Arama86n wrote:End of the day fact still stands, anyone who doesn't want alstergren joining their games can foe him. If alstergren doesn't want you joining his games he can foe you (which it appears he did).
At the end of the day the fact still stands. He joined one I was invited to and pulled his game loading shenanigans.
But yes, unfortunately, this complaint will not stand even though the tactics are extremely cheap.
alstergren wrote:2. jefjef - you constantly keep justifying the decision to put you on my foe list. I see no reason for you to go off-topic and flame. If you have any real and specific issues, and not just conspiracy theories, feel free to air them in an appropriate way. But your posts in this thread are just exhausting. IMO jefjef should receive a warning for flaming/off-topic/trolling etc.
Really? Off topic. This complaint is in re of game abuse. I'm 100% on topic.
Flames? Stating facts is not flaming or trolling. If you feel it is perhaps you should file a complaint instead of trying to troll me.