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zgrade attempted secret diploomacy with me.[warned]es

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Re: zgrade attempted secret diploomacy with me.

Postby jefjef on Tue Jan 11, 2011 3:23 pm

Von Blitzen wrote:Seems like there's a few holes in the rules then because the rules I read, are as I posted above, on the page marked "rules"

It doesn't matter how big you make your typeface or where you got your version from, when I go to read "The rules" on the page marked rules they read as I said.

You may declare me guilty a thousand times, but the Goddess who presides over the Eternal Court of History will, with a smile, tear in pieces the charge of the Public Prosecutor and the judgment of the Court: for she declares me guiltless.

You may condemn me but history will absolve me.

We applaud you for bringing the ZGRADE attempted cheat to our attention.

The stuff on your wall does not seem to be malicious cheating. I'm thinking CC may just note your instance. But keep in mind the #2 rule I posted is the specific writing of the rule. You may find it in the Community guidelines that is linked in the rules forum page.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: zgrade attempted secret diploomacy with me.

Postby Qwert on Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:43 pm

"You may declare me guilty a thousand times, but the Goddess who presides over the Eternal Court of History will, with a smile, tear in pieces the charge of the Public Prosecutor and the judgment of the Court: for she declares me guiltless.

You may condemn me but history will absolve me."
Last words of guilty man,before hes execution by firing squad.
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Re: zgrade attempted secret diploomacy with me.

Postby Von Blitzen on Tue Jan 11, 2011 6:06 pm

Actually it was a speech made by Hitler from the dock after the Munich putsch.

I have noted the comments here and I wasn't aware of how I could report someone or of the exact criteria.

In the first instance I went to the rules page to see what that criteria was.

I don't now where any other page is, so maybe someone reading this who has any say about navigation might change the link to where the real rules are.

Alternatively change the wording in the "guideline" displayed on the page for "Rules" Because it is confusing if you have two differnet versions.

I'm not out to cheat and I'm not out to be bullied by old timers either.

So let's just leave it to the people who make the decisions.
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Re: zgrade attempted secret diploomacy with me.

Postby Woodruff on Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:34 am

Von Blitzen wrote:I posted all that in the live chat so everyone could see it.
He messaged me and I was suspicous about it so I put it all in the game chat and you can clearly see that from what you posted yourself
Also that was about my 1st week on this game.
There was nothing secret about it.
I don't know what your problem is or why you want to go spying on everything I've done.
Seems lile you've now got a point to prove and are bending over backwards to do it.
What's the matter?
Did I hurt your wittle feelings?

Hurt my feelings? Why would my feelings be hurt? You've made no claims about me, so I have no reason to have my feelings hurt by your statements. I'm not "bending over backwards" to do anything...I'm simply referring to your own hypocricy. You seem to be very defensive here.

Von Blitzen wrote:Is that how it works here.
Dare to stand up for yourself and the mods will gang up on you and find a way to get you back.
Very nice.
Meanwhile how about dealing with the original complaint?

I'm not a mod, thank God.

Von Blitzen wrote:Well hopefully he will see the obvious attempts by me to make public what was being messaged to me in both instances.

Except you HAVEN'T made any obvious attempts to make public the instance I'm referring to. I'm referring to YOUR secret diplomacy, not that of zgrade. Perhaps if you had reported yourself as well, your statement might be relevant.

Von Blitzen wrote:Apart from that I won't bother with your pettiness in future, seeing as you don't appear to have any relevance at all.

Yes, we will certainly see the relevance...

As to bullying, nobody here is attempting to bully you. We are simply attempting to hold you accountable for your actions.
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Re: zgrade attempted secret diploomacy with me.

Postby Von Blitzen on Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:34 am

Well I have explained my actions clearly and extensively.

Everything that was posted on my wall was transferred to the game chat where the other players could see it.

So no hypocricy there.

As for the original complaint. Once I sent the meassage direct to the mods by clicking the appropriate button, it was dealt with simply and without any drama.

So I'll leave you to dramatize on your own now I know how to report people without facing the third degree by third parties who can't read a game log.

BTW Z_Grade recieved an official warning and I recieved a thank you.

Have a nice day now.
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Re: zgrade attempted secret diploomacy with me.

