Conquer Club

coreypoonugget smokeabowl roguevillian raver[CLEARED]ES.

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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]

coreypoonugget smokeabowl roguevillian raver[CLEARED]ES.

Postby ricthefirst on Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:40 am



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s):

Game 8181451
Game 8180804

all five of these accounts have been created within 22 minutes of each other:
corey: Decmber 22nd 2:51AM
smoke: Decmber 22nd 2:46AM
rogue: Decmber 22nd 2:45AM
raver: Decmber 22nd 3:07AM
afcb: Decmber 22nd 3:03AM

and all five of them can be found in two games, corey raver and afcb in Game 8181451 and corey smoke and rogue in
Game 8180804
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Re: coreypoonugget smokeabowl roguevillian raver4life afcb..

Postby DJPatrick on Thu Dec 23, 2010 4:10 am

In the first game, these three are Yank, Kanuk and the second game the same American and two Canadians...if this is one multi, he/she is getting around a bit considering the airport chaos...the fact that five players from three seperate nations joined within "22 mins" prob makes the CC-owners very happy does it not????
What is your involvement in this, being a Canadian yourself? Do you know any of these pps???
All players but one are in multiple games yet you centred on the ones with the highest concentration of them kinda makes sense that new players would look for games about to start so they can actually play...the two games you cited started within 24hrs (give or take "22 mins") of them joining...the fact that there were other ?s in the two games (and in most of those NOT cited) was prob a reason for attracting others...
In the game YOU are personally involved with some of them, does there play suggest they are multis? How could it, as it's a manual deploy and even tho no other turns have been taken, the placement they have made indicates that if they are multis of some other, more experienced player, then that other player is damned bad at this as these guys have no hope in hell even before the dice are rolled.
Some of their other games, seperately, show that they also have a lot to all of us once did (and dumb asses like me still do)...
I'd ask again, Why did you report this??? Slow news day in Canada or are you really just annoyed that noobs have joined a game you're in???
The C&A Mods push a lot of shiite up-hill and really don't appreciate complaints with no proof and little investigation...
Have a Great Yuletide Pagan Festivity!!!
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Re: coreypoonugget smokeabowl roguevillian raver4life afcb..

Postby Evil Semp on Fri Dec 24, 2010 9:47 pm

coreypoonugget, smokeabowl, roguedogvillian, raver4life and afcbverwood are CLEARED.
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