termination: British Isles [TPA][Win: whakamole][2 TOs]

Tournaments completed in 2011.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Re: Termination: British Isles [TPA][Preparations on the way

Postby herus on Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:15 am

i play

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UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:19 am

We are so totally and completely full that I won't even bother to add all of you who signed up after page 13. I'm sorry but we have 16 reserves and I'm sure more won't be needed. I'm grateful for your interest but I won't be expanding the tournament as it is already a lot of work.
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Re: Termination: British Isles [TPA][FULL!]

Postby DimnjacarStef on Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:57 am

in pls
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Re: Termination: British Isles [TPA][FULL!]

Postby Juan_Bottom on Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:08 am

I'm on page 12!
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Re: Termination: British Isles [TPA][FULL!]

Postby Bigus_Dogus on Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:09 am

Can I play?
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Re: Termination: British Isles [TPA][FULL!]

Postby AtreidesHouse on Wed Feb 02, 2011 5:48 am

Guess I'm late, in as reserve
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Re: Termination: British Isles [TPA][FULL!]

Postby hardwolf on Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:41 am

I'm in
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UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:31 am

Like mentioned above, I'm literally not accepting any sign ups anymore.

On a more positive note, I've added a little paragraph about TPA scoring. It might not be very clear as I used some wording from Kinnison (thanks!) and added a bit of my own but know that I understand it and for you it is to understand just one thing - the more you kill the better your score, both TPA and tournament wise, is.

Finally, I totally missed it before but Tournament Directors department have put up 6 months premium prize for every TPA Majors and therefore the winner of this tournament will also receive premium membership of half a year.
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Re: Termination: British Isles [TPA][FULL!]

Postby Pimperpunk on Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:16 pm

in please
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Re: Termination: British Isles [TPA][FULL!]

Postby Plowable_Earth on Wed Feb 02, 2011 5:31 pm

in please plowable_earth
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UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:01 am

I haven't been slacking, I just finished the most gruesome part of the tournament for me - randomising the games for all 12 divisions (each division has 12 games). Aah, an hour of my life gone again and then I wonder how time flies :roll:

Now, next step for me is to creating the games and sending out first batch. Most likely I will also message you all beforehand with a few suggestions/warnings to avoid any possible problems in the future.

P.S. Still not accepting players anymore.
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Re: Termination: British Isles [TPA][FULL!]

Postby Katya on Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:10 pm

In pls :)
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Re: Termination: British Isles [TPA][FULL!]

Postby Maggot on Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:52 pm

In please. :)
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UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Sat Feb 05, 2011 5:29 pm

Almost, almost :) Just finished creating games but as it's past midnight then I'll leave the job of sending them out to tomorrow so the probability of avoiding mistakes would be brought to maximum :D
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Re: Termination: British Isles [TPA][FULL!]

Postby dessius on Sat Feb 05, 2011 5:47 pm

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UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:10 am

I'm about to send out messages with first batch of games. Everybody will get 3 games per week (or so) until you've got all your 12 games of the round. I'm hoping round 1 to be over by the end of March and by over I mean that the games should be done by then and round 2 starting last week of March or first week of April.
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Re: Termination: British Isles [TPA][Round 1 Batch 1]

Postby Ghosteagle on Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:40 am

i'm in =D>
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UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Wed Feb 09, 2011 4:13 pm

  • 3 days have passed since I sent out the games and 18 games haven't started (out of 72). I've started sending out invites to people who haven't joined yet.
  • Please, pay attention - if you get a message with games then you have to join 3 games!
  • Dayman! (division 7) is banned from CC and will be replaced by dfp2dep.
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Re: Termination: British Isles [TPA][Round 1 Batch 1]

Postby Tobikera on Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:15 am

We have one Game 8458439 hanging, waiting for a player. Did you mean to have Lord Zod sign up for this like our other two games? Just seems strange we have the same players in two games, and 5 out of 6 the same in the third game that's dangling. Thanks. :)

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Re: Termination: British Isles [TPA][Round 1 Batch 1]

Postby Tobikera on Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:30 am

amazzony: My bad :oops: , I see there is a one player difference in the two games on-going, so I guess we are only waiting for the laggard - and it's been days (seven counting today)

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UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:03 am

  • There was a mess up in one division which I haven't had time to fix yet totally.
  • If I'm not mistaken then 1 game hasn't started from Batch 1 and that is due to me not cleaning the mess yet. I'll get to it today after work.
  • All other games are active (some finished already) and I will try to get Batch 2 out today. If I won't have time then next games will be made at the end of the week.
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UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:21 am

Tobikera, all games are created randomly so it might be that some games are identical though I have no ide what's the statistical possibility of that :P And yes, like I mentioned, the one game is an ugly stain of a well started tournament which I will try to fix as soon as I find time.
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UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Mon Feb 14, 2011 1:00 pm

  • I don't have time nor energy to get next round out today (nor time in the upcoming days to make sure that the games start) so I will postpone it for a couple of days and try to find time for it on Friday or Saturday.
  • Humrlmo (division 10) is replacing collywobbles who just hasn't joined his games.
  • I have dealt with the only not started game and hopefully it will get started in the next 24 hours.
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Re: Termination: British Isles [TPA][Round 1 Batch 1]

Postby buddylee1998 on Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:06 pm

If this has not yet started I would like to play.
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UPDATE - Termination: British Isles [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:18 am

Oh well, birthday preparations and later getting back on track took a lot more energy and time than expected. Nevertheless, batch 2 games are finally done and sent out to everybody. I'll try to check the games tomorrow and send out reminder invites so games would start in the next 48 hours. There's still 1 game that hasn't started from batch 1 but I haven't forgotten about it and working to get this one started along side with batch 2.
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