Conquer Club

TOFU vs T4C [40-10 of 50] [Final]

Finished challenges between two competitive clans.

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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50]

Postby Qwert on Sat Dec 25, 2010 4:46 am

2) T4C are probably going to get their asses beat, as they probably knew they would. Based on Bruce's post, it's highly possible that T4C's intention here is not to win, but to learn game-play and clan-organization from a top clan. If that's there reason for challenging the Top 5 clans, I'm cool with that. Win or lose, T4C has much to gain from this challenge.

interesting oppinion

Personally you write us out but If in this 50 game match we get over 15 I will be happy, and who knows, maybe the biggest upset of CC ever.

So what about this then? TOFU 24 T4C 26

hard to achive that, if you want to learn,then you dont care about results,right.

THOTA vs L4D 29-11 72.5% (although it's was only 40 games, not 41)

Well ,its not ok,to put something out of context. These results are from CCCup,second round-and not our or Thota clan decide who will play with who. We play first round and win against DLVD(duch clan),and then bracket move to our clan play against Thota. And before thota,we play many clans chalenges,against middle ranked clans, and i can not remember do we play with any of 10 first clans .
Personaly i agree with jpcloet, any new clan,need to try to play with new.or medium clans for begining.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50]

Postby eddie2 on Sat Dec 25, 2010 6:30 am

guys i am all for things like this being discussed but we have taken over a challenge thread. does somebody want to make a thread for this to be discussed
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50]

Postby InsomniaRed on Sat Dec 25, 2010 6:37 am

Yeah so back to the challenge I think we are going to manage to win the doodle earth game :lol:
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50]

Postby InsomniaRed on Sat Dec 25, 2010 7:53 am

Game 8153107 goes to TOFU
Game 8151651 goes to TOFU
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50]

Postby Lubawski on Sat Dec 25, 2010 9:43 am

jpcloet wrote:
jpeter15 wrote:
jpcloet wrote:The last few times battles like this happened, the clan on the wrong end ended up fading out. That is not good for the clan world as a whole.

So are you not giving medals in challenges like this as a way of dissuading top clans from taking on newer clans?

The clan medals are being used to promote more equal playing grounds, so the preference of clans should be to take on clans of similar skill levels. So inherently, yes.

I don't think you realize how difficult that is when you are a top clan. There are very few challenges available if any. We had to make concessions in order to challenge the Monkis and that still almost didn't happen. If it hadn't, there was no one left that would have been considered "equal level". Take AOD for example, no offense, but according to what you said here, it would be considered farming if we challenged AOD or a number of other Mid-Level clans, especially given the 17-1 numbers we put up against you in the clan league. So for a top level clan to only play other top clans is unreasonable. There are maps you want to try out, settings you want to test, and it is much safer to do that against an improving lower ranked clan than an established mid-level clan, where those kinds of decisions could backfire (or end in a closer result that skews the clan community's opinion).
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50]

Postby Gold Knight on Sat Dec 25, 2010 11:57 am

Dako wrote:Does competitiveness base on final score (over 70% win rate?) or on some personal feeling? Or due to ladder ranking? You need some kind of actual "formula" or rule for that. Just calling one challenge non-competitive and the one one - it will not work and most of CCers will criticize you.

When the leap frog ladder goes into effect, I believe there will be actual limitations set for challenging within a certain range. So I believe we just have to be patient for now until JP gets all of his work on clans done.
xxtig12683xx wrote:yea, my fav part was being in the sewer riding a surfboard and wacking these alien creatures.

shit was badass
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50]

Postby phantomzero on Sat Dec 25, 2010 7:57 pm

jpeter15 wrote:
jpcloet wrote:
jpeter15 wrote:
jpcloet wrote:The last few times battles like this happened, the clan on the wrong end ended up fading out. That is not good for the clan world as a whole.

So are you not giving medals in challenges like this as a way of dissuading top clans from taking on newer clans?

The clan medals are being used to promote more equal playing grounds, so the preference of clans should be to take on clans of similar skill levels. So inherently, yes.

I appreciate the no BS response. I see your point and actually think you are right for the most part. My biggest concern is that it sets a precedent that will cause issues in the future. How do you determine a competitive challenge vs non-competitive? Is it just a judgment call? If so, who makes the judgment call? If it is a non-competitive challenge, does the result go into your formula for rankings?

I understand there is no perfect solution here but its good you are here explaining the thought process.

I think this is what I was trying to say in my posts in this thread. I think it's great that clans seem to be getting more popular and the medals should help that even more. I agree that this one is a very lop sided challenge but good on TOFU for accepting and for T4C for having the balls to do it.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50]

Postby TheSaxlad on Sun Dec 26, 2010 4:17 am


Back to the war. TOFU have taken the first blood like everyone thought they would and after the first couple of games have ended they lead, by my count at least. 3-0.

However T4C are looking strong in some of the games, so if all goes well then it could be slightly more even then predicted. However we are subject to lady luck screwing us over so it could be a complete whitewash.

