Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
caymanmew wrote:not bigotry it is just the way people talk these days
abcooper wrote:hahaha GTO i'm glad this is how you handle everything. i bet everyone hated you as a kid because youre the biggest tattle tale in the world. did you tell your mom about what i said too?
abcooper wrote:no i dont think anyone should report anything. if you cant take what someone says OVER THE INTERNET youre the most sensitive person in the world and shouldnt have access to the internet in the first place. what happened to freedom of speech anyway?
abcooper wrote:no i dont think anyone should report anything. if you cant take what someone says OVER THE INTERNET youre the most sensitive person in the world and shouldnt have access to the internet in the first place. what happened to freedom of speech anyway?
abcooper wrote:i dont know if you understand this but the site already is a joke...there are skewed records and plenty of people that break the rules. people do create tons of multis - all this requires is another email address and a change of your ip address if you get banned(not saying i do this because i dont and i dont really care that much. this site just gives me something to pass the time at work when im bored). And i do see people with very similar names on 2v2s who i suspect of being a multi but im not a person that is going to report someone because i think there is no proper judicial system for this. remember when you were little and everyone hated the person who tattle taled? same shit. and secret diplomacy is a stupid rule to begin with. if you dont think this happens in real life your ignorant so why shouldnt this happen in conquer club. diplomacy shouldnt matter if its secret or not. look back in history and im sure you can find examples of both secret and public diplomacies.
abcooper wrote:fyi theforgiven one it clearly does happen on this site if its a game or not. get over it. quit bitching about something you cant control while it happens. youre merely being reactive and not proactive which is stupid in itself. there is no way to stop it so quit bitching about and go do something productive.
abcooper wrote:...really if multi hunters are that good why can people still get accounts after breaking the rules? im not going to say any names but i know people that have done this. great job guys for keeping them out, keep up the good work! i know of one person that even today was offered by a hunter if they paid the premium membership they can have their account! that really supports your statement! of those 28000 that were banned (hard to believe that it really is 28000) how many do you really think didnt make a fake email address and just sign back up?
abcooper wrote:for those who broke the rules good for them if they got away for it. if they get caught i agree punish them but i dont agree with people going and constantly making false accusations because they think they are right and get others kicked out. they are just as bad as people who break the rules so yes when you see the same exactly people being the only ones to report something i think that is grounds to say that person is the real scum bag for being the only person to report something. (for this one i will name names - f*ck you GTO - freedom of speech...). Also i think the majority of the cc members really dont care about secret diplomacy. and yes im no snitch so i wont tell on people especially for something as stupid as online gaming so get over yourself this is a stupid discussion to begin with.
abcooper wrote:as for me not understanding freedom of speech...i full understand this. i dont think you do. i can say what i want when i want and cant get in trouble for this merely because i am just voicing my opinion even if it may be seen as offensive to some people. maybe you should read the constitution since you seem to want to talk about it in your quotes. last ive check the fucking KKK has the right to have marches through towns as long as they are properly organized. something that hasnt stopped them since their formation as a clan. im not saying i support this either but just using it as an example.
abcooper wrote:also if youre going to ban or judge me for voicing my opinion on a forum that is ridiculous. just remind yourself your just an over powered geek with administrative rights to a fucking online version of a board game. awesome...but really if you ban me at least give me rights back to this forum cause i dont mind arguing about this at all.
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