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Doublett22 wrote:Bjn74 you should be ashamed for defending a such a person as Anarkistsdream.....hopefully next time you will choose to defend people who have morals and respect other people and their families. Although i know you are still gonna stand by him and defend him consider what you would have done if someone insulted you in such a way.
virus90 wrote: I think Anarkist is a valuable asset to any game.
virus90 wrote: I think Anarkist is a valuable asset to any game.
virus90 wrote: I think Anarkist is a valuable asset to any game.
Doublett22 wrote:What do you mean there is no need to insult, that what you have specialized in during the past few day, and ur forgetting the point again i did not defend what solid wold did....all i said was that he is not doing it any more...i hope that simple enough to understand.
virus90 wrote: I think Anarkist is a valuable asset to any game.
Anarkistsdream wrote:No need to insult you... You admitted to what I was implying... That is all I wanted.
Doublett22 wrote:Anarkistsdream wrote:No need to insult you... You admitted to what I was implying... That is all I wanted.
With regard to this ridiculous comment you made, what do you refer to the insults you have in your others posts as? were they posted there with the help of some divine intervention?, and if there is no need to "insult" me why did you? And since you consider that i am a 13 year old kid and you consider ur self to be older, dont you think you should be a tiny bit more mature than to go off on a cursing rampage, or is it that older you get the less intellectually capable you are?
virus90 wrote: I think Anarkist is a valuable asset to any game.
Doublett22 wrote:One mistake does not justify another, so you really cant say thats its ok for Anarkistsdream to act immature becuase another person does so. Another way to explain what i am trying to say is the following: you and Anarkistsdream are writing posts against me and there is nothing wrong with that since every person is entitled to their opinion, and i respect that. The difference is that you are debating or "arguing" with me in a decent/ civilized manner where as Anarkistsdream takes everything the wrong way and turns everything i write into a heated argument at the end of which he swears/insults me and my family. And just so that you dont respond by saying something about solidwolf, understand the following, i NEVER defended what he did and as i said before i only defended the fact that he has changed since then. I end this by asking why do you hold doublestandards in defending the vulgar language that Anarkistsdream uses when he replies in the forum but at the same time you despise another person for doing the exact same thing? And please try not to answer the last question alone, and answer the whole post i have just written.
virus90 wrote: I think Anarkist is a valuable asset to any game.
Doublett22 wrote:Anarkistsdream, about what you said in the last post, are you trying to be serious or are you beign sarcastic...?
virus90 wrote: I think Anarkist is a valuable asset to any game.
Doublett22 wrote:You have me all wrong Anarkistsdream. On the contrary, i asked you if you were serious or sarcatic because if you were serious then i have no problem since i know how to forgive people even when they insult me and worse yet, my family, and i can relate this to the example of solidwolf in that even though he did not swear at you or ur family (or at least i hope not) you still cant forgive him even after he has changed, whereas even after all you said about me and my family i would have no problem forgiving you if you meant it and that is why i was asking you if you were being sarcastic. So you see Anarkistsdream you dont always have to assume the worst in people...theres always hope at the end of the tunnel.
"Ideas are bulletproof" VForVendetta
virus90 wrote: I think Anarkist is a valuable asset to any game.
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