MAKE SURE YOU CHECK THE ENTRY LIST AND THAT YOUR NAME IS ON ITEntry List (updated through pg 125)>>>>viewtopic.php?f=90&t=134927&start=2 it shows when it was last updated Blitzaholic (The Conqueror) accepts challenge to have a bounty put on his head--he will join one game and the player that plays him will win a premium prized if they beat him.
In round one you will have a chance to beat Night Strike and myself for premium also--these three games will be posted in the thread sometime on day one of the tourney with a passcode different than the passcode sent out with normal play instructions. If you beat Blitzaholic, Night Strike, or HighlanderAttack you will win 3 months Premium. There may be more available, but I will post details on all prizes soon. Remember the tourney will start a little earlier than posted initially --sometime early this week. Still working on details for that.
[color=#FF0000]ALSO MAKE SURE YOU CAN RECEIVE PM'S--THE SAME INFORMATION WILL BE ON THIS THREAD BUT IF YOU DID NOT GET A PM FROM ME TONIGHT IT IS BECAUSE IT SAID THIS: Some users couldn’t be added as they have disabled private message receipt.
---Some players are not receiving pms so please check page three to make sure you are on the entry list--but wait at least 24 hours
--You need to join at least one game from the 10th-15th of Feb. (up to three maximum)
--Informational pms with exact instructions and updates will come--but u can check on page for for the same information Information Page>>>>viewtopic.php?f=90&t=134927&start=3
For an added incentive for people to vary their map choices, I'll offer a premium prize from the Foundry for the first person to win a game on every map during the tournament, or the person who has won games on the greatest number of different maps at the tournament end.
Cheers, MrBenn
***Night Strike sent me a pm stating he would offer a premium if we reach 500 or 1000 players: I am also adding 1 year--ways will be announced--so if we reach 500 we will have 18 months available for sure
Remember-if you are not a big fan of 1v1--you have 72([b]extended to six days) hours to join your games--if you just join one game and win it you are not required to join the other two games--It is a win one game to advance to the next round type of tourney[/b]
Night Strike wrote:Quite an ambitious tournament! If you get 500 players, I'll supply 6 months of premium to the winner. If you reach 1000, 12 months of premium will be available to the winner. Those numbers could get upped if I have more premium available later on. Good luck!
~Night Strike
I think this is very nice of him so take advantage of the chance--this will be a huge tourney and I have done limited solicitation for it so far. I start that process soon
Old information from information page: I will be taking the time to reorganize this tourney. The evolution of this tourney has been taking on different turns since it began. A goal of 1000 entries and a hope of 750 has turned into the possibility of over 2500 participants. Prizes and Medals keep pouring in. The tourney will officially start this Tuesday--most likely in the evening Eastern Standard Time. I have to go through and organize the first four pages of the thread -I will do this Sunday night. Do not worry if you are unsure what is going on. If you are freemium--just keep one spot open as you will be able to join games soon and don't worry--I will make sure you have a chance to join a game and hopefully three if needed.[/b][/size]
Updating entries is taking a long time so be patient. We have over 1300 players in already and I am not at home to enter all of them into the entry list.
If you do not receive a pm from me--you are not receiving pm's and should adjust your settings or check back here--I will have a full information pm ready Thursday morning with everyone that has signed up.
If freemium try to get a spot open by the tenth of February
It looks like we will have at least 3 years of premium up for grabs in one form or another.
I am trying to get bounties set up that win 3 month premium for round one at least.
Player Map selection--due to the large response I will most likely have to pm you if your map is chosen--It is taking hours just to make the entry list--if I were to add map and settings to this process it would add hours--so no worries--I will draw names early before the games are made so that the players chosen on have plenty of time to get me their map and settings.
I am up to page 30 with entries added to the entry list--by tonight it should be all updated. Tomorrow morning at the worst. Check the entry list tonight after I get it updated to make sure you are on. I will be sending everyone that has joined a pm with information late tonight.
First of all thanks for the great response--my Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is in full swing. A lot of you have asked questions and most of the answers can be found in the thread. Feel free to pm me as I should have a little more time now that the entry list is 100% up to date as of five minutes ago. 2195 entries in which some won't get this pm due to settings on the inbox. I will also add all pm's to the information page.
The games will be ready on February 10th. You will receive a pm with instructions on how to join.
