by dolphlad on Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:21 am
Only just seen this post so I will give a reply now. Myself an Shredhed are friends from other online games. Patsfan was informed before that i was making it 3 player so someone I knew could join. Yes we happen to play most games together (most of the games we are in only include other people we know) so If myself and shredhed are multis then so must France!, Denzei and Reckon. All 3 will confirm that we are a group of friends that play together and the majority of the time we play games that only include ourselves so that we can voice chat on skype while we play. We do not have secret diplomacy going on as we really don't care to see ourselves win that way. In game 8154394 you will see that myself and Shred spent a large amount of the time attacking each other and ignoring the other players as we were trying to annoy each other. Also Shred wins some games, I win others and in some neither of us win. So no point me having 2 accounts taking points off each other really is it? Alos if you check all 5 of us have different IP fact France! logs in from America and the UK, as he lives in both countries, Reckon logs in from Spain and Denzei logs in from Sweden and all of them will confirm that we don't play to aid each other but to individually win and that none of us are multis.