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Aron_rogers and death_squad [noted]

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Aron_rogers and death_squad [noted]

Postby ATLBravosfan on Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:40 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 8173381
Game 5967304

Comments: Basically, almost every game that aron_rogers has played in, he has played with death_squad. I believe these two to be friends, hence all the games played together, but there is probably something going on between the two of them. The first game mentioned above is the one that I played with them. aron_rogers team was clearly the favorite and the most powerful, especially after my team had been drained out by an assault by his team the turn prior. All game, death_squad has been solely attacking my team and stacking up next to us, despite the other teams gaining the upper hand. Rather than take some regions or bonuses with his army he had been stacking, he agreed to the plan aron_rogers suggested and drained out on me, eliminating me from the game. Now there are 6 players playing, 2 on aron_rogers team, death_squad, my teammate, and team 3.

In the second game that I noted, I went back through the game log, all 30 rounds, and death_squad only attacked aron_rogers one time the entire game. These guys play lots of games, sometimes on the same team, sometimes on different teams, and sometimes standard play. In my game, there had to have been a secret diplomacy going on, unless death_squad just loves aron_rogers so much that he did it without any type of pushing or asking. His moves scream of secret diplomacy.
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Re: Aron_rogers and death_squad

Postby ATLBravosfan on Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:52 pm

furthermore, the turn prior to the one where death_squad eliminated me from the game, I had reinforced a large army up to hit him or at least to ward off any idea he might attack me. aron rogers drained out on me and my large army near orange, just for the sake of orange rolling through me and eliminating me from the game, just as they had planned. While they did discuss the strategy on the game chat, it seems disingenuous to allow players to play opposite each other, when they really have the intention of helping each other the whole game long...
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Re: Aron_rogers and death_squad

Postby king achilles on Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:47 am

I can agree that there could be something between these accounts. However, as of now, we still need more evidence to back this up. This will be noted for now in case they get reported once again.
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