Conquer Club

HA's 200th Tourney (Josko.ri Wins)

Tournaments Completed in 2014.

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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (pppp is pass code-u can still join)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:22 am

Tviorr wrote:Is there somewhere, I can find the statistics on the tourney. - Or will they be updated to the first page as well, when we get further into the tourney?

Reason I ask is that Im a noob, but also that Im excited by being in the tourney as well as it going surprisingly well. - Okay, I realize that with the tournament setup and the number of players its not going to be an exactly rare occurance that someone goes 3-0, but still, Im tingling to find out how many are in that, and indeed how many first time tourney players and for that matter freemiums are in the mix. And my third game finishing, Id of course be interested to learn how many players that still have games to finish.

Im winning my third game in the next few rounds. I suppose I should wait registering it until I have actually won it, but barring actual IRL mayhem, I shouldnt even be able to jinx it at this point;-) I will wait for the kill before doing so, but I love statistics, so that will do wonders for keeping me entertained the next couple of weeks.- Is there a place a freemium noob like me can go look for them?

Regards on a most excellent tourney and great initiative, even if it does last 2 years. I will certainly be here until someone(s) grind my nose, face and bones into (the) dust ;)

You have to go to plug ins and add ons and download tour stats

I will have updates probably tonight--I don't spend as much time on cc when I have my child--I am usually on after he goes to be or in the morning before he wakes up.
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (pppp is pass code-u can still join)

Postby denominator on Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:27 pm

HighlanderAttack wrote:
Joe B. wrote:Highlander, I know you're busy, when you get a chance write back.
If you only have to win 1 out of 3 games, seems everyone can move on since that's less than 50%.
Is the 2nd round going to be different? You may have already written this in the rules so I'll look, just wondering cause it seems everyone could stay in forever if you only have to win 1 out of 3.

With this amount of people--the evolution of the tourney will most likely move to only two games allowed until we get under 200 players or every other round--but this will not occur until round 4 or 6 --most likely six as I want to get most of the GA Medals out of the way. No matter what we end up doing I have to expect this tourney will last 2 years so be ready to be in it for the long haul.

With all due respect, HA, I would request that you not change the format. I realize that it will speed up the tournament, but those were the rules when we all signed up and everybody knows (or should know) that the tournament will go on for a long time. I don't think such a drastic change to the rules mid-way through the tournament is fair to the players (it certainly would be more helpful to the more experienced 1v1 players than the less experienced).
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (pppp is pass code-u can still join)

Postby thebest712 on Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:47 pm

also won 3 games
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (pppp is pass code-u can still join)

Postby Cyclone_23x on Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:56 pm


Lost Game 8384558

Won Game 8394555

Lost Game 8399093

So 1/3 puts me through to the second round! Had a chance to win all three but was really unlucky in the other two.

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Game 8864976 I WON IN 9 SECONDS!
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (pppp is pass code-u can still join)

Postby kennys777 on Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:39 pm

Cyclone_23x wrote:Cyclone_23x

Lost Game 8384558

Won Game 8394555

Lost Game 8399093

So 1/3 puts me through to the second round! Had a chance to win all three but was really unlucky in the other two.

I feel your pain...I joined up for 1 at a time...Ended up pulling out the 3rd game finally...
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (pppp is pass code-u can still join)

Postby drunkmonkey on Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:41 pm

Stop using HA's tourney list to spam everyone's inbox. I'm ready to put every one of you on foe.
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (pppp is pass code-u can still join)

Postby Tviorr on Sun Jan 30, 2011 4:05 pm

Not sure if this has to be reported, but here goes.

Freemium and first time tourney.

3 and 0

Winning Streak: 3, number of 3 win rounds:1


Thx for the stats directions. I will look into that and see if I can figure it.

I could. That was actually surprisingly easy.

If I read the stats right, "only" a bit over 2300 players joined so far. 183 players are out due to 3 (or more ;-)) losses. A number of players have managed to play too many games as well, so well over 200 players are out, while hmmm about 200 players have yet to start a game.

Seems feasible that we will be 2000+ left after round 1, but likely no more than 2100?
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (pppp is pass code-u can still join)

Postby OliverFA on Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:49 pm

denominator wrote:With all due respect, HA, I would request that you not change the format. I realize that it will speed up the tournament, but those were the rules when we all signed up and everybody knows (or should know) that the tournament will go on for a long time. I don't think such a drastic change to the rules mid-way through the tournament is fair to the players (it certainly would be more helpful to the more experienced 1v1 players than the less experienced).

I agree. It's not fair to change rules halfway. Rules should stay as they were when we joined.
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (pppp is pass code-u can still join)

Postby Tviorr on Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:18 pm


Those were the rules when we joined, werent they?