24 hour variety with approximately 8-10 different maps and settings-you choose to join what you want with a pass word I will provide you in the instruction pm on February 10th.
You have to play at least one game and you can play up to three games maximum each round. If you play more than three you are eliminated from the tourney. If you win at least one game you will advance to the next round.
Spots to keep open--really that is up to you--just try and have one open by Feb. 10th. You will have six days to join games so there is a little wiggle room. If you keep one spot open and are able to play fast you should be able to get three games joined within those six days.
There will be many prizes available and I will make a complete list. General Achievement Medals along with premium prizes totaling at least three years will be available at the present time.
I have decided not to have a second chance opportunity so if you lose three games you are out. The tourney will be lasting a long time. I may have to even move to 2 games per round until we reach a level of 200 players left, but we will take that as it comes and I will survey the participants to make a decision on that.
All 2195 players on this pm should get this minus those who have pm settings rules that give me this message: Some users couldn’t be added as they have disabled private message receipt.
In round one I will have at least one bounty on my head. I am trying to get others to participate as well and details will be sent out prior to the tourney starting. I will give a game number in the thread--the player that joins that game and beats me will win 3 months premium. I am waiting response on others and I have to ask a few other players as well.
For now--I recommend all additional questions be sent to me via pm as I might miss them in the thread.
One final not on General Achievement Medal--send ideas to me--but here are the two ideas I have already come up with:
1. The longest lasting first time tourney player in this tourney will receive a GA Medal 2. The player that leads the pack with wins for the first time will receive a GA Medal
I need other ideas so send them to me.
Thanks so much for making this the largest tourney in CC history--I really appreciate it.
Lets get history started by giving away a premium. Who has what it takes? The first bounty is being published right now. Who can beat The Conqueror? Blitzaholic awaits and if you beat him you will win three months premium--the game number is Game 8387019 The passcode is three words: beat the best First come first serve--get your chance now as the tourney kicks off. On a side note --I am about to get blasted by storms so be patient as some games may not be ready right away. I have over 1600 games so plenty to get started with. Those instructions will be out shortly.
In less than three hours the pass code and instructions will be released[/size]
I have started making games but will not send the pass code until later tonight. Since some of the players that had their name drawn for map and settings did not reply I will take the next 4 players that send me a pm with map and settings. Please put in the subject--"use my map". Continue to check out the threads main page for the bounties--but they will not be available until tonight and tomorrow night.--I have my four responses--thanks
Game instructions will be sent out tonight--you can join this tourney at any time during round one. If you have questions please pm me. I will put exact instructions on the top of this page on joining and I will also list the bounties to win 3 months premium on this front page as they become available in round one.
I have just received a few more offers to supply bounties for this tourney. I am waiting on confirmation but it looks like at least five more (three month premiums) will be offered as bounties. If you have already played your three games do not worry as they will be available next round too. If this is something you are interested in going for --next round take your time joining games. Join two and then wait for a bounty. As soon as I find out more information I will pass it on to you. We have 1930 different players that have joined games now. That means there are still over 600 that have not joined games. This has all occurred in a 28 hour period. WOW is all I have to say. Even with the thunder storm, intermittent internet for me and a job interview that went well we still managed to have 1930 players join games in about a day. 2300 games have started--that too is fantastic. Since this tourney has been evolving on top of the players choices for map and settings I have thrown in a few extra maps that I think a lot of players enjoy. I will continue to change things up so have fun and go win a game.
Wow--Night Strike was joined within a minute--gl to ga7. I suppose since I won my game I should offer another bounty on me--who wants to go for it--do you think you can beat me in arms race--same thing-if you have played three games do not join as you get nothing --if you have a spot available then go for it--game number: Game 8394306 the pass code is: want some get some
It is that time again everyone--time to go get a bounty and win 3 months premium. If you have played your three games you cannot join this game and you won't win if you do win. Night Strike leader of the tourney directors is ready and waiting so if you have a spot available go for it---join tourneys is the pass code two words--good luck--here is the game Game 8394197
It is now time for bounty number two Game 8388852 master of arms is the passcode--if you think you can take out HighlanderAttack on arms race you can do so and win 3 month premium by being the first to join the game--good luck--It took less than a minute for someone to join--they must have been ready. Two more will get posted on facebook and/or twitter in the next few days and one more will get posted right here sometime tomorrow against our main contributor of prizes Night Strike
Last edited by HighlanderAttack on Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.