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Victor Sullivan wrote:Evil DIMwit wrote:Like you said. There's going to be a few players starting in Gilgamesh, but whoever starts with Ur would have a river territory all to themselves.
Theoretically, I suppose. But likely what will happen is someone will start with Nanna and someone else with Ur. I don't see how that could be too much of a problem. Can't I set things so that someone can't get a land territory and the city within it anyway?
natty_dread wrote:what is B.C.E. ?
before common era
greenoaks wrote:i'm new to this thread but i have read all posts so far
when i looked at the map in the first post i found it confusing
the image for river territories threw me, it was only after i viewed the previous versions that i figured out what that little image represented. will that be the final little pic ?
in your Cities description, the 2nd sentance 'receive a bonus of ....' should start with a capital R.
for the description for River Territories you have 'the fertile earth of the river territories .....'. i think i have always heard these places described as 'the fertile soil of the river territories .....'. you also refer to it as fertile soil on the other side of the map.
it then says 'but the swamp lands reduce your troop count there by one'
- where are the swamp lands ?
- is it 1 on each terit i hold or 1 total, regardless of how many territories i hold ?
- the space between the words your & troop could be larger so it does not look like oneword
it then says 'Dominate each river, the Tigris and the Euphrates, for a bonus of 4 per river (all 4 territories) held'. that does not flow for me. what about -
'Dominate the Tigris or the Euphrates (hold all 4 territories of either), for a bonus of 4 per river.'
- is that bonus 4 in total or 4 + the 2 mentioned earlier at - 'river territories provide a bonus of 1 per 2 territories'
then you have 'River territories can attack all the cities within itself And any adjacent river territory connected by'
- sentences do not start with And, it is a joiner, so it should have a lower case a
- i don't like this '... all cities within itself ...' but atm i don't have an alternative for you to mull over
what does the squiggle/dotted line separating territories represent ?
what is B.C.E. ?
greenoaks wrote:for the description for River Territories you have 'the fertile earth of the river territories .....'. i think i have always heard these places described as 'the fertile soil of the river territories .....'. you also refer to it as fertile soil on the other side of the map.
it then says 'but the swamp lands reduce your troop count there by one'
- where are the swamp lands ?
- is it 1 on each terit i hold or 1 total, regardless of how many territories i hold ?
it then says 'Dominate each river, the Tigris and the Euphrates, for a bonus of 4 per river (all 4 territories) held'. that does not flow for me. what about -
'Dominate the Tigris or the Euphrates (hold all 4 territories of either), for a bonus of 4 per river.'
- is that bonus 4 in total or 4 + the 2 mentioned earlier at - 'river territories provide a bonus of 1 per 2 territories'
then you have 'River territories can attack all the cities within itself And any adjacent river territory connected by'
- sentences do not start with And, it is a joiner, so it should have a lower case a
- i don't like this '... all cities within itself ...' but atm i don't have an alternative for you to mull over
what does the squiggle/dotted line separating territories represent ?
what is B.C.E. ?
Evil DIMwit wrote:greenoaks wrote:it then says 'Dominate each river, the Tigris and the Euphrates, for a bonus of 4 per river (all 4 territories) held'. that does not flow for me. what about -
'Dominate the Tigris or the Euphrates (hold all 4 territories of either), for a bonus of 4 per river.'
- is that bonus 4 in total or 4 + the 2 mentioned earlier at - 'river territories provide a bonus of 1 per 2 territories'
This is a good question. Victor?
Evil DIMwit wrote:greenoaks wrote:what is B.C.E. ?
B.C.E. is just another way of saying B.C. without having to use a religious reference point to define dates. The religiously neutral equivalent of A.D. is C.E.
what does the squiggle/dotted line separating territories represent ?
It represents the fact that they're not the same territory.
then you have 'River territories can attack all the cities within itself And any adjacent river territory connected by'
* sentences do not start with And, it is a joiner, so it should have a lower case a
* i don't like this '... all cities within itself ...' but atm i don't have an alternative for you to mull over
"A river territory can attack all cities within itself" or "within its borders." Maybe "River territories can attack all cities within their own borders."
greenoaks wrote:@Sully - part of my confusion was the name, i was looking at the rivers for the river territories, ie. that the river had been split up into territories.
greenoaks wrote:Evil DIMwit wrote:greenoaks wrote:what is B.C.E. ?
