The accused are suspected of:
Other: Trolling forums, Baiting CC members and harassing/threatening me with violence.
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=136053 - In this topic, hmsps has continually trolled (including 4x posts in a row at one point). He has attempted to bait me at every attempt. Some quotes:
hmsps wrote:go mod defend them, it may not be farming in "the rules" burt its not men playing is it?
hmsps wrote:dont take this the wrongway but f*ck right off
hmsps wrote:you are the type of player that makes this site so shit
hmsps wrote:seriously go do one
hmsps wrote:like i say i am embarressed for you ??????????????????????????????????? loaeds of them must turn you on
And some quotes on my wall:
hmsps wrote:sadly you are an interney BOY in real life you wouldnt stand a fucking chance and you know it
Pander88uk wrote:A chance in what?
hmsps wrote:oh i think you know
hmsps wrote:give me a private email addrss and we can talk i am in newcastle?
Also, his signature is too large. This is against the rules and something I myself have received a WARNING for previously from a mod.