pascalleke wrote:yep guilty but wo was the one wo sends me invis 2 or 3 times in a row? and yeah wow ...looks like u are all the guard dogs here??
Well, who is it? I am pretty sure I have never sent you any invites... We've only played a couple of times together. However, if you do wish test your skills in the battlefield, I'll gladly do so.
Guard dogs? Elaborate, please.
pascalleke wrote:lol u are so funny and transparant ....forgive me o please
and i just used his name bcs its the rule to use a name ....ow now i am doing it again ...explaining myself to people wo just read their own versions ...oops i did it again...
I am afraid it is you who is unable to write a proper response and to actually answer what has been written. I've read the whole thread before responding and my argument still has not been answered. Instead, you try to bait me and make allusions about someone's mindset and intelligence. I'd say someone is being a hypocrite here.
pascalleke wrote:maybee if u read my starters topic good u see something
I have and I have answered every argument you've thrown which had anything in it. Oh, I see now you've even edited it - nice
There's a difference between inquiry and accusation. You've did a former, my dear Dutch friend.
And now you are again baiting us? Tsk tsk tsk...
And by any chance you would mind pointing out where I have reacted poorly, please?