Postby Evil Semp on Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:18 pm

zgrade has been WARNED for secret diplomacy.

dpreedx17 and Von Blitzen have been WARNED for secret diplomacy. I understand that dpreedx17 was having problems, but posting on someone's wall is against the rules. Also Von Blitzen was relaying what was said but he did not relay all that was said, plus dpreedx17 could read the chat so there was no reason for Von Blitzen to post any of the discussions outside of game chat.
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Re: zgrade attempted secret diploomacy with me.[warned]es

Postby Von Blitzen on Sat Jan 15, 2011 7:10 pm

Kiss goodbye to any more cooperation from me.... or a membership of any kind.

If that's how you treat people who try to be straight. there just really isn't any point in trying is there?

So someone posts on my wall and I'M guilty by default. Just because you're pet bully boys want to make me a victim.

I relayed what was relevant to the game play. I didn't bother relaying dpreedx17 demanding I do things that I didn't bother doing.

and if I was so intent on "secret diplomacy" I wouldn't have left it displayed on my wall. Clearly I had no idea on how anything worked but you know just kick me around for fun. It seems like the custom here.

I like the Happy New Year bit though.

I bit like a mugger telling you to have a nice day.
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Re: zgrade attempted secret diploomacy with me.[warned]es

Postby Evil Semp on Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:00 pm

Von Blitzen wrote:Kiss goodbye to any more cooperation from me.... or a membership of any kind.

If that's how you treat people who try to be straight. there just really isn't any point in trying is there?

So someone posts on my wall and I'M guilty by default. Just because you're pet bully boys want to make me a victim.

I relayed what was relevant to the game play. I didn't bother relaying dpreedx17 demanding I do things that I didn't bother doing.

and if I was so intent on "secret diplomacy" I wouldn't have left it displayed on my wall. Clearly I had no idea on how anything worked but you know just kick me around for fun. It seems like the custom here.

I like the Happy New Year bit though.

I bit like a mugger telling you to have a nice day.

Well blitz where in the game chat do you mention "ok mate well here is the news I can take Bogota with my next turn if you can get into Africa. I have cards." That is coordinating attacks and you did not mention that in game chat. That is secret diplomacy.

If that is the kind of cooperation you are talking about I will gladly kiss it good bye.
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Re: zgrade attempted secret diploomacy with me.[warned]es

Postby Von Blitzen on Sun Jan 16, 2011 3:55 am

Forgive me for thinking I can co-operate with a player I'm in a truce with the very 1st time I do it.

As I said before you can read my confusion over the staus of what was going on all through that exchange.

But whatever, Nazis rule.
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Re: zgrade attempted secret diploomacy with me.[warned]es

Postby Von Blitzen on Sun Jan 16, 2011 4:01 am

By the way, your "official warning" might mean something or be effective in the slightest, if the person being warned had a clue as to what effect a warning has on their future status and what the consequences of further warnings might be.

and you still need to reword your rules to say what you wanr them to mean: I suggest using the words "Exclusively posted in the game chat" rather than "must be posted in the game chat."
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Re: zgrade attempted secret diploomacy with me.[warned]es

Postby Woodruff on Sun Jan 16, 2011 8:12 am

Von Blitzen wrote:By the way, your "official warning" might mean something or be effective in the slightest, if the person being warned had a clue as to what effect a warning has on their future status and what the consequences of further warnings might be.

and you still need to reword your rules to say what you wanr them to mean: I suggest using the words "Exclusively posted in the game chat" rather than "must be posted in the game chat."

Your implication here is that everything that was posted on the various walls was also posted in the game chat. Yet, as Evil Semp clearly stated, there was coordination by you to an ally on the various walls that was NOT posted in the game chat. So your change of "exclusively" would not at all exonerate you, as you were still guilty of having diplomatic actions on your wall that were not in the game chat.
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Re: zgrade attempted secret diploomacy with me.[warned]es

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Jan 16, 2011 10:54 am

I screwed up in the PM that you received but this should clear it up. This is also posted in the community guideline which can be found here. viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7785

Secret Diplomacy

If you are found guilty of Secret Diplomacy, you will be blocked from playing with the other guilty parties for a duration of time, and will also face an escalation of Website Vacations if you continue to be found guilty of Secret Diplomacy.

Secret Diplomacy Infraction levels are as follows:
1. Block and Warning,
2. Block and 1 Week Website Vacation,
3. Block and 1 Month Website Vacation,
4. Block and Account Inactivation.

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