B.C.E. is just another way of saying B.C. without having to use a religious reference point to define dates. The religiously neutral equivalent of A.D. is C.E.
why would we use religious neutral letters to count the years before and after a religious event. BC & AD are the global standard.
besides the Common Era started after WW2, or perhaps when the Industrial Revolution started. maybe it was when the United Nations was created.
my point is there is nothing common about life today and that of the Middle Ages or Dark Ages so why is that being pushed on us. i could understand if it had relevance to the civilisation but it doesn't
btw Sully i am not religious, i don't believe in any of the world's gods but neither am i on a crusade to deny their existance or contribution to the world such as the dating system we currently have
what does the squiggle/dotted line separating territories represent ?
It represents the fact that they're not the same territory.
greenoaks wrote:then you have 'River territories can attack all the cities within itself And any adjacent river territory connected by'
* sentences do not start with And, it is a joiner, so it should have a lower case a
* i don't like this '... all cities within itself ...' but atm i don't have an alternative for you to mull over
"A river territory can attack all cities within itself" or "within its borders." Maybe "River territories can attack all cities within their own borders."
i like the 2nd one
Victor Sullivan wrote:greenoaks wrote:@Sully - part of my confusion was the name, i was looking at the rivers for the river territories, ie. that the river had been split up into territories.
I see. But you understand now, I assume?
I honestly could care less if B.C.E./C.E. or B.C./A.D. were used. They switched to BCE and CE because BC and AD weren't accurate to the time of Christ's death, so they felt is was inappropriate to use that anymore. Like I said, it really doesn't matter to me.
BC & AD are the global standard.
Wikipedia, AncientNearEast, and Kidipede all use BC
natty_dread wrote:BC & AD are the global standard.
No they're not. CE & BCE are used these days in many many places, especially in scientific literature. CE/BCE is the way of the future, it's usage is increasing all the time.Wikipedia, AncientNearEast, and Kidipede all use BC
Don't know about those other sites but wikipedia uses both notations.
Anyway, the subject of the map is ancient Sumer and ancient Sumerians hadn't ever heard of "christ"....
greenoaks wrote:there is however a global calender that uses BC & AD. it is what is used in history books & encyclopedias not published by extremist organisations such as anti-christian/religious groups
i did a google search on it and they were all BC/ADnatty_dread wrote:greenoaks wrote:there is however a global calender that uses BC & AD. it is what is used in history books & encyclopedias not published by extremist organisations such as anti-christian/religious groups
Only paranoid christians think everyone that doesn't agree with their religion is "anti-christian". BCE/CE is used in science all the time now. If you read an archaeology article about ancient sumer, guess what nomination they use? BCE.
Not that I have anything against christians, you see. But facts are facts.
i did a google search on it and they were all BC/AD
Chronological references. Era designations are to be set in capital letters followed by periods and without spaces, never in small caps. AJA uses B.C.E. ("before the common era") and C.E. ("common era"), not B.C. and A.D.
We have decided to use B.C.E. (Before Common Era) and C.E. (Common Era) rather than B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (Anno Domini), or B.P. (Before Present). B.C.E. and C.E. are essentially equivalent to B.C. and A.D. (the dates are, in fact, identical), however, we feel that the former are preferable for two reasons: firstly, B.C. and A.D. suggest a Eurocentric world view that is not necessarily appropriate when discussing cultures that existed in North America almost 10 000 years prior to European contact; secondly, confusion has arisen regarding the actual date of the birth of Jesus Christ, with most experts generally placing the birth between 7 and 4 years prior to the year 1. The designations B.C.E. and C.E. are not contingent on any particular event in history, rather considering the year 1 to be no more than simply that year that has traditionally been designated 1.
In Ontario, the use of B.P. is fairly standard in the dating of prehistoric events. As an organisation that deals with both prehistoric and historic archaeology, however, the dates that we deal with span a fairly significant length of time. In an attempt to avoid confusion, we decided to use only one system for all of the events discussed here rather than using B.P. to classify more ancient events and C.E. to classify more recent ones. As a discussion of the year 1830 as 170 B.P. would, we feel, confuse far more than clarify, we elected to forgo the use of B.P. altogether, and classify all events as B.C.E. or C.E.
you have provided no facts, i have provided examples
please stop pushing your extremist views on the rest of CC
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