qwert wrote:these is strange-
nietzsche kill almost all greens,and help to pink kill easy green and to take cards,and win a game, and for that its guilty tannari??
and after all that he directly insulting tannari?
I realy dont understand these american justice system in CC.
qwert, the log doesn't help much if you weren't there. This is sort of what happened.
1. I started cleaning the board, the way it's done in escalating games. I was doing fine but close since I had stated early due to good players in the line up, it was in that turn for me to start or never.
2. After killing yellow, red and orange, I set up teal (tanari) but had something like 12 for each 10 he had, so I was cautious and after loosing the first roll I decided to wait for the next turn since
I had around 70, teal and pink had both 2 cards and the only one with a set was green, but having 4 cards he'd had to kill 2 players for a middle turn cash.
3. Pink takes his turn, and next, tanari with around 35 men, decides to suicide all he has against my piles of men. This is the problem, he could have made a neutral move and wait for a mistake or anything lucky in his side. Rather than, in green's advantage, he used 30 of his 35 to kill 30 of my 70, leaving 2 cards as gift for the next player, and now green could kill both pink and teal for a middle turn cash.
4. Green, mistakenly in my view, cashed, took teals cards and used the rest to attack me, ending with 5 cards for his next turn.
5. Knowing that killing pink will only leave me with less men and 3 extra cards unused and that green in the next turn will cash again and eliminate me, I go with all I have against green, trying to eliminating him. THat was my only move, killing pink wouldn't have helped, await either since green was going to kill pink (at that moment with around 12 armies) and come after me.
6. I left green weak, with 5 positions with 1 man and 1 position with 4 men. Pink had something like a 6 available to attack him, plus the 3 coming, 9 vs 1,1,1,1,1,4. Now, pink had too little that I didn't consider him able to kill green, but with some great rolls he made it, at the end he killed 1,1 with a 3, something like that, and finally he won.
Tanari (teal) gave the game to green when he suicided against me (+60 for green) but green didn't realize he could easily kill both teal and pink for a middle-turn cash in, and even after that he would've won if I hadn't left him that weak. The game before tanari's move was completely set up for me to wipe everyone from the map.
When I asked why he said something like "if I had to go, I would go shooting" or something like that, but why against me? Besides, we all know that in these games dice can suddenly give a chance to the deadest. Why suicide?