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Postby Doublett22 on Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:16 am


Ok, this is crazy everyone, this guy had an account by the name of ShaftFace and there is already Forum subject about that account. What is new is that he has another account by the name of Shafted3, he joined a doubles RT game and said the following in the chat.This is the entire game chat:

Game# 306635

2007-03-21 03:20:52 - shafted3: ahahhah.. you've ben shafted AGAIN
2007-03-21 03:21:17 - shafted3: do you 2 remember me?
2007-03-21 03:21:55 - shafted3: do you? I left you negative feedback? remember that game
2007-03-21 03:22:08 - shafted3: bossplunkett.,... you've ben SHAFTED
2007-03-21 03:29:29 - bossplunkett: well I didnt se it was doubles my bad and apparently I got stuck with multi who hates GG guys
2007-03-21 03:46:13 - Doublett22: gg blossplunkett

As you can see, in the chat he tells us about his new "multiple account" and flaunts at the -ve feedback he left us which was for no reason at all, his partner bossplunkett complains about him, and then towards the end the game he attacks his own partner like he did in the game we played with him under the account name of ShaftFace. The game ends without us even saying a word to him, then half an hour later he posts me and my partner a -ve. Im almost a 100% sure he left his partner a -ve too although i have not checked. In the -ve he left for my partner he copied an alreay ecisting -ve and reposted it just as he did inder the account name of ShaftFace.

This is the post i wrote under the other forum on Shaftface and the first game we played with him before he got his new account you can check that too. I am simply copying what i wrote in the other forum and pasting it here:

Game# 301963

This guy is such a trash head, he came into his first game and it was a doubles game and while we were playing the game i was speaking with his partner and i refered to her as "man" it turned out that she was a girl (Apey i think the name was), so after she said she was a girl her partner threw out a very rude comment at her for no reason at all and she didnt reply. Then as we were playing he started attacking her units in the game. After the game ended he did what in my opinion was the stupidest thing ever. He went and left a -ve feedback for my partner who never even spoke a word to him (i dont think any of us did), but the catch is that he did not write the -ve feedback, what he did was copy one -ve feedbacks that was already there and then reposted it as his own, so now there are 2 -ve feedbacks which are exactly the same, he also wrote a -ve for Apey but his time he did not copy it he wrote it and i think the only reason he did that was because she had no -ve to recopy and paste again. Bottom line this person is completely off balance and should be refered to the nearest therapy center. For reference to the game which all this happened check up 301963, i think one of the mods might have deleted his posts in the chat cus none of what he wrote is there now, but none the less look at the feedback he left my partner, and he left me a neutral saying he didnt think i was a nice person,,,but whats nice is that neither me or my partner even spoke to him, this guy honestly needs help in life.

Anyone have a similar experience with this berzerk person?

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Lieutenant Doublett22
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Location: Michigan

Postby Master Bush on Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:01 am

They have already been BUSTED. They will be allow to finish their started games.

Can you do us a favor, and next time use the proper form located here.

Thank you.
"You know what they say about Love and War...."
"Yeah, one involves a lot of physical and psychological pain, and the other one's War."
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