matjam wrote:Is using automated scripts to play the game cheating? Hmmm...if not then this game is seriously lame and there is not point in playing. Are you serious b000060???
Automated scrips are cheating. Scripts like BOB and the aforementioned clickies are legal. Clickies remove the need for conformation, basicly you can drag your troops to where you want and they autoattack, and since dragging can be done quite quickly, it can give a major advantage, but since it is available to the entire community and published it is deemed legal. Especially since in itself it will not (is not supposed to) give you a win. Also the player still has to make the calls. An automated script just does all the thinking for you too..
BOB helps you see all bonus regions, and attackpaths, very usefull, oh and it is capable of keeping screenshots so you dont have to memorize a FOG game.
thebest712 is one of the faster players around.
Although it is not illegal, i find freestyle to be no fun and in sequential it is not that big a deal.