Who Knows?
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50]

Postby Pedronicus on Sun Dec 26, 2010 4:57 pm

phantomzero wrote:I think it's great that clans seem to be getting more popular

Ever since this site started allowing people to group together and form clans, (which happened ages ago) I've always struggled to understand why people who preferred to play their games in a more team like way weren't given the tools that have only just been made by the site.

Frankly, I feel that the management just stopped playing games and lost touch with the site they made. Why Lack never made a couple of multi's and carried on playing in secret is beyond me. Expecting a bunch of brown nosing players to give him the right feedback was never going to happen.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50]

Postby lord voldemort on Sun Dec 26, 2010 5:39 pm

how do you know he doesnt have a bunch of other accounts ;)
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50]

Postby InsomniaRed on Sun Dec 26, 2010 5:39 pm

lord voldemort wrote:how do you know he doesnt have a bunch of other accounts ;)

Those are trade secrets LoVo!! Shhh :-$
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50]

Postby Lubawski on Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:43 pm

InsomniaRed wrote:
lord voldemort wrote:how do you know he doesnt have a bunch of other accounts ;)

Those are trade secrets LoVo!! Shhh :-$

Don't mind him. He's been drunk for the past 3 days straight. You should see some of the things he's been posting in our forum.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50]

Postby InsomniaRed on Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:45 pm

Lubawski wrote:
InsomniaRed wrote:
lord voldemort wrote:how do you know he doesnt have a bunch of other accounts ;)

Those are trade secrets LoVo!! Shhh :-$

Don't mind him. He's been drunk for the past 3 days straight. You should see some of the things he's been posting in our forum.

I'd rather not :lol:

Anyway. All games have started now and are under way. Woo!
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50]

Postby phantomzero on Sun Dec 26, 2010 9:17 pm

Pedronicus wrote:
phantomzero wrote:I think it's great that clans seem to be getting more popular

Ever since this site started allowing people to group together and form clans, (which happened ages ago) I've always struggled to understand why people who preferred to play their games in a more team like way weren't given the tools that have only just been made by the site.

Frankly, I feel that the management just stopped playing games and lost touch with the site they made. Why Lack never made a couple of multi's and carried on playing in secret is beyond me. Expecting a bunch of brown nosing players to give him the right feedback was never going to happen.

Agreed. That's why I'm happy that finally things are coming together. It's great to see clans of all levels get together for a mutual ass whooping by TOFU. If only they had a medal for that ;)
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50]

Postby InsomniaRed on Sun Dec 26, 2010 9:46 pm

phantomzero wrote:
Pedronicus wrote:
phantomzero wrote:I think it's great that clans seem to be getting more popular

Ever since this site started allowing people to group together and form clans, (which happened ages ago) I've always struggled to understand why people who preferred to play their games in a more team like way weren't given the tools that have only just been made by the site.

Frankly, I feel that the management just stopped playing games and lost touch with the site they made. Why Lack never made a couple of multi's and carried on playing in secret is beyond me. Expecting a bunch of brown nosing players to give him the right feedback was never going to happen.

Agreed. That's why I'm happy that finally things are coming together. It's great to see clans of all levels get together for a mutual ass whooping by TOFU. If only they had a medal for that ;)

Oh oh! Go make a suggestion. That sounds like an awesome medal O:)
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [4-0 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby tokle on Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:43 am

Game 8153118. We got one at least. 8-)
An away game to boot.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [4-0 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby Lubawski on Tue Dec 28, 2010 1:36 pm

tokle wrote:Game 8153118. We got one at least. 8-)
An away game to boot.

I'm sure there will be more to come with you leading the charge.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [5-1 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby Qwert on Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:06 pm

easy tofy,dont go so fast,try to play slow,so that these not be quick chalenge.
I see 6-1,not 5-1
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [4-0 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby elfish_lad on Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:11 pm

tokle wrote:Game 8153118. We got one at least. 8-)
An away game to boot.

Yeah. Holy Crap. That was my map too!!! I couldn't believe when I came back to that game and you had taken insom out by round three or four. Ouch. Well played mates.

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Re: TOFU vs T4C [4-0 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby InsomniaRed on Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:12 pm

elfish_lad wrote:
tokle wrote:Game 8153118. We got one at least. 8-)
An away game to boot.

Yeah. Holy Crap. That was my map too!!! I couldn't believe when I came back to that game and you had taken insom out by round three or four. Ouch. Well played mates.


Hey...I told you guys I was didn't listen :lol: :lol:
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [4-0 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby Lubawski on Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:14 pm

InsomniaRed wrote:Hey...I told you guys I was didn't listen :lol: :lol:

When you tell a guy that you are vulnerable, they lose all blood flow to their brain. Simple mistake.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [5-1 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby elfish_lad on Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:17 pm

lol, too damn true
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [5-1 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby TheSaxlad on Wed Dec 29, 2010 5:00 am

lol, we seem to be winning our great lakes game as well.

You never know we might get more than 5 games won :)
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [5-1 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby BlackKnight_6 on Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:29 am

Right now I would settle for one damn win against TOFU.

This crusader is feeling pretty black and bruised.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [5-1 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby TheSaxlad on Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:39 am

BlackKnight_6 wrote:Right now I would settle for one damn win against TOFU.

This crusader is feeling pretty black and bruised.

but still in the fight :)
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