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same person or secret strixX & tthammy[warned & blocked]es

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same person or secret strixX & tthammy[warned & blocked]es

Postby jeepnmateo on Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:47 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 8129600


There are several reasons to believe that these two players are either the same person or are conducting secret diplomacy.
Weak evidence: Both are new users, both are from the same country. Strong evidence: Both have identical strategies which are to attack everyone but each other unless it's to gain needed territories for bonuses, both continue to leave their borders completely unprotected against each other w/o concern of being attacked, and finally, tthammy's turns happen almost immediately after strixX's turns.
Major jeepnmateo
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Re: same person or secret diplomacy - strixX & tthammy

Postby jeepnmateo on Sat Dec 18, 2010 10:39 am

Administration, please take action, strixX just admitted to secret diplomacy in the game chat, nice!!

2010-12-16 23:24:37 - jeepnmateo: Blue and Yellow, it's pretty clear that you are either the same player or forming illegal alliances. You're strategies are identical, you don't attack each other unless it's for maximum gain, you're from the same country and you make moves back-to-back.
2010-12-17 03:24:32 - strixX: no we are not the same guy...
2010-12-17 22:01:32 - jeepnmateo: No comment on the illegal alliances? I must have been right then.
2010-12-18 04:03:18 - strixX: not really it's just diplomacy.
2010-12-18 10:33:35 - jeepnmateo: Secret diplomacy, and it's illegal. You've been reported.
Major jeepnmateo
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Re: same person or secret diplomacy - strixX & tthammy

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:23 am

tthammy and strixX have been WARNED and BLOCKED.

strixX and tthammy are CLEARED of being multi's.
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