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JefJef bigotry making a comment towards my gender[cleared]

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Re: JefJef bigotry making a comment towards my gender.

Postby IcePack on Wed Jan 12, 2011 7:46 pm

nagerous wrote:
IcePack wrote:
nagerous wrote:A lot of you are clearly not aware of British nomenclature, I would classify the phrase 'get bent' as an example of a bigoted statement offensive to homosexuals akin to other statements like calling someone 'queer' or a 'cockmuncher.'

Is jefjef British? "fag" is bigotry in the US but is a cigarette in britian. So if someone from britian said it wouldnt you argue context and intent? Of course.

He's not british, that wasn't the intent, it's not the meaning in the US.


That's not the intent? His intent is clearly to flame eddie from what I can see on the message and he did so with what seems to me a homophobic slur, that is very different to say 'just going off for a fag' as in cigarette, if I was to write on someones wall 'you fag' I don't think I could justify saying I was calling him a cigarette.

I never said it was the same thing. I used it as an example of multiple meanings in different areas for the same word(s). C'mon man. JefJef is from US, tell me how you know the intent of the poster was bigotry???? It may have been rude, or blunt but I highly doubt it was more than that. Just cuz it means something worse somewhere else on the planet doesn't validate a statement that jefjef is a bigot.

Its not a normal slur used in sexual context everywhere, I know it's not used that way in Cali around me / the group I'm around.

It's same level as "get lost" or "f*ck off". If someone can prove jefjef meant it as a slur then clearly it'd be wrong. But I don't / haven't seen it.


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Re: JefJef bigotry making a comment towards my gender.

Postby TheForgivenOne on Wed Jan 12, 2011 8:00 pm

drunkmonkey wrote:Is this really being discussed as vulgar? It was a catchphrase on The Simpsons, for crying out loud.

Exactly what I was thinking...

That Bartholomew J. Simpson must have been making a ton of gay homophobic references then :-s
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Re: JefJef bigotry making a comment towards my gender.

Postby Lubawski on Wed Jan 12, 2011 8:02 pm

Bones2484 wrote:
eddie2 wrote:
quote not in the brittish aspect of it if you google bent you get this. and you all know what kids are like my 8 year old daughter googled the word to find out what it was.


I just googled "bent" and that link did not appear anywhere on the first four pages. I got tired of looking after that.

Which begs the question of how it was found in the first place. :-s

Sounds like must see TV to me.

Oh, and I love the Simpson's reference.
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Re: JefJef bigotry making a comment towards my gender.

Postby Woodruff on Wed Jan 12, 2011 8:07 pm

Oh Good Lord, eddie...why are you wasting everyone's time yet again?
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Re: JefJef bigotry making a comment towards my gender.

Postby Nicky15 on Wed Jan 12, 2011 8:39 pm


quote not in the brittish aspect of it if you google bent you get this.


I am in Britain. The 1st on the list, after i googled bent was that website :shock:. Bent definitely does mean gay in the UK There is no way that's what JJ meant though.
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Re: JefJef bigotry making a comment towards my gender.

Postby grifftron on Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:06 pm

Thread of the year award?

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Re: JefJef bigotry making a comment towards my gender.

Postby L M S on Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:55 pm

JefJef is a horrible, terrible person.............BURN HIM!

Give me a break with this complaint, seriously you have nothing better to do than post this type of crap in here? If you need something to do to occupy your time try some speed games or maybe learn to knit.
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Re: JefJef bigotry making a comment towards my gender.

Postby jeraado on Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:11 pm

eddie2 wrote:
Bones2484 wrote:Let's hope this is finally the straw that breaks the spurious report's back to get Eddie banned.

Well you do not know what has been said behind the scenes we must not wall pm each other. I have followed this you might see this comment as whatever you want to. but like i have said before my kids read along with me, (jefjef knows this and my kids see this comment as someone getting called gay. but not coming out about it.) So i am in my rights as a paying customer not to have what i find offensive posted on my wall, by a player that has been told not to by several mods of this site.

and yes you say foe him but all i can say i will not foe other clan leaders in case. god help me saying this we have to comunicate at some point.

Now I can't really tell what you're complaint is about.

Are you saying:

1) That jefjef should be punished because you view that phrase as bigoted? - Clearly it has been shown to have a completely different meaning and there is no suggestion that it was intended to be a slur

2) That even though the phrase isn't bigoted, that it doesn't meet your family's standards? - This is a site which allows swearing. If you want to filter the content your kids view then fair enough, but that is something you take responsibility for. The site has a series of standards, and swearing, trash-talking etc is allowed.

3) That jefjef shouldn't post on your wall at all? - If there is an informal agreement or mediation between you both then fine, but its not cheating or abuse. I'm sure if you did choose to foe him you could still arrange communications between clans if required.

From reading your posts I interpret it as you reading the comment and believing it to be bigoted. However since it has been shown not to be then I hope you can do the right thing and withdraw your report, rather than trying to switch the issue. If what you are saying about your kids is true (I only say if because some people would use that type of thing to try and earn sympathy), then I would think it would be pretty simple to explain to them.

Seems like a pretty harmless comment in the context of CC and now that its meaning has been cleared up hopefully something which can be put to bed quickly
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Re: JefJef bigotry making a comment towards my gender.

Postby Campin_Killer on Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:11 pm

Getting bent, means getting the bends.

Well, except for the urban definition
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Re: JefJef bigotry making a comment towards my gender.

Postby MegasWoman on Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:39 pm

nagerous wrote:A lot of you are clearly not aware of British nomenclature, I would classify the phrase 'get bent' as an example of a bigoted statement offensive to homosexuals akin to other statements like calling someone 'queer' or a 'cockmuncher.'

if you search UK slang "get bent" you find no definition. You are keying in just half of the get bent comment and since there is no UK definition for the whole phrase then you can only go by the US definition/usage, especially considering that JJ is from the US and eddie isn't even from the UK. Oh. The word "bent" has also made over 800 appearances in the forums in various usages. ;)
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Re: JefJef bigotry making a comment towards my gender.

Postby owenshooter on Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:53 pm

spurious... i hope eddie thinks about this on his vacation...-the black jesus
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Re: JefJef bigotry making a comment towards my gender.

Postby lord voldemort on Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:05 am

hmm locked....there are a few warnings to go out here as well.
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Re: JefJef bigotry making a comment towards my gender.

Postby king achilles on Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:44 am

As far as the bigotry is concerned here, this is cleared. As what lord voldemort said, warnings have been sent to those involved in this personal feud. Please heed that warning. Some of us still can not believe how this report came to be but it basically boils down to eddie2 and jefjef not staying away from each other or keeping each other on foe. It's your choice. If one of you have become infatuated with the other that you can not simply ignore whatever he says in the forum, then you will be dealt with quite severely as what was warned of you.

Do not make spurious reports just to get the other guy in trouble or you will be the one who will get it instead.
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