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Secret Diplomacy of badmav and Mrfubar[noted]es

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Secret Diplomacy of badmav and Mrfubar[noted]es

Postby red_dawn on Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:20 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

(plus many games where they only play each other)

1. In my game with them [8224372] badmav and Mrfubar were obviously not attacking each other, which was only somewhat suspicious at the time.
2. Doing a Game Finder for badmav, nearly all of his games are with Mrfubar.
3. If they're cheating, they're not very good at it, but looking at their win in 7996608, based on the log it looks like they were in cahoots as well.
4. Their turns tend to follow each other very quickly, either within a few minutes, or sometimes 20 - 30 minutes, but almost never over an hour.
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Re: Secret Diplomacy of badmav and Mrfubar

Postby Evil Semp on Thu Jan 13, 2011 9:27 pm

There is not enough evidence to show there could have been a secret diplomacy between the two. For now, this is noted for future reference.
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Re: Secret Diplomacy of badmav and Mrfubar[noted]es

Postby badmav on Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:02 am

I know its no secret that Mrfubar and I have played many games together. I realize it may seem suspicious but we happen to get on and play around the same time every night. That is exactly why I play him a lot. I enjoy a quicker game. After playing him many times I do somwhat know his stratagey. He rarely does a full on assult unless provoked. It just so happened that you attacked the both of us over and over. So we both responded. Every single time I had any plans of attacking him you did so much damage to me I had no choice but to fight back. Im sorry you feel cheated, It was not the intent. Lastly from what I see in the logs I attacked Mrfubar more than I attacked the 4th guy in our game.

I see this matter was dismissed, I just wanted to give my 2 cents worth. Seemed I needed to defend myself.
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Re: Secret Diplomacy of badmav and Mrfubar[noted]es

Postby Mrfubar on Tue Jan 18, 2011 2:02 am

Really!!! You Loose a 4 player game and then run and post here that it was unfair???? Read the log people if you have any concerns. This guy needs to grow up. So how many accounts do you have red dawn? seems you know a lot about this game for a new player.
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