I havent re-read them, but as i recall there were several mentions that the format would be subject to changes and different setups for different rounds...?
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (pppp is pass code-u can still join)

Postby SuperWang on Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:38 pm


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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (pppp is pass code-u can still join)

Postby Crazyirishman on Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:54 pm

I won this game, Game 8395731 and am about to win this one, Game 8386649.
So 2-0 so far
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (pppp is pass code-u can still join)

Postby Ron Burgandy on Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:53 pm

games: 8411378
not bragging...just very surprised!
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (pppp is pass code-u can still join)

Postby erv on Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:57 pm

heh i advance. had some awesome games in the process esp that oceania one lol
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (pppp is pass code-u can still join)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:27 pm

Please note that I did say due to the evolution of the tourney set for 750-1000 players up tp 2500 that I might move to 2 games during even rounds. I also did away with the second chance games. That being said--I know I will be around for the next 2-5 years and if the players want to stay with three games per round and just keep it the way it was meant I have no problem keeping it that way. So, I will play it by ear but I would like to hear from people in the thread and not the pm how they feel about a reduction in the games you are allowed to play from 3 to 2 in even rounds or just keep it the same. Maybe in round three I will do a poll. No matter what if I do change you will be given fair warning.
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (pppp is pass code-u can still join)

Postby Claw Of Kane on Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:51 pm

2/3 - had terrible luck or I would be 3-0

Won 8384449
Won 8384588
Lost 8384456
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (pppp is pass code-u can still join)

Postby patrickaa317 on Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:09 am

HighlanderAttack wrote:Please note that I did say due to the evolution of the tourney set for 750-1000 players up tp 2500 that I might move to 2 games during even rounds. I also did away with the second chance games. That being said--I know I will be around for the next 2-5 years and if the players want to stay with three games per round and just keep it the way it was meant I have no problem keeping it that way. So, I will play it by ear but I would like to hear from people in the thread and not the pm how they feel about a reduction in the games you are allowed to play from 3 to 2 in even rounds or just keep it the same. Maybe in round three I will do a poll. No matter what if I do change you will be given fair warning.

I'd support reducing even rounds to 2 games until there are only 200 people or so remain. Throws a fun twist to the tourney too.
taking a break from cc, will be back sometime in the future.
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (pppp is pass code-u can still join)

Postby Aussie02 on Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:46 am

Being 1 vs 1 games sure 3 games are longer but it certainly makes it more fun to be able to play so many more games within 1 tournament and meet new players and play on different maps etc so yes I would vote for 3 games per round:)

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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (pppp is pass code-u can still join)

Postby soka on Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:37 am

IN please.if it isnt to late:)
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (pppp is pass code-u can still join)

Postby clanger35 on Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:00 am

In please (if it's not too late)
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (pppp is pass code-u can still join)

Postby stahrgazer on Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:14 am

OliverFA wrote:
denominator wrote:With all due respect, HA, I would request that you not change the format. I realize that it will speed up the tournament, but those were the rules when we all signed up and everybody knows (or should know) that the tournament will go on for a long time. I don't think such a drastic change to the rules mid-way through the tournament is fair to the players (it certainly would be more helpful to the more experienced 1v1 players than the less experienced).

I agree. It's not fair to change rules halfway. Rules should stay as they were when we joined.

It's not halfway, we're in round 1 of 2 billion (yes, I exaggerated). Other rounds (those that would be affected) have not yet started. HA did say he may adjust rounds depending on the number of people who joined.

The tourney will be HA's LIFE for the next 6 to 9 months as it is, he deserves a chance to minimize his time obligations by reducing gamecounts.

Plus, this wouldn't be the first tourney that changed rules after starting.. in some cases, they change much closer to the end.
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (pppp is pass code-u can still join)

Postby TheFlashPoint on Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:26 am

HighlanderAttack wrote:Please note that I did say due to the evolution of the tourney set for 750-1000 players up tp 2500 that I might move to 2 games during even rounds. I also did away with the second chance games. That being said--I know I will be around for the next 2-5 years and if the players want to stay with three games per round and just keep it the way it was meant I have no problem keeping it that way. So, I will play it by ear but I would like to hear from people in the thread and not the pm how they feel about a reduction in the games you are allowed to play from 3 to 2 in even rounds or just keep it the same. Maybe in round three I will do a poll. No matter what if I do change you will be given fair warning.

So... the winner will playing in this tourney for five years?

What accomodations (if any) should freemiums expect if they also want to join HA's 1000th Tourney?
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (pppp is pass code-u can still join)

Postby OliverFA on Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:18 am

We are not in a hurry. Are we? I don't mind playing this tourney for long time (supposing I manage to stay in it, of course). Also, with 3 games luck effects are minimized. It's a lot more difficult to have bad luck in 3 games than in 2.

Anyway, probably a poll would be the best way to know the general opinion.
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (pppp is pass code-u can still join)

Postby cap.Jack Sparrow on Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:31 am

In please :)
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (pppp is pass code-u can still join)

Postby Steelhorse on Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:39 am

Steel wins games 8387168 and Game 8386833 for the first round.
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (pppp is pass code-u can still join)

Postby Tviorr on Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:37 am

Im happy any which way you do it. All of the alternatives you have mentioned sound like fun to me :-)
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